

The Study of Glass Ceramics-Ceramics Composite Bora’s Stress

【作者】 于志永

【导师】 曹树梁; 刘立强;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 材料学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 现代建筑发展的趋势之一是大量采用“曲面圆角”的建筑造型取代传统的、呆板的“平面直角”造型,微晶玻璃陶瓷曲面板是以超大规格微晶玻璃-陶瓷复合平板为基材,经高温弯曲、抛光、精确切割制造的,其强度是天然花岗岩的三倍,是永久性的,具有镜面效果和任意半径、质感优良、凹凸面均可为抛光面的新型高级曲面装饰材料,可以适用于建筑物几乎所有的弧面部位,使建筑物具有整体流畅的曲面效果,这是以前建筑师采用无机镜面材料时无法解决的难题。瓷质、微晶玻璃、微晶玻璃-陶瓷复合平板及其曲面板的面世,不仅为建筑设计、装潢设计提供了全新的选择,也使建筑装饰更豪华、更高档,是现代建筑散发无穷魅力,无限生机之所在.由于复合板热弯曲成型加热窑炉中的温度梯度变化对复合曲面板成型过程的影响,以及温度场的分布规律和在各种温度下复合板中两种物质各自液相含量、软化程度、膨胀系数、应变、应力及界面结合力等因素、参数及其相互关系和变化规律的复杂性,就成为影响微晶玻璃-陶瓷曲面复合板成型的障碍,本课题拟针对该种现状,利用对温度、压力的控制以及模具的合理选择上的研究为实现微晶玻璃-陶瓷复合曲面板的成型提供一些理论和实际操作中的依据。通过对微晶玻璃-陶瓷复合板圆柱面热弯曲成型过程的工艺试验研究,论述了复合平板在一定温度范围内和一定压力下弯曲成为标准圆柱面形状的成型工艺方法,包括这一过程的影响因素及常见缺陷,加热窑炉中的温度场分布规律,窑炉、模具的材料、结构以及合理的加热、加压工艺规范。

【Abstract】 The development trend of modern architecture is one of a large number of "surface fillet" form of construction to replace the traditional, rigid "flat rectangular" shape, glass-ceramic panels are large ceramic curved specifications for flat glass-ceramic matrix composites, the High-temperature bending, polishing, cutting precision manufacturing, and its strength is three times the natural granite, is permanent, a mirror effect and arbitrary radius, fine texture, convex surface can be polished surface for the new senior porcelain surface decoration materials , Can apply to almost all the buildings Globoid site, buildings, the overall smooth surface effect, which is before architects use of inorganic materials mirror can not solve the problem. Curved ceramic glass-ceramic panels available, not only for architectural design, decoration design a new choice, but also to building decoration more luxurious, more upscale, modern architecture is the dissemination of endless charm, boundless vitality lie..Because of heat-bending forming heating furnace in the temperature gradient changes in the composite curved panel molding process implications, as well as temperature distribution in various laws and the temperature of their respective boards of the two substances in liquid, the softening of the expansion Coefficient, strain, stress and the interface of such factors, parameters and their mutual relations and changes of the complexity of the impact on a glass-ceramic - ceramic plates forming the surface of obstacles, The topics to be against the kind of status quo, the use of temperature, pressure control and mold the reasonable choice for the realization of glass-ceramic-Ceramic composite curved panels forming provide some theoretical and practical operation basis.Through the glass-ceramic composite of a ceramic plate cylindrical thermal bending of the process of forming pilot study on the composite plate to a certain temperature range and bending under the pressure of a certain standard cylindrical shape of the molding process, including the impact of this process Common factors and deficiencies, heating furnace in the temperature distribution of the furnace, mold materials, structures and reasonable heating, compression technology standard.

【关键词】 微晶玻璃陶瓷复合加热加压弯曲成型
【Key words】 Glass ceramicCeramicsCompositeHeatingPressurizeBending molding

