

The Methods and Effects of Spent Mushroom Substrate as a Kind of Biofertilizer

【作者】 刘雯雯

【导师】 姚拓;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 草业科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 利用甘肃农业大学草地微生物资源与多样性实验室提供的优良PGPR菌株,以食用菌菌糠为菌肥载体,研制植物根际促生菌肥,分析了菌糠作为菌肥载体的可行性;向菌糠接种固氮菌和溶磷菌后进行堆肥,研究了堆肥过程中生物化学指标的变化,从而分析菌糠堆肥腐熟规律并确定腐熟指标;将堆肥终产物用于大田试验以评价堆肥终产物的肥效;测定了堆肥终产物浸提液对10株病原菌的抑菌效果,其结果如下:1.以泥炭为对照,研究了不同载体的吸水能力发现,菌糠吸水能力强于泥炭,可为微生物提供较为湿润的生存环境,其中大粒径菌糠(6mm)吸水能力高于小粒径(2mm)。菌糠载体在至少在135d的保存期内都能使PGPR菌的有效活菌数保持在108个/g以上,并且各菌种在菌糠上的生长均优于泥炭。用保存至40d的菌糠菌肥浸提液进行了发芽试验,在培养至36h、60h时测定苜蓿种子发芽指数发现,浸提液在培养苜蓿种子60h之后,都有80%以上的发芽指数,证明菌糠菌肥对植物生长无毒性。利用上述菌糠菌肥进行了苜蓿盆栽试验,测定了不同时期的株高和第一茬地上生物量发现,菌肥处理和化肥处理差异不显著,说明这种以菌糠作为载体的菌肥,在苜蓿生长过程中可以部分代替化肥。菌糠含有非常丰富的有机质,在适宜目标菌种生长的同时也更容易被其他杂菌污染。2.将接种固氮菌(N)、接种溶磷菌(P)、接种固氮溶磷混合菌(N+P)以及不接菌(CK)这四个处理进行堆肥,堆肥过程中定期测定温度、pH值、E4/E6、有机碳、全量指标(氮、磷、钾)、水溶性指标(水溶性有机碳、氨态氮、硝态氮)、(氮、磷、钾)、纤维素分解菌数量等指标发现:各处理均是良好的堆肥系统,在堆制2个月后能够达到堆肥腐熟要求;接菌处理在一定程度上能够促进堆肥腐熟;接种固氮菌能够提高堆肥速效氮含量,接种溶磷菌能够提高堆肥速效磷含量,而接菌与否对速效钾的最终含量影响不大;在堆肥初期,纤维素分解菌的数量在4.1×106个/g,当堆肥第3d进入高温期时,其数量骤减为7.3×104个/g此后,进入保温期后其数量一直保持在3-6×105个/g。3.对四个处理各个化学指标的相关性分析可以看出,总有机碳TOC、总氮TN、固相C/N、水溶性有机碳WSC、水溶性NH4+-N、水溶性NO3--N及E4/E6相关性很好,可以作为判别菌糠堆肥腐熟度的指标。在这几个指标之中,进一步筛选水溶性有机碳WSC、水溶性NH4+-N、E4/E6三个指标作为菌糠堆肥腐熟度判定指标。但是堆肥过程是一个由堆肥原料、环境因素决定的相当复杂的生物化学过程,对其腐熟评价不能用单纯的某几个化学指标准确标定,应该采取物理和多个化学评价相结合的方式。4.经外观观察、营养测定及田间试验证明:四个处理堆肥终产物外观良好,总养分含量在5%以上,均高于有机肥料标准,其中有机质含量从高到低依次为N处理46.55%、CK45.94%、P处理45.84%、N+P处理44.82%;其中速效总养分含量从高到低依次为P处理20.19×103mg/kg、N处理19.76×103mg/kg、CK18.95×103mg/kg、N+P处理17.59×103mg/kg;在苜蓿、黑麦草、早熟禾生长25d之后,与化肥对照(CK)相比堆肥才表现出明显的促生效果,株高比CK高出13.11-114.41%,地上生物量比CK高出19.93%-95.87%;在堆肥处理之中,接菌处理促生效果优于不接菌处理,混合菌和溶磷菌处理优于固氮菌处理。5.通过打孔培养和混合培养,研究了堆肥终产物浸提液对棉花立枯病菌Rhizoctonia solani (cotton strain) kuhn Schl、西瓜尖镰孢Fusarium oxysporum f. Niveum、番茄灰霉病菌Botrytis cinerea Pers、黄瓜枯萎病菌Fusarium oxysporum (schl) f.sp cucumerinum、玉米小斑病菌Bipolaria maydis(Nisikado et Miyake) Shome、辣椒立枯丝核病菌Rhizoctonia solani(pepper strain) kuhn Schl、小麦长蠕孢Bipolaria.sorokiniana、玉米大斑病菌Exserohilum turcicum (Pass) Leonard&Suggs、油菜菌核病菌Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (rape strain)(Lib) De Bary、茄子菌核病菌Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (egg plant strain) (Lib) De Bary等10种作物病原菌的影响,发现该浸提液对棉花立枯病菌Rhizoctonia solani(cotton strain)有明显的抑制作用。

