

Nutrient Characteristics and Dynamic Change of Chlorophyll Content on Chlorotic Cinnamomun Camphcra’s Leaves

【作者】 李春霞

【导师】 刘桂华;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 森林培育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对合肥市不同健康状况下的香樟叶片养分含量和叶绿素含量年动态特征进行了分析研究。结果表明,叶绿素含量在不同营养状况下表现显著差异,年变化动态曲线也不一样。健康老叶与黄化老叶叶绿素含量的差异显著(p=0.0010),健康新叶和黄化新叶叶绿素含量差异极显著(p=0.0004)。同一棵树上的不同叶龄的叶绿素含量变化也有差异,健康叶片老叶和新叶差异显著(p=0.0021),黄化老叶和新叶叶绿素含量变化差异极显著(p=0.0004)。总体看来不同营养状况下老叶之间的差异比新叶之间的差异小,不同叶龄情况下,健康的比黄化的差异小。不同营养状况下叶绿素含量的变化趋势是老叶与老叶相同,都是5月份达到一年中的最大值,11月份出现一年中的最小值;两种营养状况下的新叶和新叶趋势不同,健康新叶还是5月份出现一年中的最大值,11月份出现最小值,而黄化香樟新叶9月出现最大值,3月出现最小值。可以看出黄化香樟新叶叶绿素含量的达到最大值和最小值的时间都有所推迟,这样可能导致香樟生长期叶片叶绿素含量对树体营养供给不足,来不及合成足够的养分来促进树体生理活动,从而导致黄化。叶绿素a/b的值在不同营养状况下的差异显著或极显著。具体结果为,健康老叶和新叶差异显著(p=0.0424),黄化老叶和新叶差异极显著(p=0.0072),健康老叶和黄化老叶差异显著(p=0.0315),健康新叶和黄化新叶差异极显著(p=0.0011)。叶绿素a/b的年变化曲线在健康香樟和黄化香樟中变化趋势不一致。健康老叶和黄化老叶1~5月份都是上升趋势,但是之后健康老叶又缓慢回到原来水平,黄化老叶则继续上升;健康新叶和黄化新叶变化趋势也有类似变化,先都持续上升,后黄化新叶继续上升,而健康新叶又下降至原来水平,而且变化幅度较小。氮、磷、钾、硫、钙、硼、铁、镁、锰、锌、铝、钠和铜在健康和黄化这两种不同营养状况下的香樟叶片中含量差异显著,变化趋势的差异显著。健康香樟和黄化香樟钙含量t=0.4092(p=0.6890)、锌含量t=1.6028(p=0.1330)、钠含量t=0.7586(p=0.4616)、锰含量t=0.5108(p=0.6761)和铜含量t=1.6653(p=0.1197)都不显著,铝含量t=2.50989(p=0.0261)和全钾含量t=2.879(p=0.0129)显著,硫含量t=7.0777(p=0.0000)、镁含量t=3.1350(p=0.0079)、铁含量t=4.6807(p=0.0004)、硼含量t=4.2063(p=0.0010)、全磷含量t=3.13769(p=0.0079)和全氮含量t=5.9021(p=0.0001)差异极显著。养分元素Mg、Fe、N对于叶片健康状况的影响很大。通过黄化和健康香樟叶片营养元素的因子分析结果的比较研究可知,在香樟叶片营养元素的因子分析中,将健康香樟叶片13个营养元素复杂的关系转化为5个主因子,第一到第四主因子的决定因素分别是:K、N、Mn;Mg;P;Ca、Fe;Zn 5个主因子的贡献率分别是40.63%、26.62%、10.47%、8.99%、7.84%。同样黄化香樟叶片13个营养元素也转化为5个主因子,第一到第四主因子的决定因素分别是:Fe、Mg、N;P;Mn、Cu、Na;S 5个主因子的贡献率分别是33.24%、19.02%、13.67%、17.14%、10.36%。健康和黄化叶片重复的是Fe、Mg、N,而且累计贡献率比其他的元素要大,可见这三种元素对香樟的叶绿素含量和营养状况影响较大。健康香樟叶片中磷、锰、锌和铜这几种元素与其叶绿素含量的相关性相对于其他的元素更为显著,相关系数分别为0.9853、0.82874、0.9752和0.84796,而在黄化叶片中这些元素却表现很低的相关性,相关系数分别为0.0319、0.00706、0.2610和0.0659,因此可能是因为这些元素在黄化的香樟中缺乏造成的,而黄化的香樟硼的含量比健康的要高出很多,也可能出现的是硼的过量,导致黄化。通过对叶片叶绿素含量与养分利用效率和叶绿素含量与养分再吸收比例的进一步相关性研究得出,养分利用效率和养分再吸收比例都与叶绿素含量有较大的相关性,全氮、全磷和全钾养分利用效率与叶绿素含量的相关系数分别为0.64827、0.80644和0.55737,氮、磷和钾的养分再吸收比例与叶绿素含量性关系数分别为0.86536、0.89927和0.79009,从这些相关系数可以看出,这些与叶绿素相关性高的因素都是导致叶绿素含量的间接原因。

