

Investigation and Prevention Study on Internet Addiction Phenomenon for Middle-school Students at the City of Weihai

【作者】 高杰

【导师】 陆宏;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 现代教育技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代化、信息化和网络化进程的推进,很多人出现了一种特殊的问题——网络成瘾,特别是那些正处在人生重要转折时期的中学生,在充分享受着网络带来的诸多方便与乐趣的同时,有越来越多的人身陷网络而成瘾,成瘾者终日沉溺于网络而不能自拔,视力下降,体质变弱,情绪低落,自我评价降低,缺乏与他人沟通,产生自闭倾向,导致心理障碍,更为严重的是,近年来,青少年与网络有关的各种犯罪呈上升趋势。网络成瘾已严重影响了青少年的生活、学习及身心健康。因此,对患网络成瘾症的高危人群——中学生群体的网络成瘾现象进行研究,有效预防和纠正其网络成瘾,对维护中学生身心健康、促进学校教育效果、维护社会稳定、促进网络心理学的发展等方面都具有重要的现实意义。近年来,网络成瘾现象已引起国内外心理学家、医学家、教育学家的广泛关注,一些学者针对网络成瘾现象提出了一些富有建设性的防治理论与实践方法,对网络成瘾的戒除进行了积极而有效的探索,取得了一定成果。本文结合中学生身心发展的特点,对网络成瘾的症状特征、诊断标准、网络成瘾的危害、网络成瘾者与非成瘾者的特征差异、影响网络成瘾的因素等方面进行了系统的梳理分析并提出了有针对性的预防措施,以期为后续研究提供一些参考和借鉴。本研究随机抽取威海城区三所初级中学360名初中生为调查对象,其中男生198名、女生162名,被试的平均年龄为13.6岁。使用统一的问卷和量表,采取现场问卷调查法,用匿名的方式以班级为单位进行施测,受试者在同一时间填表并统一收回。研究结果显示:(1)威海城区初中生网络成瘾率为7.56%;(2)网瘾者与非网瘾者在性别上有显著差异性,男性比女性更容易上网成瘾;(3)网瘾者与非网瘾者在上网时间、上网次数、上网地点存在显著差异性;(4)网瘾者与非网瘾者在网络功能的使用上差异显著;(5)网瘾者与非网瘾者的父母家庭教养方式存在显著差异,网络成瘾组的父母在教养子女方面更多的倾向于“惩罚严厉”、“过度干涉”、“拒绝否认”,整体上缺乏对子女足够的支持、鼓励和与其之间的沟通;(6)网瘾者与非网瘾者在应付方式中的“自责”、“幻想”、“退避”三个维度上存在显著差异性,网瘾者多采用“自责”、“幻想”、“退避”不成熟的行为方式应对问题;(7)网络成瘾危害着中学生的身心健康、正常的人际交往、优良道德品质的形成,甚至引发网络犯罪行为;(8)本研究从社会、家庭、学校和个体自身四个方面揭示了影响中学生网络成瘾的因素;(9)只有综合运用社会、家庭、学校和个体自身等方面的力量对中学生网络成瘾进行预防和干预,才能取得良好效果。在信息时代,加强青少年网络成瘾的研究与防治是一项紧迫而艰巨的任务,是一项社会系统工程,需要社会各方面的共同努力才能取得理想效果,做好此项工作不但对青少年的健康成长有益,而且对我们国家的未来与发展具有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 With the progress of modernization and informationization, and the advance of the network in the present information society, many people are getting addicted to the network, especially those middle-school students who are at an important transition period of their life. While the students are enjoying the fun and convenience brought by the network, an increasing number of them are getting addicted, which has done great harm to their health and influenced their life and study. Such as indulging themselves in network, vision drop, constitution delicating, degradation of self-evaluation, lack of communication and psychological obstacle.What is more, it is showd a increasing trend from the network crimes committed by adolescents. The study on internet addiction phenomenon for middle-school students, which in order to prevent and correct it, has important significance for the physically and mentally healthy, promoting teaching effect, maintaining social stability and promoting network psychology.In recent years, the experts in psychology ,medical and education that at home and abroad have done some research on the phenomenon of internet addiction, and have put forward constructive suggestions for the prevention and cure of the problem. This paper, which is expected to provide some reference for follow-up research, makes a systematic analysis of the symptoms, diagnosis, harmful effective, causes, special features and preventative measures concerning network addiction, taking into consideration the characteristics of middle-school students.The present research takes 360 middle-school students who are randomly selected at the City of Weihai as subjects. There are 198 boys and 162 girls included, and the average age is 13.6. The research is investigated with anonymous questionnaire taking a class as a unit, and draws the following conclusions. First, the percentage of internet addiction is 7.56% in the urban area. Second, there are significant differences in terms of gender, and the male are more easily getting addicted than the female. Third, the internet addicts differ significantly from non-addicts in terms of online history, time, frequency and places. Fourth, the application of Network functions is different between the two groups. Fifth, the negative influence of Network is great to the study of the internet addicts. Sixth, there are significant differences in terms of family educational patterns. The parents of internet addicts are inclined to punishment, interference and denial. Generally they do not show enough support for, encouragement to, or communication with their children. Seventh, compared with non-addicts, Internet addicts tend to take self-accusation, fancying, withdrawal as the methods to handle problems. Eighth, Internet addiction does serious harm to students’physical and mental health, interpersonal communication, and the forming of moral character, even more, and it can even cause network crimes. This paper discusses the causes of internet addiction from such perspectives as society, family, school and youngsters themselves. Ninth, the prevention and treatment of middle-school students’internet addiction may achieve better results if the strength of society, family, school and youngsters themselves are combined.The research on internet addiction for the youths is a pressing and arduous task in the era of information. It is a social systems engineering which needs the efforts of various aspects. The research is not only good for the healthy growth of the youths, but also has important significance in the development of our state.


