

【作者】 刘辉

【导师】 张艺; 陈士林;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 药物化学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 川贝母(Fritillaria.cirrhosa D.Don)是历版《中国药典》记载的川贝母药材的主要来源之一,近年来由于过度采挖已成为濒危植物。为缓解资源紧缺的压力,于川贝母的适生地进行野生抚育是有效途径之一,而野生抚育的首要任务是分析其适宜区。另外,对已有药用植物的充分利用也是资源可持续利用的组成部分。采收加工是原生植物转变为合格药材的重要环节,适宜采收期和加工方法是保证药材品质、充分利用药材的最主要的两个因素,进行川贝母采收加工技术的相关研究也非常必要。目的:以卷叶贝母为受试对象,对其进行产地适应性分析与适宜采收期、加工技术的研究,旨在为实现川贝母的资源可持续利用提供技术支持和科学依据。方法:以《中药产地适应性地理信息系统》(TCMGIS-Ⅰ)为技术依托,对川贝母(F.cirrahosa)的产地适应性进行分析;在进行产地适应性分析的基础上,对川贝母野生分布区(原生起源中心)的抚育川贝母进行适宜采收期和加工干燥方法的研究。本文采用酸性染枓比色法,选择414nm作为测定波长,以西贝素作为对照,对不同川贝母样品进行总生物碱的含量测定。并以高效液相色谱蒸发光散射检测器联用(HPLC-ELSD)法同时测定各样品中的单休生物——贝母辛的含量。结果:1.产地适应性初步分析结果显示:相似系数为90%~100%的适宜区和相似系数为80%~90%次适宜区所覆盖的地区和传统上川贝母的主产区是基本一致的,但有部分文献未报道的适宜区。2.结合有效成分含量和药材产量两个指标,显示抚育川贝母的适宜采收期为果熟期:同时结合外观性状秈有效成分含量,显示水洗继以60℃烘干为产地适宜加工方法。结论:应用TCMGIS-Ⅰ系统能够智能化和自动化的得到川贝母的适宜产区,分析结果科学、可靠,可以较好的指导川贝母野生抚育适宜区的选择。采收期的研究表明:选择果熟期采收川贝母,药材可最大限度地积累有效成分,产量可达到几个采收期中的最大值,同时可以采收种子用于扩大种群基数。水洗60℃烘干的方法既能简便快速的干燥药材,也能最大限度的保留有效成分,适合产地推广。创新点:本文以康定道地产区生态因子为基准,采用TCMGIS-Ⅰ对川贝母(卷叶贝母)的产地适应性进行了初步研究。对不同生长期和不同发育阶段的川贝母药材中的生物碱成分进行比较分析,初步揭示了其生长发育过程中生物碱的变化规律,并进行了适宜采收期的研究:同时对同一生境同一采收期且大小比较均一的川贝母的不同加工干燥方式进行了有效成分的考察,更能体现加工方法本身的差异。上述研究结果为川贝母的规范化种植和资源可持续利用提供了一定的科学依据和技术支持,填补了某些传统经验的不足。

【Abstract】 Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don, one of main original source of BULBUS FRITILLARIAE CIRRHOSAE recorded in China Pharmacopoeia, is in danger dued to excessive excavation. Semi-cultivation is one of effective way for relieving the shortage pressure for demand and keeping sustainable utilization and development. On the other hand, as the optimal collection time and processing methods are 2 key factors for herb medicine quality, it is urgently needed to carry out best collection period and processing methods related investigation.Objective:This thesis aims to investigate the adaptability of producing area area for semi-cultivation of F. cirrhosa D. Don and optimal collection period and dessicatting methods.Methods:To analyze adaptability of producing area for Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don. by TCMGIS-I ; Based on the appropriate producing area ananlysis, semi-wild cultivation material in Proterozoic was ananyzed to find out optimal collection time and dessicating method. An acid dye Colorimetry method was established for the determination of total alkaloids that was detected against Imperialine as an index at 414 nm; And a HPLC-ELSD method was developed by detecting Peimissine. an universal alkaloid in different origins of F. cirrhosa D. Don.Results:1. Adaptability analysis of producing area showed that best producing area (Similarity index from 90% to 100%) and sec-producing area (Similarity index from 80% to 90%) is consistent with traditional main producing area. In addition, there are a few producing area that has never been reported before.2.The content of total alkaloids and yield of drug were considered as major factors for evaluation of the optimal collective period of time, and our study display that the capsule ripened is the optimal time for semi-wild cultivation material. The content of Peimissine and total alkaloids together with apparent characteristic were considered as major factors for evaluation of the processing and desiccating method, our study show that the method of washing following by desiccation with 60℃is the best one compared to others.Conclusions:The outcome of proper producing area analysis based on TCMGIS-I technology is reasonable and reliable. TCMGIS-I provides scientific data for evaluation appropriate producing area of semi-cultivation; To collect the Fritillaria cirrahosa D. Don by the time of capsule ripened, more bioactive ingredients can be accumulated, much more yield can be obtained. Meanwhile, seed is able to be cellected for enlarging the population. The method of washing following by desiccation with 60℃is simple, rapid for desiccation with maximum effective bioactive compounds.Innovation:TCMGIS- I was introduced into our study of analyzing the producing of F. cirrahosa D. Don.Total alkaloids of F. cirrahosa D. Don at different growth phases and development stages were determined and changes of total alkaloids were tracing preliminary; Drug growth at the same ecotope and collection time were colleted and analyzed to evaluate which is the best method. In this way, differentiae between different processing methods can be embodied well.Our results give some data and technique foundation for Good Agriculture Practice for Chinese Crude Drugs (GAP), redeem some disadvantages of traditional method.


