

The Manipulation of Ideology in Literary Translation

【作者】 李凯华

【导师】 姜泗平;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 基于翻译研究学派代表人物Andre Lefevere关于意识形态、赞助人和翻译三者关系的理论,本文以美国“垮掉的一代”文学在中国的译介为研究对象,从宏观角度探讨了当时的翻译选材是否同样受到了意识形态的影响。本文采用了描述性研究方法,介绍了1960年代以来“垮掉的一代”文学在中国的译介过程,并分为三个阶段进行分析。文章分别描述了三个不同时期的社会历史背景,并论述了相应背景下国内对“垮掉的一代”文学的译介及批评。本文还采用个案研究方法阐述了意识形态对《麦田里的守望者》在中国译介的操控,同时对该书的两个中译版本进行了详细的文本分析。这两个中译本的作者分别是施咸荣和孙仲旭。文章介绍了这两个译本在中国的出版过程,总结了两位译者不同的翻译策略。作者对两个译本进行了对比分析,并指出了各个译本的得失,尤其是施咸荣译本中存在的误译问题。结合意识形态理论,作者分析了产生这些误译的原因。通过研究以上三个时期社会意识形态状况及其同“垮掉的一代”文学翻译的关系,本文进一步说明了译入语社会意识形态对翻译选材的影响即翻译选材必须符合主流社会意识形态的需要并为其服务。文章最后指出,勒菲弗尔的理论尽管具有很强的解释力,但其对翻译的操纵并不是绝对的,影响翻译的因素很多,我们不能忽视译者的主体性。

【Abstract】 Based on Andre Lefevere’s theory on ideology, patronage and translation, this thesis chooses the translation of the Beat literature in China as the subject of its research and explores the ideological impact on it.By making use of historical descriptive approaches, the thesis describes in great detail the translation and criticism of the Beat literature in China in three different periods since the 1960s. The author describes the historical background of each period, and introduces the translation and criticism of the Beat literature in these different periods. This paper also conducts a case study and explores ideological manipulation in the translation of The Catcher in the Rye. Its two Chinese versions are translated by Shi Xianrong and Sun Zhongxu respectively. The author describes the publication of each version in China, and concludes each translator’s translation strategy. Through comparing the two versions, the author points out some misinterpretations in Shi’s version. Based on Lefevere’s theory on ideology, the author gives some reasons for them.Through analyzing the social ideologies of the above three historical periods and their relationships with the Beat literature translation, the thesis finds that there is a direct impact of ideology on the choices of translation, that is, the selection of themes for translation must meet the requirements of the dominant ideology and serve it.In conclusion, the thesis points out, however, that there should be no exaggeration of the power of ideology, poetics and patronage in manipulating literary translation, and the researchers should not neglect the subjective initiatives of the translators.

【关键词】 意识形态操控译介“垮掉的一代”文学
【Key words】 ideologymanipulationtranslationBeat literature
  • 【分类号】I046;H315.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】146
  • 攻读期成果

