

Translation of Hamlet in the Light of Cooperative Principle and Pragmatic Equivalence

【作者】 林玥

【导师】 李美;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 翻译与其他学科的联姻并不是一个崭新的概念。事实上,翻译的性质决定了翻译研究需要跨学科的合作来拓宽其视野。本文探讨了语用原则,尤其是格赖斯的会话含义理论及合作原则在整个翻译过程,包括翻译目标、翻译策略以及翻译质量评估等方面的应用,以期引导人们注重翻译中的语用特征。无论是口头交际还是书面交际,成功的交流过程必然需要合作的意识。而一旦涉及到语际转换和跨文化交际,由于有了译者的“干预”,交际中的合作关系则变得更为复杂。因此,为了实现意义传递和交流的翻译目标,交际各方必须遵守特定的原则,这正是本文所要讨论的格赖斯合作原则及其四准则,其内涵和外延在翻译的维度中思考会得到丰富和扩展。合作意识对于语用推断而言至关重要,而语用推断则是识别“会话含义”的关键步骤。格赖斯理论体系中的“会话含义”与翻译中的“内涵义”、“深层含义”以及“隐含义”等概念有相似之处。通过对合作原则及其四准则在翻译视角下的重新阐释,译者可以确定真正需要传达的“意义”成分,以期取得本文所讨论的语用等效。语用等效既可视为翻译的目标,也可作为翻译的标准运用于翻译实践,而翻译的成败在很大程度上则取决于目标语读者对于译文的理解和欣赏。本文选取莎士比亚著作《哈姆雷特》中的若干译例来探讨上述原则在翻译实践中的适用性。考虑到《哈姆雷特》的会话特征和修辞特色,从中选取的译例可作为合作原则以及语用等效在实践中的试金石,这一过程涉及到语境、文化、文体以及美学等诸多因素。此外,本文还将涉及翻译中的一些其他概念,例如衔接及连贯、过度翻译及欠额翻译、社会及文化语境、前提、言外之力、语用充实、语用省略、语用模糊以及语用推断等等。以上所述各个方面,在翻译的过程以及翻译目标的实现中均有其特定的地位和作用。作者希望本文的探讨可以服务于更为深入的语用翻译研究。

【Abstract】 The marriage of translation and other disciplines is not a brand-new idea. In fact, the nature of translation calls for such interdisciplinary cooperation in broadening the vision of translation studies. This paper studies the application of pragmatic principles, especially Grice’s Conversational Implicature Theory and Cooperative Principle, to the whole process of translation, including translation objective, translation strategies as well as translation quality assessment, etc. to draw due attention to the pragmatic aspects of translation.Cooperation is a prevailing awareness in successful communication, whether orally or literally. When it comes to inter-lingual and cross-cultural communication, the cooperation relationship becomes even more complicated because of the intervention of the bi-lingual, or rather, bi-cultural translator. Therefore, to ensure the fulfillment of the translation objective of meaning conveyance and effective communication, it is crucial for the parties involved to observe certain rules and regulations, that is, Grice’s CP and its concrete Four Maxims, whose denotation and connotation are to be enlarged and enriched in the examination of translation.Cooperation awareness is also indispensable to pragmatic inference, which in turn is an essential step leading to the recognition of implicature. Implicature in Grice’s theory bears many similarities with the“connotation”,“deep-structured meaning”or“implied meaning”from different angles. With the help of re-interpreted CP and Four Maxims in translation perspective, the translator is in a position to tackle some obsessing dilemmas by determining the proper meaning to be conveyed with a view to achieving pragmatic equivalence proposed in this paper. To put forward pragmatic equivalence as both a translation objective and a quality assessment criterion is to promote and also to facilitate the application of pragmatic principles to translation, whose success depends on the target reader’s comprehension and appreciation to a considerable extent.To evaluate the authenticity and applicability of the above-mentioned principles, this paper discusses examples selected from Shakespeare’s masterpiece—Hamlet. In consideration of the distinctive conversational implicature and rhetorical features involved in Hamlet, it stands to good reason to regard it as a touchstone for the CP and pragmatic equivalence in translation practice, which is supposed to take into account a wide range of factors, involving context, cultural elements, stylistics and aesthetics, to name just a few.Moreover, other animatedly discussed topics are also touched upon in this paper, for instance, cohesion and coherence, over-translation and under-translation, social and cultural concerns, presupposition and larger context, perlocutionary force, pragmatic addition, pragmatic omission, pragmatic obscurity and pragmatic inference, etc. All these factors have their own positions in the theoretical foundation and make their own contributions to the achievement of inter-lingual and cross-cultural communication regarded as the ultimate goal of translation in this paper, which is hoped by the author to serve as a catalyst to further theoretical studies.

  • 【分类号】I561;H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】512

