

【作者】 曾庆秋

【导师】 严铸云;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 生药学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,在主要依赖栽培的250余种中药中,绝大多数忌“连作”,川产道地药材中的川明参、黄连、丹参、干姜等均忌“连作”。因此,加强中药连作障碍的调控方法的研究,是克服中药材生产受限、减产、质量下降和减少农药使用最根本的途径,也是实现中药产业可持续发展的当务之急。本文围绕川明参连作障碍形成的机制和防治方法开展以下工作。首先,通过调查结果表明川明参连作障碍主要表现为生长发育迟缓,植株矮小,土壤病虫害增多、产量降低、品质下降,降低了川明参的药用和经济价值。通过对其连作土壤理化性质、土壤微生态、植物微生态的分析,首次揭示川明参连作后土壤营养元素偏耗较大,土壤真菌数量增加,土壤细菌数量降低,连作植物的内生真菌、内生放线菌的菌落数目增加,内生细菌的菌落数减少;连作后的药材中的无机元素富积量增加,总香豆素、总多糖的含量降低。其次,对连作土壤采取施加常规肥、微肥、有机肥等改善土壤营养元素缺损的方案,和通过对土壤杀菌、土壤微生态恢复和川明参内生真菌进行接种,以及植物生长激素的调节等一系列措施对川明参连作障碍防治的比较研究,结果表明常规肥、微肥、土壤杀菌、土壤微生态恢复、植物生长调节等几种处理方法,均有利于提高川明参连作后的品质和产量,使连作后药材品质和产量达到或超过非连作时水平,表明各种方法均有一定防治川明参连作障碍的作用。以多糖含量、香豆素含量、平均产量、平均根重四项作为反映药材品质与产量的指标,其中以多糖含量为品质评价的主要依据,选择在确保药材品质的情况下保证其产值;依照正交极差数据,选择前两位主要影响因素。首次建立了川明参连作障碍综合防治的技术方案为:移栽连作川明参时,用13.84 g/ml的地菌灵溶液浸泡植物根,并在土壤中施加活性微生物发酵粉200Kg/亩,尿素30 Kg/亩,过磷酸钙20 Kg/亩;植物基生叶生长完全,未抽苔前,叶面喷施0.05%硫酸锰水溶液50L/亩、0.01%硫酸锌水溶液50L/亩,0.1%硼酸钠水溶液50L/亩及100mg/L PP333水溶液50L/亩。通过以上研究,初步阐明了川明参连作障碍的机理,提出了综合防治的技术方案,将有利于川明参连作障碍的防治,增加当地居民的收入,同时对其他作物连作障碍防治提供一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Half traditional Chinese Medicine need cultivation, most of them have continuous cropping obstacle. Continuous cropping obstacle, happened in traditional Chinese Medicine cultivation, declines its quality and quantity obviously.Resolving this problem can stimulate the development of traditional Chinese Medicine industry .this thesis study on the reasons that form continuous cropping obstacle, and try finding ways to keep Chuanminshen violaceum cultivation from influences of Continuous cropping obstacle.The observation showed that continuous cropping Chuanminshen violaceum can affect Chuanminshen violaceum plant growth. Analysis of microbial populations and nutrients in soil, entophytes in Chuanminshen violaceum plant, of property’s change in continuous cropping soil, radix of C. violaceum and microorganism, showed that with the increase years of continuous cropping, nutrition of soil out of balance, fungi quantity in soil is increased, while the number of bacteria count reduce, and strains fungi number rise and strains bacteria count decrease.Root get more abio-element from soil in continuous cropping,with less coumarin and polysaccharide.Through our study, there are methods that can deal with continuous cropping obstacle, such as: soil sterilize, fertilize general fertilizer and organic fertilizer. Research showed that application of general fertilizer ,micro-fertilize, soil sterilize, soil microbial population recovery, plant growth adjustment all can increased total content of polysaccharide, content of coumarin, average quantity, average medicine material weight. According to this four results, we establish a cultivation synthesis to treat with Chuanminshen violaceum continuous cropping obstacle. The cultivation method is: when transplant the plant, dip its in 13.84g/ml Dingjunling solution, and fertilize the plant with 200Kg/mu microorganism yeast, 30 Kg/mu carbamide, 20 Kg/mw calcium, 50L/mu phosphate.When plant grow up,apply 0.01% zinc sulfate solution 50L/mu, 0.1% boric acid solution 50L/mu to its leaves. And prinkle 100mg/L PP333 solution on its leaves, before the plant protrude its stem.


