

Barriers to Effective English-Chinese Escort Interpreting and Proposed Solutions

【作者】 张皓男

【导师】 齐伟钧;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,随着各国交流的不断加强,译员扮演着越来越重要的角色。无论是笔译还是口译,都承载着交流的作用。陪同口译是口译的一种,虽然没有像会议口译那样受到关注,但却是口译中最普遍和使用最广泛的一种形式,因此研究陪同口译对实际应用具有广泛的指导作用。但笔者发现,涉及陪同口译领域的学术研究很匮乏。因此本文旨在阐述陪同口译当中常见的问题,并结合笔者的实践经验,拟提出相应的解决办法,对陪同口译的实际应用和教学有一定的指导作用。本文共包含以下六个章节:引言部分介绍了研究的背景,目的和范围。第二章陈述口译简史,以及陪同口译的分类,包括陪同口译当中最常见的交传,与通常概念上不同的同传以及以书面材料作为翻译对象或辅助工具的两种不同视译。并且介绍了目前口译界比较公认的口译模型,包括Gile的理解等式以及夏大模型。第三章提出陪同口译中出现的语言与文化障碍,诸如听力障碍,作为记忆辅助工具的笔记,语言和文化的不可译性,谚语、熟语以及新词等的翻译。第四章提出陪同口译中出现的知识障碍,包括一般性知识,专业性知识特别是专业术语的积累。第五章提出陪同口译中出现的情景障碍,包括客户的背景,非语言交流,以及听者英语语言程度对口译的影响。基于上述前五章的分析,最后一章第六章总结与建议。本文旨在分析译员陪同口译当中普遍遇到的障碍,并提出适当解决方案和建议。

【Abstract】 As the international community is being brought closer and closer together by the communications revolution of the last few decades and as the world economy becomes more and more interdependent, the work of translators and interpreters assumes greater and greater importance. Whether it be translation or interpreting, the ultimate goal is to facilitate cultural communication. Escort interpreting is just one type of interpreting, among many others, such as conference interpreting, court interpreting, and sign interpreting, to name but a few. However, even though it is the most frequently and widely applied form of interpreting, escort interpreting has never been really been as much in the spotlight; has never really attracted the“bravos”and“wows”that, say, conference interpreting does.Despite the fact that more and more interpreters have joined the profession, the demand for escort interpreting services still far outstrips supply on the market. The blossoming of the profession needs more theoretical research to support its further development. However, the author finds that there is a dearth of research on the subject of barriers to communication in English-Chinese escort interpreting and solutions to these problems. More research is most definitely necessary and the whole area needs to be explored in greater depth. Such research would have considerable practical value. The author proposes in this study to identify particular barriers and constraints which occur in actual interpreting practice and put forward some proposed solutions. The author believes that these issues are of profound importance in the actual practice of escort interpreting as well as in interpreting training.The thesis consists of six chapters:Chapter One is a brief introduction, which gives the reader an overview of the current thinking on the subject. In Chapter Two the author reviews the literature including interpreting in general and the classification of escort interpreting, as well as the relevant interpreting models which this paper is based on. Chapters Three, Four and Five, are given over respectively to the discussion of linguistic issues, cultural knowledge, and situational barriers. The author advances some proposed solutions. Based on the analysis in the previous five chapters, Chapter Six provides a summary of the whole thesis and presents some tentative suggestions on the actual practice of escort interpreting.

【关键词】 陪同口译障碍解决方案
【Key words】 escort interpretingbarrierssolutions
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】697

