

Cultural Tourism Resources Evaluation of AAAA Scenic Areas in Shanxi Province

【作者】 夏骕鹔

【导师】 孔富安;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游活动是“旅游者”通过“旅游市场”这一途径针对“旅游资源”这一客体所进行的一系列活动的总和。虽然旅游学科中的基础性研究“旅游资源学”研究的是旅游活动的客观载体,但是这一载体必须通过“旅游者”主体来实现其价值。一方面,研究旅游资源还应该从旅游者,即“人”的角度着手,以实现旅游资源“吸引物”的特质;另一方面,要实现最终的旅游活动,“资源”还必须借助“市场”这一媒介,因为旅游市场对旅游资源也会产生反作用力。本文在已取得的旅游资源学研究成果的基础上,通过归纳、总结已有的学术观点,尝试重新诠释旅游资源的构成特性,特别是在已有的自然、人文两大旅游资源分类体系研究的基础上,进一步挖掘并拓展旅游资源中的文化特性,提出将旅游资源划分为“自然资源”与“文化资源”的概念构想。广义上说,文化是人类自身的物质和精神财富成果的总和,相区别于“自然资源”的自然属性,“文化资源”侧重于“人文”特质,这也是旅游学界将旅游资源划分为“自然”和“人文”两大体系的原因。但是,旅游活动中不可忽视的市场媒介与“文化”概念却更具亲缘性。“文化产业”、“文化市场”等有关文化的概念在市场中被广泛接受,相比较之下,“人文科学”、“人文主义”等人文概念则更趋向于学术研究性质。因此“文化旅游资源”这一概念更具时代性和广泛性,同时,将文化的概念引入至旅游资源中,更具有代表性和可操作性。现在的旅游资源评价体系向定量化、多层次方向发展,并引入了多因子的复合评价方式,并灵活的运用因子的弹性标准,突出资源的“特质”性,这也恰恰是“文化”所固有的属性。总之,文化旅游资源的概念能够突出旅游市场本质和资源特质。结合山西省旅游资源的实际情况能够发现,“文化”概念在山西省旅游实践中独具代表性。从历史上看,山西省本身就是5000年华夏文化各个层面的典型代表,而现存丰富的文化遗存不论是外在还是内涵,都契合了进行文化旅游资源评价的理论目的。本文在结合已有的人文旅游资源评价标准与体系基础上,根据文化的本质特征和类别,从目前旅游市场,尤其是山省的实际情况出发,提出文化中宗教与民间信仰、历史传统、民族习俗与地域异质文化四个子因子项,并分别从文化旅游资源异质性,即自身价值;文化资源系统性评价,即景区文化旅游资源的复合性和文化旅游资源的表现力,即市场性三大标准进行综合评估。目前山西省文化旅游资源通过旅游景区这一市场形式所承载,而4A级旅游景区是山西省核心文化旅游资源的主要载体。因此,本文的资源评估尝试建立在山西省已有的4A级旅游景区的文化旅游资源上,通过社会调查,专家访谈等形式,实现文化资源评价形式在山西省的实际应用,探讨其对旅游产业的“推力”和“拉力”作用。对山西省4A级旅游景区进行文化旅游资源评价不但有利于为旅游开发和规划的基础性工作——资源评价工作拓展新的研究空间,而且能为山西省4A级旅游景区的经营管理和市场推广提供参考依据。虽然本文中的一些理论阐述或评价标准难免有失偏颇,但还是希望通过这一理论探索为旅游资源基础研究,为山西省文化旅游战略构想的实践工作尽一份绵薄之力。

【Abstract】 The essence of tourist activities is actually the sum of a series of activities the tourists carry out on the "tourism resources" through "tourist market". While the "tourism resources" research on the objective vector of tourist activities, the vector itself could only succeed in achieve its main value with the subjective "tourists".On the one hand, the study of tourism resources has to be set out from the perspective of "tourists" (humanism) to realize the character of tourism resources -"attractions"; On the other hand, to produce the ultimate tourist activities, "resources" must also use the media - "market", as the tourism market also produce counter-reaction to tourism resources.Based on the existing study results, this paper tries to re-interpret the structural character of tourism resources of by means of summing up and inducting academic point of view, particularly further explores and develops the tourism resources of cultural identity on the basis of existing "natural and humanism tourism resources -two classification system" on the basis of this paper, and finally proposes "natural resources" and "cultural resources" Category concept.Basically speaking, culture is all the outcome of mankind’s own material and spiritual wealth. Being different from the natural attribution of "natural resources", "cultural resources" focused on "humanistic" nature, which explains the classification of tourism resources, "Nature and Humanistic - system " in the field of tourism academy. However, the concept "culture" is more closed to the media "market" which should not be overlooked in tourism activities. Such concepts as "Cultural industries", "cultural market" and others related to the culture are widely accepted in the market. By comparison, such concepts as "human sciences", "humanism" and other humanities trend to be more academic. Therefore, the concept "Cultural Tourism resources" is more modern and extensive; meanwhile, the interpretation of cultural introduced to the tourism resources is more representative and operational. As now the evaluation system of tourism resources develops to be more quantitative and multi-level with the introduction of multi-factor compound evaluation means, and apply the flexible factors standards to highlight "specialty" of resources, which precisely attributes to the "culture" inheritance. In short, the concept of cultural tourism resources is able to highlight the nature of tourism market and tourism resources.With the actual situation of tourism resources in Shanxi province, we can find out that the concept "culture" is practically representative and unique in Shanxi province. Historically speaking, Shanxi Province itself is the typical represent of 5000-year Chinese Culture in all levels, thus the existing rich cultural relics, external or internal, just fit the purpose of cultural tourism resources evaluation.According to the existing standards and systems of humanist tourism resources evaluation, based on the cultural characteristics and the nature of categories, from the point of view of the situation of present tourism market, particularly the one in Shanxi province, this paper proposes four culture sub-factors consisting of religion or regional belief, historical traditions, ethnic custom, and regional heterogeneity, and also assesses the value of tourism cultural resources with three standards, including the heterogeneity of cultural tourism resources, that is, their own values; systematic evaluation of cultural resources, that is, the compound of cultural tourism resources in scenic areas, and the capacity of market performance.At present, the cultural tourism resources in Shanxi Province are mainly beard with the forms of tourist scenic markets, and by the end of 2007, the AAAA-class tourist scenic areas are the carrier of the influential cultural tourism resources in Shanxi Province. Therefore, we tried to establish a resource assessment on the cultural tourism resources of existing AAAA-class tourist areas in Shanxi Province, by means of social surveys and interviews with experts and etc, apply the cultural resources evaluation system to Shanxi Province, and discuss its role of cultural "push" and "pull" in the tourism industry."In conclusion, the cultural resources evaluation of AAAA-class scenic areas in Shanxi province will not only benefit to expand the research of tourism evaluation, which is the infrastructure work of tourism development and planning, but also provide reference to the management and marketing of AAAA-class scenic areas in Shanxi Province. Although there may inevitably exist some faults or bias in the theoretical explanations or evaluation criteria, we still hope that this theoretic exploration would contribute to the basic research of tourism - tourism resources study, and to the practical work of strategic conception of cultural tourism in Shanxi Province.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

