

Research on Long Hole Loosen Blasting Technology for Bottom Floor Rock of Fully-mechanized Face in Coal Seam

【作者】 张立

【导师】 宗琦;

【作者基本信息】 安徽理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在爆炸力学、岩体力学、断裂损伤力学等多门学科理论分析的基础上,结合现场工业试验对煤层综采面底板岩石深孔松动爆破技术进行了研究。首先阐述了岩石在爆破荷载作用下的应力、变形、强度和动态应力场等力学特性,同时对爆破过程中岩石内部力学响应的动态本构模型进行了比较分析,这些都是岩石深孔松动爆破技术研究的基础。从爆炸应力波和爆炸气体作用的角度对岩石松动爆破过程、松动裂隙扩展规律与松动漏斗理论的特征进行较为系统的分析。同时,爆炸冲击波、应力波在岩石开始破裂的阶段是非常重要的,而后松动裂隙的发育形成与楔入裂隙的爆炸气体形成的准静态应力场所发挥的作用是密不可分的。为达到既能有效松动岩体,同时又降低爆后岩石的大块率,提高爆破能量的利用率,本文从理论上提出了煤层综采面底板岩石深孔松动爆破技术参数(炮孔装药量、炮眼深度、抵抗线、炮眼密集系数、装药结构和炮孔堵塞等参数)设计和优化的方法。通过刘庄煤矿综采面煤层底板岩层深孔松动爆破现场试验,确定实际深孔松动爆破技术方案和爆破参数,取得了良好的爆破效果。根据模糊数学原理,结合综合评判的方法,系统地对本次深孔松动爆破效果进行评价分析,将爆破效果进行定量化,也就更加符合实际情况。因此,本文的研究成果可为同类深孔松动爆破技术工程实践提供有益的参考。

【Abstract】 This paper study the long hole loosen blasting technology for bottom floor rock of fully-mechanized face in coal seam based on theoretical analysis, such as Explosive Mechanics, Rock Mechanics and Damage Mechanics etc, and what’s more, the commercial testing in status quo has verified it.First of all, the paper describes in the mechanical feature of rock under explosive load, including stress, deformation, intensity, dynamic stress field and so on. At the same time, some constitutive models of dynamic response within rock in the process of blasting have been analyzed comparatively. And these are all the basis of the long hole loosen blasting technology.From the role of explosion stress waves and gas from explosion, the process of loosen blasting, laws of crack propagation and characteristics of loosen blasting funnel are analyzed systemly. Through explosion waves and explosion stress waves in the beginning of rock’s rupture stage is very important, the relationship of the development of the Loosening wedge fracture and the quasi-static stress field produced by gas from explosion is inseparable.In order to loose rock effectively, reduce the rate of large rock and improve the utilization of blasting energy at the same time, the paper have been put forward theoretical methods for design and optimization of parameters (charge of borehole, depth of borehole, ultimate burden, density of borehole, construction of charge, stemming of borehole and so on) of the long hole loosen blasting for bottom floor rock of fully-mechanized face in coal. Commercial test in Liuzhuang coal mine has been proceeded, which define the actual blasting scheme and factors of the long hole loosen blasting for bottom floor rock of fully-mechanized face in coal seam, and good results has been got.According to fuzzy math theory, combining comprehensive evaluation method, quantitative effects of this long hole loosen blasting is evaluated systemly, which is a more reasonable to the practice in status quo.Therefore,the achievements of this thesis can be a good reference for execution of the long hole loosen blasting.


