

Study on the Technique System of Propagation and the Character of Photosynthesis of Ardisia Japonica (Hornsted) Bl

【作者】 张恒辉

【导师】 何云核;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验对紫金牛生物学特性、光合作用特性、种子萌发特性以及紫金牛的繁殖技术做了初步研究。结果表明:1.紫金牛的生长期是3月~12月,12月叶片开始休眠:花期8月~9月;果期10月~3月。紫金牛在引种栽培过程中表现出了对环境良好的适应能力并且长势良好,耐热、耐寒性也强,不需任何保护措施即可越夏越冬;栽培管理措施较为简单,整个试验期间未发现病虫害。2.紫金牛的光补偿点为11.28μmol·m-2·s-1,光饱和点为1027μmol·m-2·s-1,表明紫金牛是典型的耐荫性植物,既有一定的耐荫性又能适应较强的阳光照射,是对光适应的生态幅较宽的植物。3.通过紫金牛光合特性研究可知紫金牛是一种较耐荫植物,而适合的光合有效辐射约为自然光照条件的40%~50%左右且保持一定的湿度RH(>40%)有利于光合作用的进行。4.春季影响紫金牛净光合速率的主要因子是蒸腾速率Tr,相关系数r=0.93(P<0.01);夏季蒸腾速率Tr和气孔导度Cond呈正相关,相关系数为r=0.79(P<0.05),相关显著。秋季影响紫金牛净光合速率的主要因子是光合有效辐射PAR,相关系数为r=0.85(P<0.01)。5.紫金牛水分利用率是春季>夏季>秋季。紫金牛的水分利用率较强说明抗旱性较强。6.紫金牛种子需在封口瓶4℃湿沙贮藏才能维持较高的发芽率且其种子在20℃与25℃种子活力较高,能更好的发芽。7.适当浓度的GA3能促进种子的提早萌发并提高紫金牛种子的发芽率且在浸种时间相同的条件下,以150mg/l的GA3浸种发芽效果为最好。8.浓硫酸对紫金牛种子的萌发不仅没有促进反而有抑制作用,浓硫酸浸种使紫金牛种子的的发芽率从71.9%降低到66.5%。9.用草炭:河沙(体积比为1:1)扦插的生根质量为50.0,极显著优于其他7种基质(P≤0.05),扦插生根率达到94.5%,平均根长最长,达到6.7cm,是最理想的扦插基质。10.从生根剂与质量浓度的最佳组合来看,质量浓度为300 mg·l-1的IBA处理插穗的生根质量最高为50.0,生根率达到96.9%,与其它处理有显著差异(P≤0.05)。11.半木质化、嫩枝和全木质化的插穗扦插生根率分别为87.2%、72.3%和67.9%,方差分析表明前者与后者差异极显著(P≤0.01);嫩枝插穗居中,与全木质化插穗差异极显著。

【Abstract】 This experiment gives a preliminary study in characteristics of Ardisia japonica (Hornsted) BI in biology,photosynthesis,seeds germination,and breeding.The results are summarized as the following,1.Ardisia japonica(Hornsted) B1 grows during March to December.Its leaves are in dormancy stage from December.It blooms between August and September,and fruits between October and March next year.During importing and planting,it got used to the new environment and grows well with goo heat and cold-resistant.It survives both in summer and winter without any safeguard.The planting and taking managing are neither worried.Moreover no plant diseases and insect pests are found during the experiment.2.Its compensation and saturation points are 11.28 and 1027μmol·m-2s-1, respectively.These numbers show that Ardisia japonica(Hornsted) B1 is a typical shady as well as sunlit bearable plant.3.Photosynthesis study reduces that Ardisia japonica(Hornsted) B1 is a shady plant with an effective photosynthesis in range between 40%and 50%of natural sunlit and humidity RH>40%.4.Rising rate,Tr,is a primary factor effecting the net photosynthesis of Ardisia japonica(Homsted) B1,with a correlative coefficient r = 0.93(P < 0.01).In summer,Tr is positive correlative to stomatic conductivity Cond,with r = 0.79 (P < 0.05).In autumn,the photosynthesis available radiation plays an important role in the net photosynthesis of Ardisia japonica(Hornsted) B1,with r = 0.85 (P < 0.01).5.The rate of moisture absorbing for Ardisia japonica(Hornsted) B1 decreases from spring to autumn,which results in its drought-resistant.6.The storage in sealed bottle embedded with humidified sand in 4℃ensures that the seeds of Ardisia japonica(Hornsted) B1 germinate effectively in temperature between 20℃and 25℃.7.Appropriate concentrated GA3 improves the germinating of the seeds ahead of schedule.A 150mg/1 GA3 gives the best germination with the same seed soaking duration.8.Oil of vitriol restrains the seed germination of Ardisia japonica(Hornsted) B1.The germination rate decrease to 66.5%from 71.9%by soaking seeds with oil of vitriol.9.Bed with Plant ash and sand in volume ratio of 1:1,the most ideal one,gives a 94.5%rootage,as well as 50%good rootage quality,well advantage to the other 7 beds(P≤0.05).10.A 300mg·1-1 IBA produces 96.9%footage and a 51.0%footage quality, remarkable different(P≤0.05).11.Half-lignifications,burgeon,and fully lignifications correspond to 87.2%,72.3%, and 67.9%rootage,respectively.The first differs remarkably to the third (P≤0.01).,while the second lies between and differs remarkably with the third too.

  • 【分类号】S682.3;S567.239
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】160
  • 攻读期成果

