

Studies on Gansu Grassland Rodent Pest Division and Accurate Sustainable Control Technology of Plateau Pika

【作者】 黄倩

【导师】 刘荣堂;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 (1)甘肃草原啮齿类动物区系由68种组成,占全省啮齿动物总种数的75.6%,其中,大多数种的种群密度不超过经济损害水平,有一定的生态学价值;约有18~26种的种群密度在多数地区几乎经常维持在经济损害水平以上,是不同草原类型的优势种害鼠。(2)以草原分布的规律性、草原害鼠区系组成、草原害鼠对不同草原的适宜性及草原鼠害的普遍性、长期性和严重性为草原鼠害区划基础,坚持历史发展、生态适应和生产实践三项基本原则,先按草原啮齿动物区系组成、地带性生物气候和地带性植被等项标准将甘肃草原鼠害划分为5个草原鼠害区,再按具有一定优势的地带性草原类型,具有代表性鼠类分布型和优势种害鼠等标准,将甘肃草原鼠害划分为13个草原鼠害亚区。(3)经实地抽样调查,高原鼠兔种群数量与其危害所造成草原牧草减产量(地上植物)及经济损失量呈正相关关系,相关系数为:r =0.9765;高原鼠兔的有效洞口数(X)与牧草减产量(M)的线性回归方程为:M = -16.9603 + 0.9180X ;在1330hm2范围内进行大面积防治,核算单位面积防治成本为25.05元/hm2;通过计算,确认在2008年4月份肃南县大岔乡的高寒草甸和高寒草原上高原鼠兔的经济损害水平是130(个)有效洞口/hm2,对应的经济允许损失率为7.5%;提出了不同经济允许损失率对应的理论防治指标。(4)对杀鼠剂、杀鼠剂浓度、毒饵投放量和饵料种类的L9(34)试验结果表明:①前3个因子差异极显著,且各因子对灭洞率影响的主、次不同,表现为杀鼠剂﹥杀鼠剂浓度﹥毒饵投放量﹥饵料种类;②由于各水平间存在不同程度的差异显著性,因而对灭洞率亦有不同程度的影响,其中:D型肉毒梭菌生物毒素的平均灭洞率为82.6%,C型肉毒梭菌生物毒素灭洞率为75.0%,敌鼠钠盐为68.9%;3种用药浓度对应的平均灭洞率在69.0~82.4%之间;3种投饵量对应的平均灭洞率为69.4%、80.8%和76.2%;3种饵料对应的平均灭洞率是75.3%、72.7%和78.4%;③最优组合是A2B3C2D3,即,用0.15%的D型肉毒梭菌生物毒素,以小麦作饵料,每个有效洞口投25粒毒饵有最佳的防治效果。(5)对大隆的使用浓度、投饵量和饵料种类的L9(34)试验结果表明:①试验重复间、各因子间及不同因子各水平间的差异均不显著,所有处理组合的平均灭洞率差别也不大,在81.6%~86.8%之间;②从R值及各因子的不同水平与灭洞率关系示意图可直观看出最优组合是A2B1C1,也就是用0.01%的大隆,以青稞作饵料,每个有效洞口投5g毒饵应当有最佳灭效。这个组合同样在已经做过试验的9个组合中没有出现,但是它应该比从9个组合中直接找出的最好组合A1B1C1更好;(6)对溴敌隆的使用浓度、投饵量和饵料种类的L9(34)试验结果表明:①试验重复间、各因子间及不同因子各水平间都有不同程度的差异显著性,因此,灭洞效果也不一样。3个用药浓度(0.005%、0.010%和0.015%)对应的灭洞率依次是:72.6%、85.3%和80.4%;3个投饵量(1g、2g和3g)对应的灭洞率是:80.6%、75.7%和82.1%;3个饵料种类(青稞、燕麦和小麦)对应的灭洞率依次是76.7%、80.6%和81.3%。②A2B3C3是最优组合,也就是用0.01%溴敌隆,以小麦作饵料,每个有效洞口投3g毒饵是最佳组合。

