

D.H. Lawrence’s Concept of Life

【作者】 王志梅

【导师】 张和龙;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 长篇小说《虹》和《恋爱中的女人》是姊妹篇,也是D. H.劳伦斯的重要代表作。由于其故事的延续性,这里它们被当作一个整体来解读。这样将有助于更全面地了解劳伦斯小说所体现出的哲学思想。劳伦斯小说的一些特点广为人知,比如说其中有大量的性描写,还有作品所体现出的反对机械主义,反对理性,以及主张回归自然的思想。通过阅读劳伦斯本人对其他文学家及其作品的评论,我们可以发现更多的他所反对的东西,但都与“生命”这一核心价值观密切相关。劳伦斯作品带来的争议可能在一定程度上提高了他的名气,但人们对其作品长期的阅读和研究肯定是基于作品本身的价值。劳伦斯对人类文明很多方面的反思在今天仍具有重大的意义,因为我们今天的世界可能比劳伦斯时代所面临的问题更多,更尖锐。第一章首先简单介绍了生态批评,包括生态文学的定义,基本价值观和一些特点,比如反人类中心主义等文明批判。生态批评是本文的理论基础。而文明批判是劳伦斯作品的一大特点。另外,由于劳伦斯的作品有明显的自传元素,因此对劳伦斯生平重要事件的简单了解将有助于对小说的理解。这章的最后一部分对相关评论评论做了介绍并指出本文的论述重点。第二章阐述劳伦斯对文明批判的一些观点,诸如对“社会人”,对理性及理想主义甚至爱情至上观的批判。从相关的论述中将可以看出劳伦斯之所以反对这些是因为过分强调他们当中的任何一方面都将对生命本身构成伤害。第三章总结劳伦斯的“生命”哲学。首先,针对上一章提出的文明批判,劳伦斯在小说提出了他所推崇的生活方式和爱情观。但“生命”的概念才是劳伦斯哲学思想的核心内涵。其一,生命比其它任何东西都重要。其二,每个生命与其周围环境的联系也很重要,这种联系甚至可以说就是生命本身。对人类来说,与周围环境的关系有两种,即人与人的关系和自然与人的关系。在人与人的关系中,男女关系最为重要。因此良好的婚姻对个人来说也就具有非凡的意义。在自然与人的关系中,应当指出的是自然是不可战胜的,纯粹利用自然征服自然的观点是错误的。人类应该努力使自己与自然保持和谐一致。第四章讨论劳伦斯小说的生态意义。首先要指出的是劳伦斯是反对人类中心主义的。其次,人类应该与自然保持和谐统一的关系。自然与人类社会形成对照。人类也可以从自然界得到启发以认识到人类文明的弊病从而找到正确的道路。最后,生态预警是劳伦斯小说生态意义的一个主要方面。本章将重点讨论。第五章结论部分总结以上各个部分以使整篇文章成为相互联系的整体,对重点的内容将再次强调。从劳伦斯围绕“生命”这一核心价值的对人类社会文明的种种思考中可以看出,作者自身的经历对其思想形成的巨大影响。这也是他的作品具有深远的生态启示意义的原因所在。

【Abstract】 This paper is to study two of D. H. Lawrence’s most important novels--The Rainbow and Women in Love. These works are treated as a whole in this study as the unfinished story of Ursula in The Rainbow continues in Women in Love. The examination of the story in its entirety should enable one to have a better understanding of what the author intended to express.It is well known that Lawrence wrote about sexuality, criticized mechanism and rationalism, and advocated reverting back to nature. Reading his selected critiques reveals the reasons why he was against so many things and the core value of his philosophy—life itself. Like many other writers and artists who were never understood by their contemporaries, Lawrence’s works were too banned in his time and yet have become immensely popular and widely studied. The controversial aspects could have added to his fame, but it is the fundamental qualities of his works that have achieved his long-lasting impact in the literary world. Many of his values (criticisms) on civilization are still of great significance today, a world with even more problems than the one at his time.This thesis aims at exploring the overall ecological thoughts of D. H. Lawrence, his doubts, his solutions and the ecological significance of the two novels, so as to achieve a better understanding of his philosophy.Chapter One begins with an introduction to ecocriticism, including the definition of ecoliterature, its core values, and characteristics, which is the theoretical basis of this study. What relates Lawrence’s works to ecocriticism is their striking characteristic of civilization criticism, which is also an important aspect of ecocriticism. Due to the fact that D. H. Lawrence often put his own experiences into his literary creation, it is also necessary to discuss some important facts in his life and to introduce very briefly the plot of the two novels. Chapter Two discusses D. H. Lawrence’s civilization criticism. It can be concluded that those aspects are all related to man’s various abilities, such as the ability to work, think, love, ect. Lawrence criticized each aspect when it was overemphasized by some people, which prevented one from viewing life itself as the most important.Chapter Three is a discussion of Lawrence’s beliefs, or his solutions to the problems of civilization mentioned in chapter two. Two key words can summarize his philosophy: life and relationship. First, life is more important than anything. Then, life does not exist in isolation. The relationship between a human being and the outside world, including other human beings and nature, is what constitutes life itself. For the former, the most important relationship is that between a man and a woman. That’s why a happy and satisfying marriage is very important. For the latter, man should not and can not conquer nature. Instead, man should try to be at-one (be careful,“at-oneness”is a noun) with nature. In addition, because the social mechanism produced various social beings, Lawrence suggested a lifestyle opposed to that of a social being, which offered clues to being“a whole man alive”.Chapter Four is about the ecological significance of the two novels. First, it should be pointed out that Lawrence was antianthropocentric. Second, nature can be the source of inspirations for man, so that man can realize what’s wrong with the human society and which is the right way. The main trait of the novels’ecological significance is the ecological warning expressed in them, which will also be the largest part discussed in this chapter.Chapter Five is the conclusion part, which provides another birdseyeview of this study, relates and connects the above chapters, and reemphasizes the key points in this study. First, Lawrence’s life story had a lot to do with his outlook. Then the life concept is of central value in his philosophy, which is also where the ecological significance of his novels results from.

  • 【分类号】I561.074
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】795

