

The Study on Mutagenic Effects of 60Coγ-ray on A.belladonna.L

【作者】 纵方

【导师】 项艳; 江守和;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 孤挺花为石蒜科孤挺花属球根花卉,为多年生草本,鳞茎卵状球形,直径7~8cm。原产南美秘鲁、巴西,现在世界各国广泛种植。孤挺花花朵花大色艳,叶片鲜绿洁净,宜于切花和盆栽观赏,还可配置于庭院、花坛、花径和林下自然布置。本研究用不同剂量(5 Gy、10 Gy、15 Gy、20 Gy) 60Coγ射线辐射处理三年生孤挺花鳞茎,并设置对照组。对成活率、叶长、叶宽、主根数量和次根数量等农艺性状进行田间观测;对辐射后植株根尖进行染色体压片,观察不同剂量60Coγ射线辐射引起的染色体变化;并利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)对辐射后植株叶片进行同工酶分析;获得的主要结果如下:1、M1代的成活率、叶长、叶宽、主根数量、次根数量等指标损伤度随着剂量的增大而加大,主要表现在以下几个方面:①随辐射剂量增加成活率显著降低,20 Gy剂量辐射组全部死亡;②叶长显著变短,15 Gy剂量辐射组叶长平均值仅为对照组叶长平均值的40%左右;③随辐射剂量增加,叶宽没有明显变化,方差分析表明结果不显著;④随辐射剂量增加,主根、次根数量均显著减少;⑤随辐射剂量增加,主根、次根长度也显著变短;通过方差分析和利用SPSS软件对所得数据进行处理后,分别得出如下方程:叶长和剂量的相关方程为:y=-0.405x+9.04 R2=0.93 F=54.291>F0.01=34.12叶宽和剂量的相关方程为:y=-0.129x+3.306 R2=0.68 F=9.484<F0.05=10.13主根数量和剂量的相关方程为:y=-0.362x+6.876 R2=0.924 F=49.551>F0.01=34.12主根长度和剂量的相关方程为:y=-0.37x+7.502 R2=0.995 F=758.981>F0.01=34.12次根数量和剂量的相关方程为:y=-3.518x+61.728 R2=0.868 F=27.378>F0.05=10.13次根长度和剂量的相关方程为:y=-0.126x+2.624 R2=0.989 F=365.095>F0.01=34.12以上方程中x均为自变量(剂量),y均为相应的各个农艺性状指标值。2、对辐射组根尖细胞进行染色体压片,观察发现5 Gy辐射组染色体畸变以桥为主,染色体桥出现的频率为36%,但当剂量加大时,则断片率则显著上升,10 Gy处理组染色体断片出现的频率为33%。3、对M1代成活植株叶片进行同工酶分析表明,过氧化物酶同工酶谱带比对照组数目均有增加,5Gy处理组增加两条带,10Gy处理组增加一条带;酯酶同工酶谱带相对对照组数目没有增加,但是谱带宽度发生变化,5Gy处理组酯酶谱带明显变宽,而10Gy处理组酯酶谱带则变弱。综上所述,辐射造成植株成活率、叶长、主根数量和次根数量等农艺性状的损伤,并且上述农艺性状的损伤度随辐照剂量的增加呈增加趋势;辐射引发染色体数量畸变,低剂量下以染色体桥为主,随着剂量加大进一步引发染色体结构变异和行为变异;同工酶对辐射反应比较敏感性,过氧化物酶和酯酶谱带均有变化,因此,利用同工酶的变化可以对突变体进行早期鉴定。

