

Research on the Mechanism of Land Requisition and Compensation

【作者】 陈建民

【导师】 沈军;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 土地是人类生存和发展最基础的资源,随着社会经济的发展,现代人口的剧增,以及近年来房地产热的骤升,人类对建设用地的需求日益增长。农业用地是建设用地的主要后备资源,农地征用也就成为取得建设用地的重要途径。土地征用补偿是各国通行的协调土地征用中私益与公益冲突的基本制度,是对国家侵犯个人权益或团体权益的救济途径。然而,由于在我国欠缺一套完备而足以保护被征用人利益的补偿制度,导致土地征用中出现了补偿范围过窄,补偿标准过低,利益分配不当等问题。据统计,目前我国各地群众上访案件中涉及土地问题的近40%,其中60%左右涉及征地问题。为此,有必要对土地征用补偿制度作深入的研究,并借鉴西方国家土地征用补偿制度的经验,以完善我国的土地征用补偿制度。本文在对土地征用与土地征用补偿进行理论考察的基础上,从实践的角度去思考,先后考察了美、、德、法、日等国外的土地征用补偿机制,从中得诸多启发,积累了丰富经验。然后从我国土地征用补偿的实践出发,考察了我国土地征用补偿机制的现状,并对江苏、上海和浙江等省市的创新实践进行了总结回顾,提出了我国在土地征用补偿机制上存在的问题,诸如,补偿原则尚未明确;补偿偏低;补偿计算方法不科学;补偿标准随意性与不一致性;补偿费分配管理混乱;补偿费产权分配主体不清,利益归属不明;公众参与程度不高,缺乏透明度;行政监督制度不健全、补偿程序不完善。然后,尝试着提出了一些解决问题的思路:借鉴国外先进的立法经验并结合我国国情,从而在我国宪法中应该规定“完全补偿”的土地征用补偿原则,为农地征用补偿立法具体规定补偿标准明确宪法基础。可将“公正补偿”原则作为从“合理补偿”到“完全补偿”过渡的原则;为了切实保护农民利益,也为了建设我国完善的土地市场,征地补偿必须以土地的市场价格为依据,实行合理公正的补偿;适当扩大补偿范围,合理确定补偿项目:首先,土地承包权包括对土地的占有、使用、收益和一定的处分权,依法可以流转,本身具有价值并可以货币形式体现。其次,土地承包经营权的客体即特定农民所承包的土地,己凝聚了此前承包者对土地进行改良的投工和投资,土地被征后这笔投资将无法收回。再次,在土地所有权与使用权分离的情况下,土地承包经营权人是实际的土地使用者,土地是他们的主要生产资料和生活保障;改革征地制度,提高土地补偿标准;建立科学公正的土地评估机构;)补偿方式的复合化、社会保障化;建立土地价格评估中介机构,以土地价格为依据,形成客观的土地补偿标准;针对征地收益分配这个问题,建议建立土地股权制度,在稳定承包地的前提下,把村民承包的土地折算成股份,在村集体经济组织中建账立册,并根据村民人口和土地变化情况,在延包期内每隔若干年调整一次土地股权,采用动账不动地。在土地被征用时,按土地股权分配征地款,既公平合理,又有利于稳定农业生产;在司法程序中,应将司法审查引入土地征收补偿争端解决机制。在行政程序中,除了规定补偿通知和公告、补偿登记并听取意见、审查或调查、协商并签订补偿协议、补偿争议的行政处理外,建议规定先予补偿程序。按照目前法律规定,发生土地补偿费用争议的,应由县级以上政府协调,协调不成的则由批准征用土地的人民政府裁决。这种由政府当裁判员的做法,不符合国外通常是由独立于政府的机构来仲裁征地纠纷的国际惯例;严格监督检查机制,确保征地补偿及时足额到位;在农地征用补偿过程中,出现不当或违法行为,应依法承担相应的民事责任、行政责任甚至刑事责任。