【Abstract】 (1) The grassland rodent faunal composition of Gansu province was composed of sixty-eight species, accounting for 75.6% of total rodent species of the province, thereinto, most species had determinate ecological value and their population densities were below than EIL. There were about 18~26 species whose population densities maintained above EIL regular in many regions, and they were dominant rodent species of different steppes.(2) Used the disciplinarian of grassland distribution, grassland rodent faunal composition, adaption of grassland rodent to different steppes and universality, protracted, ponderance of grassland rodent pest as the fundamental of grassland rodent pest division, followed history development, zoology adaptability and production practice principle, firstly, the grassland rodent pests of Gansu province were compartmentalized five regions according to indicators of grassland rodent faunal composition, zonation biology climate, zonation vegetation and then thirteen subregions according to indicators of preponderant zonation grassland type, representative rodent distribution and dominant rodent species.(3) A sampling survey had been conducted and the result showed that there was a positive correlation between plateau pika population quantity and plants loss and economy loss which were caused by plateau pika, and the correlation coefficient was 0.9765. The linear regression equation between active burrows(X) of plateau pika and plants loss (M) was M = -16.9603 + 0.9180X. The large area control had been carried out in 1330 hm2 scope and unit area control cost was 25.05 yuan/hm2. Based on calculation, the EIL of plateau pika of alpine meadow and steppe was 130 active burrows per hectare in Dacha township, Sunan country in April, 2008, and the corresponding ratio of economic allowed loss was 7.5%. The theoretical control indexs were put forward on different economic allowed loss rates.(4) The results of orthogonal test L9(34) for rodenticide, rodenticide concentration, bait collecting volume and bait species showed as follows:①The first three factors had extremely significantly difference, and different factors had different primary-secondary effects to the eliminating mousehole rate, showed as rodenticide﹥rodenticide concentration﹥bait collecting volume﹥bait species.②Because of the different degree significantly between different levels, the eliminating mousehole rate was also influenced with different degree. Thereinto, the average eliminating mousehole rate of Botulin type D was 82.6%, the Botulin type C was 75.0%, the Null was 68.9%. The average eliminating mousehole rate of three rodenticide concentrations between 69.0 and 82.4%. That of three bait collecting volumes were 69.4%, 80.8% and 76.2%, respectively. And that of three baits were 75.3%, 72.7% and 78.4%, respectively.③The optimal combination was A2B3C2D3, namely, with 0.15% Botulin type D, used wheat as bait, threw 25 grain poison baits every active burrow would have the best control efficiency.(5) The results of orthogonal test L9(34) for concentration, bait collecting volume and bait species of Talon showed as follows:①There was no significant difference between test replication, factors and levels of different factors. The average eliminating mousehole rates of all treatment combinations also had little difference, between 81.6% and 86.8%.②The R value and schematic diagram of relationship between control effect and different factors on different levels showed that the optimal combination was A2B1C1, namely, with 0.01% Talon, used highland barley as bait, threw 5 grams poison bait every active burrow would have the best control efficiency. This combination had not appeared in the nine experimental combinations, but it should be better than A1B1C1 which was the best combination of nine.(6) The results of orthogonal test L9(34) for concentration, bait collecting volume and bait species of Bromadiolone showed as follows:①There was different degree significant difference between test replication, factors and levels of different factors, therefore, the eliminating mousehole rate was also dissimilar. The eliminating mousehole rate of three rodenticide concentrations (0.005%, 0.010%, 0.015%) were 72.6%, 85.3% and 80.4%, respectively. That of three bait amounts(1g, 2g,3g) were 80.6%, 75.7% and 82.1%, respectively. And that of three baits (highland barley, oat, wheat) were 76.7%, 80.6% and 81.3%, respectively. ②The optimal combination was A2B3C3, namely, with 0.01% Bromadiolone, used wheat as bait, threw 3 grams poison bait every active burrow would have the best control efficiency.


