

Study of Law of Coal Accumulation and Main Geologic Congtrolling Factorsin on Carboniferious-Permain in Shandong Province

【作者】 高丽丽

【导师】 王明镇; 常象春;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 运用沉积学、煤田地质学、构造地质学的理论和方法,充分收集和整理钻孔岩心、测井曲线资料,对山东煤田的石炭—二叠系含煤地层进行了系统的成因相组合分析和沉积体系划分。研究表明石炭—二叠系可划分为四个沉积体系:潮坪沉积体系、障壁—泻湖沉积体系、河控浅水三角洲沉积体系和河流—湖泊复沉积体系。研究了晚古生代聚煤盆地的海平面变化,重点研究了本溪组、太原组、山西组、上下石盒子组的海水进退总趋势和盆地演化。最大海侵期在早二叠世早期,到早二叠世太原期末全区开始发生大规模海退,至早二叠世山西期,海水南退于华北盆地南缘,海平面变化的影响区域已大大缩小。通过研究区南北对比分析,太原组下段为研究区太原组中的主要含煤单元,在鲁西全区内发育稳定可采煤层。总趋势是北厚南薄,北部成煤条件好。太原组的上段主要为潮坪沉积体系,其顶部发育不稳定煤层1-2层(在鲁西南为6煤),一般厚度小于0.5m,局部达可采厚度。河控浅水三角洲沉积体系发育于太原组上段和山西组的中下段的高水位体系域。为海陆交替型含煤岩系的最上部地层。从煤聚积的角度来说,上部层段在含煤盆地充填序列中最为重要,它包含着厚度巨大,分布面积最广的主采煤层。山东省鲁西地区在石炭世为稳定的海陆交互含煤碎屑夹碳酸盐沉积。郯庐断裂以东在石炭世没有接受沉积。山东省鲁西地区在二叠世为稳定的内陆盆地砂泥质沉积。郯庐断裂以东在二叠世没有接受沉积。此外,在对古植物、古气候、古地理和古构造的基础上研究了山东地区的控煤因素。华北板块晚古生代煤均为热带雨林气候条件下的产物;古构造运动塑造了华北大型聚煤盆地,并控制了石炭—二叠系的沉积和煤层聚集,形成了海相、过渡相、陆相的沉积体系,成为山东地区和华北最主要的成煤时期。

【Abstract】 Based on collecting and arranging data of drilling and core and logging curve, Carbonic-Permian coal-bearing formations were combined systematically in genesis and sedimentary system were divided with theory of sedimentation, coalfield geology and tectonic geology. The research showed that Carbonic-Permian formations could be divided into four sedimentary systems: tidal flat depositional system, barrier-lagoon depositional system, fluvial-dominated shallow water deltaic depositional system and fluvial-lacustrine depositional system.Besides, changes of sea level of Late Paleozoic coal-accumulating basin was researched. The evolution of the basin, as well as transgression and regression of Benxi Formation, Taiyuan Formation, Shanxi Formation and upper and lower Shihezi formation were mainly studied. A major transgression occurred in earlier period of Early Permian; then large-scale regression started in Taiyuan Duration, and to Shanxi Duration the sea had regressed to the south of North China Basin ,with the areas, which was effected by sea-level changes, having been reduced greatly.Comparison of the north and south part in this area indicated that the lower Taiyuan formation is the main coal bed unit in Taiyuan formation and in which steady recoverable coal seam is developed all over the West Shandong. The general trend is that thick in the north and thin in south and condition of coal formation is better in north. Tidal-flat depositional system is the most important constituent in upper Taiyuan formation, with unsteady coal bed that 1-2 beds developed in top. The thickness of the coal bed is generally lower than 0.5m and just partially recoverable. Fluvial-dominated shallow water deltaic depositional system is developed in high stand system tract of upper Taiyuan formation and mid-bottom Shangxi formation, and is the top of land-sea interaction coal-bearing strata. The upper side is essential for filling the coal basin on the point of coal-accumulation; it contains super-thick and widespread main coal-bed.Stable land-sea interaction between coal-bearing and carbonate deposit was developed in carboniferous in west of Shandong.It was not received deposits in carboniferous east of Tanlu fault. Stable inland basin sand-mud deposit was developed in Permian in west of Shandong. It was not received deposits in Permian east of Tanlu fault.In addition,based on the research of fossil plants、paleoclimate、paleogeography and paleo tectonic, A study of coal-controlling factors in Shandong was obtained . Late Paleozoic coal in North China Plate was a product of tropical rain forests weather. Tectonic movement shaped northern China coal basin,controlled sediments and coal gathered in Permo Carboniferous, formed a marine, transition phase, continental deposition system, becamed the main coal period of Shandong and northern China.


