

Study on Tech Niques for Asexual Propagation of Nitraria Tangutorum

【作者】 李炜

【导师】 肖斌; 郝玉光;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林业, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 唐古特白刺(Nitratia tangutorum Bobr.)是我国干旱区生物治沙的主要造林树种之一,但其种子繁殖子代性状分异很大。为了实现苗木的良种化,本文运用不同激素及其不同浓度处理对唐古特白刺嫩枝和硬枝扦插技术进行了研究。主要结论如下:(1)采用5种激素(ABT、NAA、GA、IAA、IBA)和4种浓度(100、250、500、750mg/L)对嫩枝扦插苗进行处理后,成活率分别比对照处理提高2.5~20.0%、1.3~17.3%、13.3~17.3%、6.0~12.0%和4.0~11.3%,其中,ABT250mg/L组合成活率可达56.75%,效果最佳。4种浓度平均成活率GA(51.8%)>ABT(48.7%)>NAA(44.5%)>IAA(41.6%)>IBA(41.3%)>对照(36.8%)。5种激素对嫩枝扦插苗的数量性状(根数、叶片数)的影响程度较苗木质量性状(根系长度、根径、新生枝长度、叶片长度)大。不同激素对嫩枝扦插苗的增效功能各异,其中,IBA明显促进根量,IAA促进叶量显著,NAA对新生枝和叶片长度以及根径作用较强,IAA助长根系效果较好。激素与嫩枝扦插苗的生根状况关系密切。(2)采用5种激素(ABT、NAA、IAA、IBA、NAA+IBA)和4种浓度(100、200、400、600mg/L)及其配比组合均能显著提高硬枝扦插成活率。其中,NAA400mg/L组合处理成活率最高,占87.5%,IBA100mg/L和NAA、IBA 100mg/L处理成活率分别为82.5%和77.5%,三者分别是对照的2.69倍、2.54倍和2.39倍。整体来看,扦插苗各项生长指标均高于对照且差异显著,其中,NAA+IBA以苗高(63.6cm)、地径(1.38cm)、地上生物量(620.4g)和地下生物量(80.8g)为最佳;IBA以根长(78.3cm)和根数(69.6条)为最好;NAA与ABT以基部分枝数(3.8条)为最多;IAA在促进最大枝长度(125.5cm)中最为突出。在硬枝扦插苗的各项生长指标中,以NAA+IBA(200mg/L)处理最优。

【Abstract】 Nitrat ia tangutorum Bobr.was one of the main afforesting tree species for biological fixed-sand method in the arid area of our country.But the differentiation for the subgeneration of its seed was very great.In order to realize high-quality degree of seedling for Nitratia tangutorum Bobr.Using different treatments for hormone and concentration,Techniques for tender branch cutting and hard wood cutting of Nitratia tangutorum Bobr.were studied in this paper.The main research results were as follows:(1) In comparison with contrast treatment,through treatments for five hormones(ABT, NAA,GA,IAA,IBA) and four concentrations(100mg/L,250mg/L,500mg/L,750mg/L), survival rate for seedling of tender branch cutting was improved by 2.5-20.0%,1.3-17.3%, 13.3-17.3%,6.0-12.0%and 4.0-11.3%respectively,among them,the survival rate for association of ABT250mg/L can reach 56.75%and was the best.Average survival rate of 4 kinds of concentration showed GA(51.8%)>ABT(48.7%)>NAA(44.5%)>IAA(41.6%)>IBA (41.3%)>CK(36.8%).The influence degree of 5 kinds of hormone on quantitative character(the number of root and leaf) for seedling of tender branch cutting was larger than their qualitative character(root length,root diameter,new branch length and leaf length). Different kinds of hormone had different synergy to seedling of tender branch cutting.Among them,IBA and IAA obviously promoted the growth of root and leaf respectively,NAA play a important role on the growth of new branch length,leaf length and root diameter and IAA had obvious effect on the growth of root.There were close relations between hormone and growth state for seedling of tender branch cutting.(2) After treating through five hormones(ABT,NAA,IAA,IBA,NAA+IBA),four concentrations(100mg/L,250mg/L,500mg/L,750mg/L) and their combination,their survival rate for seedling of hard wood cutting was improved obviously,among them,the survival rate for association of NAA+400mg/L accounted for 87.5%and was the highest,and the survival rate for association of IBA 100mg/L and NAA+IBA 100mg/L was 82.5%and 77.5% respectively,The three were 2.69 times,2.54 times and 2.39 times of the check treatment separately.On the whole,all growth indicators for the cutting seedlings were higher than that of the check treatment and had significant difference between the two.In terms of seedling height(63.6cm),ground diameter(1.38cm),above ground biomass(620.4g) and under ground biomass(80.8g),the association of NAA+IBA was the best.In respect of root length(78.3cm) and root number(69.6),IBA was the best.NAA and ABT were with branch number(3.8) at base best.IAA was with maximum branch length(125.5cm) best.In all growth indicators for seedling of hard wood cutting,the association of NAA+IBA(400mg/L) was the best.


