

Research on Distribution of Urban Common Resource in China’s Urbanization Process

【作者】 严吉

【导师】 许庆明;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治经济学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 城市公共资源配置中的歧视不仅加大了农民工在城市生活的成本,也对整体社会福利造成损害。由于制度与政策上的障碍,农民工虽然实现了职业身份的转换,却仍然无法和市民公平地分享各类公共资源,此问题若不能妥善解决必将严重贻误我国城市化的进程。因此研究如何破除公共资源配置中的各种障碍,实现农民工在城市中的各项权益和保障具有十分重要的现实意义。本文首先对城市公共资源进行了定义,在这个基础上考虑到农民工群体的实际情况,对本文主要研究的公共资源做了更进一步的界定。然后结合具体省市的情况对农民工与市民两大群体之间有关城市公共资源享受状况进行了深入的分析探讨,主要从社会保障、子女教育、就业培训和住房补助等几个方面反映出农民工当前在城市中遭受的各类歧视。对以户籍制度为代表的一系列人口城市化配套制度所存在的问题作了相关讨论。并且利用浙江省杭州市的有关数据进行实证分析,以揭示出当前城市在公共资源配置过程中存在的种种问题。在分析城市公共资源配置歧视现状的基础上,本文运用制度经济学、公共经济学和城市经济学的有关理论深入揭示了造成农村剩余劳动力在转移入城市过程中遭受公共资源配置歧视的深层次原因。对农民工问题背后所涉及的相关利益集团之间的相互联系进行了分析,然后主要从公共选择的数量悖论和制度变迁的路径依赖两个角度探讨阻碍城市资源公平配置的各种障碍。最后结合制度创新以及公共产品供给的有关理论,希望为实现人口的有序流动,实现城市公共资源的合理配置提供相应的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The discrimination of urban common resource distribution not only increase the living cost of peasant workers, but also hurt the social welfare as a whole. Due to barriers from institution and policy, though they have entered the urban labor market as the new industrial workers, peasant workers still can not share the same urban common resource, and it must hinder the process the China’s urbanization. So it is quite important to study on how to sweep these barriers for reasonable distribution of urban common resource and realize the basic interests and social welfare for peasant workersThe paper firstly gave the basic definition of the common resource which would be discussed in the article considering the peasant workers’ actual condition. And then it mainly discussed the resource distribution gap between peasant workers and citizens based on analyzing the concrete conditions in different cities. These discriminations were found mainly from unbalanced distribution of social security, education resource, employment training and housing subsidy. This paper also used the data of Hang Zhou for empirical analysis to unveil the problem existing during the distribution of urban common resource.After that, this paper further discussed the deep-seated reasons on these discriminations during the urbanization process using the relative theories of institutional economics, public economics and urban economics. Based on paradox of collective behavior and path dependence of institutional change, this paper probed into the barriers for resource distribution and the relations of different interest groups.Finally combining the institutional innovation and the theory of supply of public goods, this paper made the suggestions for eliminating this discrimination of peasant workers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】F299.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】742

