
高温贮运对矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida)穴盘苗生理生化特性及其质量的影响

Effects of Higher Temperature Storage on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristic and Quality in Petunia (Petunia Hybrida) Plug Seedlings

【作者】 别蓓蓓

【导师】 郁继华; 黄丹枫;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 工厂化育苗已成为现代化农业以及工厂化农业的重要组成部分,由此导致种苗贮运及贮运技术的产生和发展,也催生了各种适宜种苗贮运的方法和手段。国外种苗生产中已有专门的调温、调湿设备,使种苗适宜条件下贮运,而国内很多种苗企业缺少此类设备,夏季种苗通常在常温下进行短期贮运。本文以上海地区为背景,矮牵牛梦幻系列红色穴盘苗为试验材料,采用模拟贮运方法,进行双因子随机区组设计,两个模拟贮运温度:25℃(上海地区7、8月份的平均气温)和35℃(上海7、8月份的平均最高气温),两个基质含水量50 %和80 %,研究在夏季无调温和光照设备的情况下,不同贮运温度和基质含水量对矮牵牛种苗形态、物质代谢、抗氧化系统、叶绿素荧光、种苗定植后叶绿素的恢复及对其花期等的影响,初步了解高温贮运对种苗质量的影响。主要研究结果如下:1.在温度分别为25℃、35℃和基质含水量分别为80%、50%的不同处理下,矮牵牛种苗出现徒长、干重下降、叶绿素总量下降等质量劣变问题。较低的基质含水量处理,可以减缓种苗质量劣变的程度。矮牵牛贮运6d定植后,成活率显著下降。随着贮运时间的增加,平均花数减少,现蕾时间推迟,花期缩短,与不贮运的种苗相比,贮运4d后差异显著。2.各处理的淀粉、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质含量均随着贮运天数的增加而下降,游离氨基酸含量增高。到贮运第6d,处理50% 25℃、50% 35℃、80% 25℃、80% 35℃淀粉含量分别比第0d下降了84.3%、85.1%、91.6%、85.1%;可溶性糖含量分别下降69.2%、73.5%、76.2%、79.5%;可溶性蛋白质含量分别下降27.4%、39.8%、40.4%、42.9%;游离氨基酸含量分别增加96.5%、405.6%、547.9%、615.9%。基质含水量低、温度低的处理种苗物质消耗少,基质含水量高、温度高的处理种苗物质消耗最严重。3.随着贮运天数的增加,各处理SOD活性下降而其比活力升高,POD和CAT活性先上升后下降,比活性均上升,H2O2和MDA累积逐渐增大。贮运4 d后,各处理差异显著,基质含水量低和温度高的处理受活性氧伤害严重。4.叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo均随着贮运天数的增加而下降,处理35℃比25℃的种苗各荧光参数下降量大,在35℃条件下,贮运2 d时各荧光参数与第0 d差异显著;25℃条件时,各参数在贮运4 d时才显著下降,差异与第0d显著;同一温度下基质含水量50%、80%差异不显著。定植后,贮运天数越短,恢复速度越快,且温度高、基质含水量少的处理恢复时间慢。

【Abstract】 Industrial seedling nursery is an important part of modern agriculture, which promotes developement of seedling storage and transportation technique. The special air and humidity conditioning equipments which guarantees feasible environment for seedling storage are used abroad. However, domestic seedling enterprises lack these equipments, so plug seedlings are stored and transported under normal temperature in summer.This paper investigated the effects of different storage temperature and water content in substrate on seedling quality, antioxidant enzyme, chlorophyll fluorescence, substance metabolism, recovery after transplanting and flower quality of petunia seedlings. Double factors design was carried out. 2 temperature levels were 25℃(average temperature between July and August in Shanghai) and 35℃(average highest temperature between July and August in Shanghai), and 2 water content in substrate levels were 50% and 80%. Main result is:1. Height of Petunia seedling increased, weight and chlorophyll content decreased under 4 treatments. Compared with 0 days, Low water content in substrate benefited seedling storage quality at 2, 4 days storage, but after 6 days, survival percentage of petunia seedlings dropped distinctly. Average flower number and florescence decreased, first bud time delayed with storage days, and each treatment has distinct difference with 0 days after 4 days storage.2. Starch, soluble sugar and soluble protein content decreased with storage days, but free amino acid content increased quickly. After 6 days storage, starch content decreased by 84.3%, 85.1%, 91.6%, 85.1%, soluble sugar content decreased 69.2%, 73.5%, 76.2%, 79.5%, soluble protein content decrease 27.4%, 39.8%, 40.4%, 42.9% and free amino acid content increased 96.5%, 405.6%, 547.9%, 615.9% under treatment of 50% 25℃, 50% 35℃, 80% 25℃, 80% 35℃. The results indicated that substances in seedlings were consumed fewer under lower temperature and lower water content in substrate.3. SOD, POD and CAT specific activity increased with storage time. SOD activity decreased, but POD and CAT activity increased at the beginning and decreased at the end. H2O2 and MDA content increased. After 4 days storage, each treatment has distinct difference. Seedlings under treatments of higher temperature and lower water content in substrate were damaged by active oxygen more badly, which was consistent with the result of the chlorophyll fluorescence.4. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo decreased with storage days. Treatment of 35℃decreased more quickly than 25℃. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameter distinctly decreased after 2 days storage under 35℃, but 4 days storage under 25℃. Water content in substrate has no distinct effect on chlorophyll fluorescence parameter under same storage temperature. After transplanting, shorter storage days, petunia seedlings recovered more quickly.