【Abstract】 Hippeastrum vittatum(Amaryllis vittata )is one of the tuber flowers,which belongs to Hippeastrum Amaryllidaceae.It is a perennial herb.Tts bulb’s shape is like an egg,and its diameter is about 7-8cm。Hippeastrum vittatum(Amaryllis vittata ) is produceed in the South America,Peru,Brazil originally,which is planted widely in various countries now.Tts flower is big and colorful,and its leaves are deep green which seem to be always flesh.Hippeastrum vittatum(Amaryllis vittata) is suitable for outing flower and bonsai watching.It may also can be disposed in the garden,the flower-bed,the flower-strewn path and the forest with nature arrangementoIn this experiment,three-year-old bulbs of Hippeastrum vittatum(Amaryllis vittata) were radiated by 60Coγ-ray with different dosages(5 Gy、10Gy、15 Gy、20 Gy).And established the control group.at the same time,Carry on the field observation to its survival rate and the seedling character.The results indicated that: along with the Increasing exposure dosages,the Survival rate,lengths of the leaves,the widths of the leaves and so on were decreasing progressively.Analysis the leaves,which were radiated by 60Coγ-ray with different dosages,by the PAGE.The results indicated that:Under the 5Gy exposure dosage,the activenesses of the peroxide enzyme and esterase were the strongest。The above results are provided the basis for the further study on Hippeastrum vittatum(Amaryllis vittata)。The research indicated that:60Coγ-ray caused the multi-position mutagenic effect.on the bulbs of Hippeastrum vittatum(Amaryllis vittata).the first step of this experiment was to transplant them in the simple protected fields after radiated in January.the second was to survey different agronomic characters of the targets when they were pulling out the leaves and blossoming..The results showed that:along with the Increasing exposure dosages,the Targets of the injury tolerance were increased in the M1 generation,such as the survival rate,lengths of the leaves,the leaves the widths,the leaves,the main root quantity,the Inferior root quantity and so on..they could mainly be displayed in the following several aspects:Along with the Increasing exposure dosages,the survival rate reduced obviously.The group radiated by 20 Gy diesd completely.②lengths of the leaves were shorten remarkably.the mean value of the leaves lengths in the 15 Gy dosage radiation group was about 40% of the control group.③along with the Increasing radiation dose,The widths of the leaves did not change obviously.The variance analysis indicated that the results were not remarkable;④along with the Increasing radiation dose,The quantities of the main root,and the inferior root reduced obviously;⑤along with the Increasing radiation dose,The lengths of the main root,and the inferior root shorten obviously. This was also the two the primary causes of the t adult plants which the growing trend weakened unceasingly.By processing the the obtained data through the variance analysis and the SPSS software,the following equations could be Obtainsed separately::The relationship between different dosages and the lengths of the leaves was fitted in the dependent equation: y=-0.405x+9.04 R2=0.93 F=54.291>F0.01=34.12The relationship between different dosages and the widths of the leaves was fitted in the dependent equation:: y=-0.129x+3.306 R2=0.68 F=9.484<F0.05=10.13The relationship between different dosages and the quantityies of the main roots was fitted in the dependent equation:: y=-0.362x+6.876 R2=0.924 F=49.551>F0.01=34.12The relationship between different dosages and the lengths of the main roots was fitted in the dependent equation:: y=-0.37x+7.502 R2=0.995 F=758.981>F0.01=34.12The relationship between different dosages and the quantityies of the inferior root roots was fitted in the dependent equation: y=-3.518x+61.728 R2=0.868 F=27.378>F0.05=10.13The relationship between different dosages and the lengths of the inferior root roots was fitted in the dependent equation: y=-0.126x+2.624 R2=0.989 F=365.095>F0.01=34.12 X was Independent variable(dosage)in the above dependent equations. Y was the target value.with the corresponding agronomic characters.Radiation Unit of the root tip cells chromosome compression,observed that,5 Gy treated the frequency of chromosome bridge for 36 percent,10 Gy team chromosome fragments in the frequency of 33 percent,to verify the radiation caused by chromosome mutation major structural variation the main conclusions.Guaiacol with the M1 and the survival of plant leaves for peroxidase analysis, using naphthalene acetic acid ester of the M1-generation plant leaves for survival EST analysis,the results are as follows:the control group treated relatively peroxidase Has increased the number of bands,with the control group A,5 Gy-treated group increased to A band,B band,C band,10 Gy-treated group increased to A band,B band.Once again proved peroxidase sensitivity to outside stimuli,the group handling the increase in the number of different bands,may mean different kinds of plants outside stimulate different responses,5 Gy treated the largest number of bands,this means that the plants on the dose response Strong in dealing with this dose,to effect greater than lethal effects.5 Gy team EST significantly wider bands,10 Gy team EST bands were significantly weaker,but no new bands increased,once again proved the stability EST.Isozyme bands and the availability of power to reflect changes in 60Coγ-ray radiation dose effect,and characters with a certain degree of injury related. Therefore,the isozyme can be used as 60Coγ-ray aider the biological effects of radiation detection of a chemical or biological indicators.