【Abstract】 The plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains from Microorganism Resources and Diversity Laboratory of Gansu Agricultural University were inoculated on spent mushroom substrate (SMS) to study the feasibility of SMS as a kind of microbial fertilizer carrier. And Inoculating nitrogen bacteria and phosphate solubilizing bacteria on SMS before composting, biological and chemical indexes in this process were measured to analyze maturity rules of SMS and to determine indexes of maturity. Then the SMS compost was applied in field to evaluate its effect on plant growth promotion. Finally, the suppressive effect of compost water extract on 10 phyotopathogenic fungi was tested. The results of the whole experiments were as follows:1. Spent mushroom substrate (SMS) could be a kind of microbial fertilizer carrier that can replace peat more suitably. Firstly it has more powerful capability of water absorbing than peat, which means better survival environment for microorganism. And the numbers of PGPR strains inoculated on it were above 108cfu/g within storage expiration of at least 135d. Furthermore, culturing alfalfa seed 36 hours and 60 hours with water extract of SMS biofertilizer in 40 days’extract of storage expiration. The germination indexes were measured. The results showed that the germination indexes of alfalfa seed cultured in 60 hours were higher than 80%, so it could be beneficial to alfalfa seed development but no phytotoxicity. Finally, Pot culture discovered that there was no significant difference between SMS biofertilizer and chemical fertilizer. All of that means SMS can replace chemical fertilizer partially or totally in alfalfa cultivation. However, Contamination was found after 105 days storing, which was suggested that the storage expiration of SMS biofertilizer should be within 4 months.2. After inoculating nitrogen fixing bacteria, phosphate solubilizing bateria, the mixture of nitrogen fixing bacteria and phosphate solubilizing bateria separately to SMS, the chemical and biological indexes were measured to research affects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria(PGPR) on the SMS compost and their products. In the process of composting, indexes such as temperature, pH value, E4 to E6 ratio, organic carbon to organic nitrogen ratio(C/N), water-soluble carbon(WSC), water-soluble nitric-N, water-soluble ammonium-N, total (N, P, K), available(N,P,K), the number of lignocelluloses degrading microorganisms were measured, which suggested that all of the SMS compost treatments could be better matured and stabilized after composting for 2 months compared with control, and the treatments inoculated bacteria had an accelerated process of maturity to some extent. Furthermore, the treatment inoculated nitrogen fixing bacteria had the highest content of available N, and the treatment inoculated phosphate solubilizing bateria had the highest content of available P, but there were no significant changes on available K. As the number of lignocelluloses-degrading microorganisms, it dramatically decreased after the heat preservation stage.3. After analyzing correlation of chemical indexes in different composting stages, the three indexes WSC, water-soluble NH4+-N, and E4/E6 were determined as indexes of composting maturity. However, composting is an dramatically complicated process in physically and chemically which is determined by the raw materials of composting and environmental facts. So its maturity could be evaluated by the comprehensiveness of physical, chemical, and biological indexes but not those given chemical indexes.4. Appearance observation, nutrient test and field plot experiment showed that the products of SMS compsting accorded with the standard of organic fertilizer. The total nurtrients were more than 5%. Generally, the SMS compost had better growth promoting affects to Alfalfa, Perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass than the chemical control. But this effect of promotion played important role only in 25ds later. For example, the height of treatments after application of SMS compost would be 13.11-114.41% higher than that of chemical control. And the above ground biomass would be 19.93%-95.87% higher than that of chemical control. Compared within compost treatments, also the result indicated that the growth promoting effect of compost inoculated in bacteria were better than that of compost no inoculated, and the growth promoting effect of compost inoculated mixed bacteria were better than that of compost inoculated single bacteria.5. The suppressive effect of compost water extract on 10 phyotopathogenic fungi was tested by well-cut and mixed methods. The results were as follows. Compost water extract had the best inhibiting effects on Rhizoctonia solani (cotton strain) kuhn Schl, and fine inhibiting effects on Fusarium oxysporum f. Niveum, Botrytis cinerea Pers, Fusarium oxysporum (schl) f.sp cucumerinum; moderate inhibiting effect on Bipolaria maydis(Nisikado et Miyake) Shome, Rhizoctonia solani(pepper strain) kuhn Schl, Bipolaria.sorokiniana, Exserohilum turcicum (Pass) Leonard & Suggs; and the least inhibiting effect on Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (rape strain)(Lib) De Bary, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (egg plant strain) (Lib) De Bary.

【关键词】 菌糠微生物肥料植物生长促生菌堆肥腐熟抗病性
【Key words】 SMSbio-fertilizerPGPRcompostingmaturitysuppressive effect

