

A Clinical Observation on Treating Scoliosis by Acupuncture and Pulling Manipulation (Banfa)

【作者】 吴靖国

【导师】 王升旭;

【作者基本信息】 南方医科大学 , 中西医结合临床, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:观察针刺配合扳推法治疗脊柱侧弯的临床疗效。方法:临床观察于2006.3-2006.12在南方医科大学附属医院和香港天佑堂、昊域、良方等中医诊所完成。32例脊柱侧弯病人接受针刺和扳推法治疗,先用基本手法放松脊柱椎旁软组织,直至背腰部发热后,再用一指禅沿督脉和膀胱经的第一侧线由上而下疏通经脉2遍,点压夹脊穴、三焦俞、肾俞、气海俞和胸腰部阿是穴,待脊柱软组织松解后,针对脊柱变形的程度运用扳推法纠正;然后选胸腰部双侧夹脊穴(主要为侧弯锥体的双侧夹脊穴)、凹侧大肠俞、双委中为主穴针刺治疗,再根据不同证型选用配穴:寒湿型加腰阳关,瘀血型加双膈俞、双血海,肾虚型加双肾俞、命门、双志室。观察周期为1个疗程(治疗为隔日1次,每次扳推法15分钟,针刺留针30分钟,3个月为一疗程)。观察指标为每位患者治疗前后Cobb角的角度变化情况,然后评定疗效。结果:32例脊柱侧弯患者中,15例获得临床痊愈,总有效率为84.38%。32例脊柱侧弯病人治疗前后的Cobb角变化有显著性差异(P<0.01)。针刺治疗过程中所有患者均未有特殊不适。结论:针刺配合扳推法,能够有效地改善脊柱侧弯患者的脊柱畸形症状。

【Abstract】 [Objective]To observe the clinical efficacy of treating scoliosis by the method of acupuncture and pulling manipulation.[Method]The clinical observation will be completely solved in the subordinate hospital of Southern Medical University and the Hong Kong clinic:such as tianyoutang,Hao yu,liangfang during 2006.3 to 2006.12.32 cases of scoliosis patients receiving acupuncture and massage treatment,using the basic massage method firstly,such as rolling manipulation(Gunfa),circular rubbing manipulation (Mofa) to relax the spinal soft tissue until the patients feel their haunch fever.And then using another method,pushing manipulation with one-finger(Yizhichan Tuifa) from up to down for two times to press the areas along the circulation of DU meridian and the first branch of bladder meridian in the back aspect,digits-pressing manipulation(Dianfa) pressing the Jiaji(EX-B2) Points,sanjiaoshu(BL22), Shenshu(BL23),qihaishu(BL24),and ashi points in the chest-waist areas.After the spinal soft tissue release,according to the extent of the Cobb of the spinal deformation,use the pulling manipulation,one method of the massage to correct the deformation.Then puncture the bilateral chest-waist Jiaji Points(especially the bilateral Jiaji Points of the abnormal vertebra),the concave side Dachangshu(BL25) point,and the double Weizhong(BL40) points.In addition,select some adjunct points according to the theory of syndrome differentiation:with Yaoyangguan(DU3) for the cold-dampness type;With double Geshu(BL17),double Xuehai(SP10) for the stagnation of the blood type;With Mingmen(DU4),double shenshu(BL23),double zhishi(BL52) for the kidney deficiency type.The Observation cycle is for a course of treatment(treatment one time for every two days, massage firstly for 15 minutes,then acupuncture and retaining needle for 30 minutes, three months for a course of treatment).Observations of indicators are the Cobb angle changes,and then assess efficacy.[Results]In 32 cases of scoliosis patients,15 cases were clinical cure and the total effective rate was 84.38 percent.The difference of the Cobb angle(before and after treatment changes) of 32 cases of scoliosis patients was significant(P<0.01). All the patients were not any discomfort during the treatment.[Conclusion]Acupuncture with pulling manipulation can effectively improve the symptoms of spinal deformity in scoliosis patients.

【关键词】 脊柱侧弯针刺推拿
【Key words】 scoliosisacupuncturemassage
  • 【分类号】R246.9
  • 【下载频次】141