【Abstract】 Cinnamomum camphora is given more and more attention as an important species of trees in urban construction,but also getting more and more serious chlorotic.In this paper,Chlorotic Cinnamomum camphora on the nutrient characteristics of the leaf and chlorophyll content were studied in order to find some orderlinesses which were useful for urban tree management.The soils under urban green-lands in Hefei were badly disturbed by human activities,particularly the pollution from architectural garbage.Urban soil could trend to be alkaline.In the past,Cinnamomum camphora rhizosphere soil nutrient were studied more,dynamic change of chlorophyll content and leaf nutrient,dynamic changes on Chlorotic Cinnamomum camphora weie mainly studied in this paper,and re-absorption of nutrients and nutrient use efficiency were studied and analized to identify the correlation of nutrient content between chlorophyll content and nutrient use efficiency,and nutrient resorption.Chlorophyll a/b in the different nutritional status has the significant or very significant chaneges.To concrete results,the four status have significant difference,health old leaves and new leaves(p=0.0424),chlorotic old leaves and new leaves(p=0.0072),healthy old leaves and chlorotic old leaves(p=0.0315), Healthy new leaves and chlorotic leaves(p=0.0011).Chlorophyll a/b of the curve in health camphor mad chlorotic camphor change in the trend of inconsistency.Health old leaves and chlorotic old leaves are rising from 1 to 5,but after the health of old leaves and slowly returning to their original level,chlorotic old leaves will continue to rise;new healthy leaves and chlorotic leaves had a similar trend changes,To have continued to rise,after the chlorotic leaves continue to rise,and healthy new leaves dropped to the level of original level,and changes in a small range.Nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium,sulfur,calcium,boron,iron,magnesium, manganese,zinc,aluminum,copper and sodium both in the chlorotic and health nutritional status have significantly different,the trend also.Health camphor chlorotic camphor and calcium content t=0.4092(p=0.6890),zinc content of t=1.6028(p= 0.1330),sodium t=0.7586(p=0.4616),manganese content in t=0.5108(p= 0.6761) And copper content of t=1.6653(p=0.1197) not significant,aluminium content of t=2.50989(p=0.0261) and potassium content of t=2.879(p=0.0129) significantly,the sulfur content of t=7.0777(p=0.0000) And magnesium content of t=3.1350(p=0.0079),iron content t=4.6807(p=0.0004),boron in t=4.2063(p= 0.0010),total phosphorus content of t=3.13769(p=0.0079) and nitrogen content of t=5.9021(p=0.0001) difference was significant.The nutrient element of magnesium,iron and nitrogen has deeply effect to the health of the blade.From the result of comparison studies about the factor analysis,through the chlorotic and the healthy camphor leaves nutrition element,we change the thirteen nutrition elements of the healthy incense camphor tree blade into five mainly factors,the determine factor of the first four are:K、N、Mn;Mg;P; Ca、Fe;Zn.The contribution of the five mainly factors are 40.63%、26.62%、10.47%、8.99%、7.84%.Samely,the thirteen nutrition elements of the chlorotic camphor also change to five mainly factors,the determine factor of the first four are:Fe、Mg、N; P;Mn、Cu、Na;S.The contribution of the five mainly factors are 33.24%、19.02%、13.67%、17.14%、10.36%.The same factors of the health and the chlorotic leaf are Fe、Mg、N,and the totally contribution is more than any other factors.So the three elements have deeply affect to the chlorophy contents and nutrition situation of camphor tree.The phosphorus,manganese,zinc and copper elements in the healthy Cinnamomun camphor leaves has more relative to the chlorophy contents than other factors.The relevance modulus is 0.9853、0.82874、0.975 and 0.84796.but in the chlorotic lives,these elements show very low correlativity,the relevance modulus is 0.0319、0.00706、0.261 and 0.0659.the reason probably is the insufficiency of these factors in the chlorotic incense camphor tree.The boron contents in the chloroticting incense camphor is more than the health.Maybe also because of the bellyful of the boron lead to chlorotic.By the deeply comparison studies about the utility and the absorptivity of the of the chlorophy contents in the leaf and nutrient,we can come to a conclusion:the utility and the absorptivity of nutrient both have much correlativity with the chlorophy contents,the relevance modulus of the utility of absolutely nitrogen;phosphorus and potassium and the chlorophy contents are 0.64827,0.8064 and 0.55737,but the relevance modulus of the utility of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium and the chlorophy contents are 0.86536,0.8992 and 0.79009.It can be seen from the relevance modulus that the indirect reason of the chlorophy contents is the factors with the high chlorophy correlativity.


