

Pharmacogonostical Study on PiPaHua(Flos Eriobotryae)

【作者】 邓晶晶

【导师】 卢先明;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中药学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在中医药传统的用法中,枇杷的药用部位多为叶,其记载始见于《名医别录》,列为中品。历代本草均有记载,已收入历版《中国药典》,为蔷薇科植物枇杷Eriobotrya japonica(Thunb)Lindl.的干燥叶。在民间有将枇杷花作药用的情况,其记载始见于《本草纲目》:“枇杷花主治头风,鼻涕清流。”枇杷在生产过程中,为确保其果实的优质,实际形成果实的花朵数只有总花朵数的5-10%,果农需要疏除过多的花穗、花蕾及幼果。疏除的花在大多数产地作为废物丢弃,为了充分利用有效的中药资源,本文对枇杷Eriobotrya japonica(Thunb)Lindl.的干燥花蕾及花序进行了系统的生药学研究。包括形态组织学、理化鉴别、含量测定及药理学等方面的研究。结果表明:性状上,花蕾及花序的形状、颜色、被毛情况等及气味为主要的鉴别特征;显微特征上,淡黄色类圆形或钝三角形的花粉粒、非腺毛等为主要的鉴别特征;在化学方面,进行了化学成分系统预试,结果表明枇杷花含有三萜皂苷、有机酸、多糖等成分;以熊果酸为指标性成分建立了枇杷花的薄层色谱鉴别方法;对收集来自不同产地及栽培品种的枇杷花9个样品进行了浸出物检查,结果显示盛花期的枇杷花浸出物含量最高;首次建立了用HPLC法对枇杷花中熊果酸含量进行测定的方法,结果显示四川地区所产枇杷花的熊果酸含量均在0.3%以上,高于广西所产,且盛花期含量高于花蕾期;在药理作用方面,安全性实验结果表明,枇杷花无明显的急性毒性,药用较为安全,并对其提取物进行了止咳、祛痰和抗炎的药理学研究,发现有较好的药效作用。通过对枇杷Eriobotrya japonica(Thunb)Lindl.的干燥花蕾及花序进行的生药学研究,对扩大药源,促进枇杷花的合理开发与利用具有现实的意义。

【Abstract】 In the traditional application,foliage is the effective part of Eriobotryae,which was first reported in<Ming Yi Bie Lu> as a normal material.From then on the following pharmacopoeia all have adopted this material,until now the <Chinese Pharmacopoeia> has adopted Eriobotrya japonica(Thunb) Lindl.as the official specie of this material.In folk application,people use the flowers as the effective part in,this use first appeared in the <Ben Cao Gang Mu>,"PiPaHua can mainly treat the headache and the cold."During the maturing period,among all the flowers,there are only 5-10%can finally give birth to fruit,and the rest will waste lots of the nutrient, then the farmers have to remove the extra flowers to guarantee the harvest of the fruit. In order to take good use of the extra flowers,we design a systematic research plan to study the pharmacognosy of PiPaHua including the morph-histology, physical-chemical characters identification method,content assay method and the pharmacological effects.The results indicated:in morph identification:the appearance,color,clothing hair and the flavour are the main identification characters;in micro identification:the light yellow round or blunt triangle pollen grain and the nonglandular hair are the main identification characters;in the chemical research:the preliminary tests suggested the flowers contained triterpenoid saponin,organic acid,polysaccharide,etc.we took ursolic acid as the control compound establishing the TLC spectrum identification method,then we tested the extract content of 9 batches samples collected from different area,the results indicated the extract of the flowers which collected during the blossom period have the highest quantity;sequently,we determined the ursolic acid content in flowers by means of HPLC for the first time,the results showed that the content of ursolic acid in Sichuan produced sample was more than0.3%,which was higher than the Guangxi produced one.And the content of ursolic acid is higher in flowers than in bud.In the pharmacological research,the acute toxicity experiment results suggested the flowers are safe material and the pharmacological experiments on antitussive,expectoration and antiinflammation effects suggested an efficient bioactivity effect.This experiment has done the pharmacognosy research on the flowers of Eriobotrya japonica(Thunb) Lindl.,which provided the basic foundation for broaden the medicinal part,promoting the practical exploration of PiPaHua.Attached 4 pictures for plant,raw material,histology and powder identification, 12 graphs for chromatography.


