

The Application of Communicative Language Teaching to Grammar Teaching in Junior Schools

【作者】 刘晓雷

【导师】 王庆新;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 语法教学一直就是外语教学的焦点之一。传统观念强调语法知识是外语教学中最重要的因素,以至于把语法教学作为外语教学的目的,而完全忽视了学生能力的培养。交际能力这一概念的提出使交际能力的培养成为外语教学的最终目的,而在很长一段时间内人们误认为语法教学对这一目标是没有任何帮助的。随着语言研究和语言教学的发展,人们认识到语法能力是交际能力的重要组成部分,语法教学在外语教学中,不仅必要而且是达到交际能力目标的主要途径。目前,对外语教学的争议,已不是是否要进行语法教学,而是以哪种方法和手段进行语法教学才更有效。初中阶段是外语教育的基础阶段,语法是外语教学的基础。然而,在现实的中学英语课堂中有两种教学倾向比较突出:传统的PPP教学法和交际教学法,PPP教学法过分注重语法知识的讲解、语言规则的记忆、句型的反复练习;交际教学法由于认识上的不足,则回避语法教学。实践证明这两种教学法的弊端都很明显。为改变这种状况,作者根据自己多年的教学经验和对交际教学法的理解,力图探索一种新的语法教学模式——用交际法教授语法,以提高语法教学的效率并培养学生在交际中准确、流利、恰当的表达思想的能力。为检验新模式的有效性,作者进行了一项实验。选取的对象是初二年级的两个教学班。作者对实验班和控制班进行了前测和后测,并在实验前、后,对实验班进行了两次问卷调查。在为期一个学期的教学实验中,对控制班实行传统的语法教学,实验班则采用交际法,并通过大量的课堂活动设计展示了在交际法的框架下怎样教授语法。研究结果表明交际法不仅比传统的语法教学更有助于提高中学生的英语语法水平,而且有利于提高学生的语法学习兴趣。在此基础上,本文提出应重视交际教学法在语法教学上的运用,及应处理好的三个方面的关系。提出了运用交际教学方法来处理语法教学,融语言形式和语言功能教学为一体,这有助于改变传统、低效的以语言知识为目的的英语教学状况,从而转变到教语言、教交际的教学目标之上。本文还探讨了一些在交际法的框架下的语法教学活动与形式。通过这些教学活动,让学生循序渐进地获得语言知识能力,更主要的是综合使用语言的能力,使学生更清楚地意识到语言的交际功能,从而增强学习动机和提高学习效果。总之,在初中英语语法教学中,交际教学法是一种更有效的语法教学途径,在具体实施中,使英语语法知识和真实的情景结合起来及创设大量的交际活动是其关键。

【Abstract】 Grammar teaching has always been one of the controversial issues in foreign language teaching. Grammatical knowledge is traditionally viewed as the most important so that grammar teaching is made the goal of English language teaching and the ability of using the language is totally neglected. The proposition of the concept of communicative competence makes the communicative competence the ultimate goal of foreign language teaching, and grammar teaching had been thought to be useless for the goal for a long period. With the development of linguistic studies and language teaching, it is realized that grammatical competence is an important component of the communicative competence, and in foreign language teaching, grammatical instruction is not only indispensable but also the access to the teaching goal. Nowadays, the most controversial of the issues surrounding the foreign language teaching is not whether to teach grammar, but how to teach it.Junior middle schools are the place where the foundation of foreign language education lays and grammar teaching is basic in foreign language teaching. There are two extreme tendencies in middle schools’English classes: the traditional PPP approach and Communicative Language Teaching. Traditional PPP approach to English teaching focuses too much on English grammar explanation, pattern exercises and reciting of English grammar rules, while Communicative Language Teaching avoids any English grammar teaching for the misconceptions of it. Shortcomings of the two ways have been very obvious. To solve such problems, in accordance with the principles of Communicative Language Teaching and his own years’of teaching practice, the author of this thesis intends to explore a new English grammar teaching mode --- Communicative Grammar Teaching, with the expectation of making grammar teaching more effective, meanwhile cultivating learners’ability to express themselves accurately, fluently and appropriately in real-world communication. In order to identify the effect of the new mode, an experimental research was carried out. Two classes from Junior Two have been chosen as samples. A pre-test and a post-test were conducted to both the experimental class and the controll class, and two questionnaire surveys were undertaken to the E-C before and after the experiment. During the one-term long experiment, the control class was taught with traditional grammar teaching method; however, the experimental class was treated with CLT, and a large number of classroom activities were presented to illuminate how to teach grammar in CLT. The results from the study indicate that CLT can not only help improve the learners’English grammar level more effectively but also increase the learners’interest in grammar learning than the traditional methods. On such basis, the thesis proposes that we should pay attention to the application of CLT to grammar teaching and three kinds of relationships that should be dealt with in communicative grammar teaching. In order to change the traditional and inefficient method of ELT in China’s situation to a more efficient teaching approach: communicative grammar teaching, the thesis puts forward the possible ways of grammar instruction through communicative approaches, integrating language forms into language functions. It also explores some teaching activities of grammatical instruction in the framework of CLT. Through these activities, the learners can not only gradually obtain the linguistic competence, more primarily the comprehensive ability to put it to use, but also be more aware of the communicative function of language, therefore be more interested in effective language learning.In a word, communicative language teaching is more effective in grammar teaching than the traditional PPP to English grammar teaching in the junior middle schools. During the implementation of CLT, to combine English grammar with the real context and design numerous communicating activities are important keys to the success of CLT.


