

Systems Engineering Research on Auxiliary Transportation System of Coal Mine and Technology Research of Conventional Rail Driven Transport System

【作者】 王刚

【导师】 曾庆良;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题以课题组与兖州矿业集团合作的“安全高效矿井辅助运输技术研究”项目为研究背景,对矿井辅助运输系统进行了系统化的技术研究和实践,并对相关设备进行了研究应用,取得了相应的理论研究与实践应用成果。以兖矿集团各矿区的矿井辅助运输系统为研究对象,对矿井辅助运输系统进行了整体系统化研究。使用解释结构模型技术构建了矿井运输中的煤矿辅助运输系统的数学模型,并进行了模型解释,提出了安全高效辅助运输系统的整体技术框架。总结了当前辅助运输存在的突出问题,根据模型解释的结果提出了应对与解决当前突出问题的方案,并且该模型的解释建立对现代矿井辅助运输系统的设计、建设的提高发展在理论方面提供了参考的依据。辅助运输现代化核心问题是辅助运输设备的现代化,因此新型辅助运输设备的研究与应用为井下辅助运输水平的提高起着关键的作用。新型辅助运输设备主要包括无轨胶轮车、架空乘人装置(猴车)和无极绳连续牵引车等新型辅助运输设备,这些产品形成了当前国内煤矿辅助运输的新模式。在设备、材料运输方面,多数老矿井或投入能力小的新建矿井都逐步采用无极绳连续牵引车,主要用于老矿井采区大巷、上下山及工作面顺槽,在沿煤层开采的新建矿井还适用于大巷,本文着重对连续牵引车进行了研究,对主要部件进行了建模,运动仿真。

【Abstract】 Based on the project which my research institute cooperate with the Yankuang Group, we do the research on auxiliary transport of coal mine, especially in the coal mines of Yankuang Goup. We built the mathematic model with the method of systems engineering, and analyzed the model by Interpretative Structural Modeling with experts on coal mine auxiliary transport. The problem were summarized, some methods were raised by experts, these methods can do help to mine auxiliary transport. The proposal made by the experts in this project of Yankuang Group can be consulted by the other building coal mines.When the price of coal were low and the cost of labor were also lower than nowadays, most of the coal mines which are operating now were built. Too many factors cause the auxiliary transport were made up by winches, and there were too many labors work on it. Too much time cost and the costs also risen up as the wages which paid to the miners. In order to change this situation, conventional rail driven were designed by our institute and the Yankuang Group together. Conventional rail driven was driven by wire and rolled on the rail, can operate on complex situations and in long distance. Popular 3D designing-software were used in the designing process, models were simulated in computer before the driven were manufactured. New design software and advanced conception were also used in the designing process.


