

Starch Properties of Wheat High in Resistant Starch and Correlation of Nutritional Components and Resistant Starch

【作者】 张志转

【导师】 陈多璞; 吴殿星; 石英尧;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验通过诱变苏麦6号获得一个高抗性淀粉(Resistant Sarch,RS)突变体WRS-1,对其淀粉特性作了细致研究,并收集国内小麦主产区94个春小麦材料,对其表观直链淀粉含量(Apparent amylose content,AAC)、蛋白质及脂肪与生面粉和熟面粉RS含量的相关性进行了研究,以期为选育高RS小麦品种提供依据。主要结果如下:1高抗性淀粉小麦突变体的淀粉特性突变体WRS-1的总淀粉、自由糖、AAC、RS含量都显著高于苏麦6号,RS含量约为苏麦6号的7倍,而粗脂肪和粗蛋白的含量都显著低于苏麦6号。WRS-1淀粉颗粒基本为碟形,少部分为球形,且形状不规则。WRS-1淀粉粘滞性和膨胀性降低。支链淀粉DP≤17的链减少,8≤DP≤10的链减少明显,而DP≥18的链增加,ACR为0.550。最大吸收波长在591nm。回生、未回生样品以及加工成面条和馒头等4种情况下WRS-1的消化速率及终消化率都明显低于苏麦6号,充分体现了WRS-1的RS绝对含量的增加及其抗消化性。4种情况下的消化特性有明显区别,说明回生和加工方式都影响RS的形成。2小麦抗性淀粉与主要营养成分的相关性研究熟面粉RS与AAC呈极显著正相关,而与蛋白质、脂肪相关不显著。最优回归方程为:Y1=-0.745+0.134X1,其中Y1表示熟面粉RS含量,X1表示AAC含量。生面粉RS含量与AAC呈极显著正相关,与蛋白质呈极显著负相关,与脂肪相关不显著,最优回归方程为:Y2=-3.190+0.747X1-0.409X2,其中Y2表示生面粉RS含量,X2为蛋白质含量。生面粉与熟面粉之间的RS含量呈极显著正相关,最优回归方程为:Y1=1.199+0.083Y2

【Abstract】 A wheat mutant high in resistant starch(RS) named WRS-1 had been identified from generations of Sumai No.6 via mutant breeding.The starch properties of mutant have been investigated.And 94 spring wheat materials have been collected to study the correlation of RS content and main nutritional components of wheat starch in order to provide some assistant breeding methods for wheat breeding which is high in RS content.The results were as follows.1 Starch properties of the wheat mutant which is high in RSTotal starch,amylose,free glucose and RS content were significant higher in mutant WRS-1 than that in Sumai No.6,while crude lipid and protein content were significant lower.The RS content in mutant WRS-1 was over 6 times higher than that in Sumai No.6. Starch granule from WRS-1 displayed two types of shape,which were dish and roundness. The percentage of dish was higher and the shape is irregular.Starch viscosity and swelling of WRS-1 were significant lower than that of Sumai No.6.The side chains of amylopectin with degree of polymerization(DP)≤17 reduced but DP≥18 increased in WRS-1 compared to Sumai No.6.The amylopectin chain ration(ACR,expressed as the ratio of (∑DP≤9)/(∑DP DP≤24)) were 0.550.The iodine-binding starch complex had a higherλmax of absorbance.The rate and degree of digestion were higher in WRS-1 in four treatments,such as retrogradation,non-retrogradation,noddles and white bread.It showed that starch from WRS-1 resisted digestion.2 Correlation sudy of main nutritional components and resistant starch.It showed that:AAC had significant effect on both RS content of cooked and uncooked flour while crude lipid content had no.The regression equation:Y1=-0.745+ 0.134X1(apparent amylose content X1,resistant starch content of cooked wheat flour Y1). Protein content had significant effect on RS content of uncooked flour but have no correlation with that of cooked flour.The regression equation:=-3.190+0.747X1-0.409X2(crude lipid content X2,resistant starch content of raw wheat flour Y2).The interaction effect between RS content of cooked and uncooked flour was also observed to be significant.The regression equation:Y1=1.199+0.083Y2.