【Abstract】 Land is the basic resource for survival and development of human being whose demand to land is rising progressively along with the development of economy and the increase of population and the upsurge of real estate industry. Rural land is the main backup resource of the construction land, and requisition of rural land is also the important approach of the acquisition of construction land. The Land Requisition and Compensation (LRC), which is a relief way due to damages to related parties by government, is the basic system that mediates the conflict between the related parties in the world. However, the problems emerged from lack of a set of perfect compensation system, such as, the scope of compensation is too narrow, standard of compensation is too low, and benefit distribution is unbalanced. According to the statistics, at present, the cases of appealing to the higher authorities for help on lands take 40 percent, hereinto, 60 percent refers to land requisition. Therefore, the deep research on system of LRC is necessary by borrowing the foreign experiences so as to perfect the system in our country.This paper introduces the mechanism of LRC of foreign countries such as USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Japan, and Korea from the view of practice based on the review of theory of LRC, and, the elicitation and ample experiences are accumulated. Then, the process of the formation and change in the system of LRC in our country is explored from the practical angle. The problems of mechanism of LRC occurred in China are elaborated after the retrospection of innovation and practice in some provinces such as Jiangsu, Shanghai and Zhejiang, for example, the principle of compensation is unclear, the quantity of compensation is too small, the method of computation is not scientific, the standard of compensation is random and inconsistent, the management of compensation fund is in chaos, the property right of compensation and ascription of related benefits is unclear, the degree of participation by public is not high, there is lack of transparency, supervision is not sound, the procedure of compensation is faulty. Thereafter, some ideas for solving the problems are brought forward, the principle of Full Compensation should be stipulated in national Constitution in accordance with borrowing the foreign advanced lawmaking experience and combining the national situation, the law should be made for the requisition of rural land and the compensation standard should be concrete based on the Constitution. The principle of Just Compensation may be a transition from the principle of Reasonable Compensation to the principle of Full Compensation. For the sake of the benefits of farmer and the building of our perfect land market, the LRC must be based on the market price and fair compensation must be carried out, the scope of compensation should be extended suitably and the item for compensation should be confirmed properly. Firstly, the right of land contract includes the occupancy and use and income to the land and partial disposition, which can be transferred and can be embodied in currency with value. Secondly, the object of the operation right of land contract is the land, which embodies the farmer’s labor and investment that can’t be taken back after the requisition of land. Thirdly, in the situation of the separation of the ownership and use’s right, the person of the land contract operation right is the actual operator, land is the main material for production and guarantee for life. Reforming the system of LRC and increasing the compensation standard and setting up the scientific and fair organizations for land evaluation is necessary. The objective standard for land compensation will be formed by the diversification of the compensation method and social security and building of the land price evaluation organizations based on the land price. Stockholder’s rights system of land should be established against the problem of income distribution of land requisition. The share of the land should be documented according to the amount of land contracted by farmer in the precondition of the steadiness of land contract policy. The share of stockholder should be changed in every some years in accordance with the population and the change of land in the period of land contract by changing the account except land. The compensation fee can be distributed according to the share of land after the requisition of land; it is fair and reasonable and benefits the agriculture production. In the judicial procedure, judicial review should be introduced into the mechanism of solving the dispute of LRC. In the administrative procedure, procedure of compensation in advance should be stipulated except compensation bulletin, compensation registration, public hearing, review, investigation, negotiation, compensation agreement and administrative disposal. The coordination should be made by the county government or higher government in accordance with the law when the dispute of land compensation fee is occurred, it will be judged by the government that approved the land requisition when coordination is not successful. The way of government as a referee falls short of the international tradition, which arbitration is made by the independent organization. The compensation should be implemented timely and sufficiently by strict supervision of the inspection mechanism. In the process of requisition of rural land and compensation, the civil liability and administrative liability and criminal liability must be assumed when the improper or illegal behaviors are occurred.

【关键词】 土地征用补偿机制市场价格
【Key words】 Land RequisitionCompensationMechanism
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】660

