

The Developing Status Quo and Prospect of Mobile Media in the Sports Dissemination

【作者】 钱琦

【导师】 王螽庆;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 体育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在信息高速发展的当代社会,人们获取信息的渠道越来越多,越来越便捷。随着移动网络技术的发展以及移动终端功能的迅猛革新,手机己经成为越来越多的人获取资讯的重要方式。手机不仅仅拥有传统意义上的发短信、打电话、接电话等功能。由于传承了移动通信“移动性、个人性、实时性、安全性”的特点,手机所拥有的最大特征是比电脑互联网更为普及,比报纸、电视更为互动,比电视便于携带。可以说,没有哪一种媒体能够拥有如此庞大的潜在用户群,也没有哪一种媒体可以像手机那样深入受众。它集中了以往四大媒体:纸质媒体、广播媒体、电视媒体、网络媒体的优点,而且,具有无线网络媒体传输的随时随地随身的新特征。手机作为移动通讯终端已几近完美,完美的技术又赋予它向大众媒体转变的物质基础。体育凭借自己提供的精彩体育赛事吸引了大量观众,这一社会现象又吸引了众多新闻媒体的报道和关注。手机媒体从发展初期开始,就与体育赛事结下了不解之缘。近年来,手机媒体通过报道体育赛事为自身带来了一定的社会效益和经济效益,而体育也搭载了手机媒体这个有效的传播工具,扩大自己的影响。但相对其它四大媒体来说,目前手机媒体对体育传播的力度以及篇幅还不够大,大多数受众还是习惯于通过以往的四大媒体获取体育信息。本文根据调查手机媒体对体育宣传报道的现状,研究手机媒体对体育传播的积极及负面的影响,并提出一定的建议。作者在阅读并研究有关社会学、新闻传播学、体育传播学、体育经济学以及通过互联网对中国期刊网(1997-2008)中的全文数据库、中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库与论文相关期刊文章等文献资料的基础上,对200名受众、30名媒体记者和10名专家发放调查问卷共计240份。根据所搜集的资料进行统计分析,对手机媒体在体育传播中的现状分析及前景研究进行分析探讨,得出如下结论:(一)手机媒体所具有的功能特性与体育传播中受众的需求十分契合,比传统媒体更能满足时代的需要。目前手机媒体与体育传播已经有了较为密切的合作,使体育传播的过程变得更快速、便捷和时尚。(二)体育信息为手机媒体带来了丰厚的经济收益,全球体育信息的传播是随着大众传播介质的发展而发展壮大的。二者相互促进,互进互荣。(三)手机媒体的受众群体比较集中,基本上是在20—45岁受过高等教育的人群中,较为普及。建议应加强对受众群体的开发力度,尤其是中老年人的手机阅读习惯。(四)手机媒体目前在国内的发展比较狭窄,就体育传播而言,手机媒体与体育传播最广泛的应用是将传统媒体的纸质报纸翻录到手机这个传播介质上,电视转播才刚起步,其多媒体性尚未完全开发。(五)受众对手机媒体所提供的体育信息内容不够满意,应加强手机媒体中体育信息内容的多样性及丰富性。(六)受众对手机媒体所传播的体育信息可信度不高,手机媒体需要有类似传统媒体的“把关”部门。使得信息更为准确、可靠。建议加强手机媒体的法规建设,提升其专业度。(七)随着技术的革新.即将到来的手机3G时代,将会使手机媒体在体育传播方面的应用更加广泛和深入。手机媒体在对体育传播的过程中,应充分开发其多媒体性的功能,扩大受众群体,在目前的基础上,突破技术障碍,以便更好地服务于体育传播获取更大的经济等方面的收益,成为个人移动媒体的终极形式。

【Abstract】 Currently, the information technology has developed rapidly. People can obtain information via lots of convenient channels. Due to the speedy development of innovation by mobile Internet technology and mobile terminals function, the cell phone become the most important tool to diffuse information through the day life. Affect by the High-quality technology, cell phone is not only used in the traditional way currently. It played a main role in the daily life with its four characteristics, which is mobility, private, timely, and security. To compare with the net of computer, cell phone is more widespread, its users were distributinged in every class of society. Also, cell phone technology is provided with interactive playground that is short in the traditional media, such as news paper and TV. In addition, cell phone technology has most of advantages of four traditional media channels (paper, radio, TV, internet) and the wireless technology made cell phone more conform to the times. Acting as the mobile communication transmission, cell phone was improved perfectly; the high technology and people needs push it into a new mission that is the propagation of sports. As we know, sport has become much more popular in recent years, there are various sports events attract people’s attention. In recent years, Mobile media made a huge economic profit by reporting sports events to sports lovers. In another way, sports become more fashionable because of the efficient drumbeating from mobile media. However, even cell phone played an important role day to day , but compare with other medias, mobile media still confront few challenges, such as the amount of information and limited length. Otherwise, most of people obtain information from traditional media more often than mobile media. In this journal, base on the research of mobile media application in sports, we will find out the impact of on the sports spread and forward some reasonable suggestions. After researched and read the full-text articles from Chinese Journal Network (1997-2008) and doctor’s thesis from the thesis article database in the terms of Sociology, Journalism, Sports Communication, and Sports Economics, the author had recruited 200 audiences, 30 reporters and 10 media experts, which has 240 questionnaire in total.According to the data analysis we did, the conclusion as follow:1) The need of the user and the function and characteristic of mobile media and sports transmitting are consisted with each other. The cooperation gradually became frequent between mobile media and sports transmitting. As a result, the process of sports transmitting become faster, more convenient, and more fashion than before.2) The sport information has brought rich economic benefits for mobile media. The transmitting of the global sports information is advanced with the development of the medium of the public communication. They are stimulating the development of each other while they benefit each other.3) The population who use mobile media centralized in the age group of 20 to 45, who has had high educational background. I recommend it should be strength the developing extent in group, especially some need from the elder group.4) The development of mobile media is still very restricted. According to the situation on the sports transmitting, the wide application between mobile media and sports transmitting is to replace the news paper with the electronic mobile information. The function of the mobile media has not full developed yet such as multimedia.5) The users still reported their unsatisfactions with the sports information that provided by mobile media. In this case, the variety of the sports information needs to be strengthened.6) The users do not satisfy about the reliability of the sports information that provided by mobile media. The quality of the information should be improved by some department, in order to make the information more concise and reliable. I suggest adding more standards to increase the professional of the information.7) Caused by the innovation, the 3G mobile technology will be used widely in the application of mobile media, which should develop the multimedia function and expand its amount of users. Otherwise, breaking through the barrier of technology is necessary. Wishing the mobile media can create a number of economic benefits in the future.

【关键词】 手机媒体体育传播受众
【Key words】 mobile mediasports transmittingaudience
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

