

The Research on the the Water Environmental Management System of Taihu Lake

【作者】 朱亚新

【导师】 孙勇;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 水污染问题已经成为世界关注的热点。作为我国五大淡水湖之一的太湖,也同样面临着严重的水污染问题,中国政府已经给予了高度重视,太湖水治理相继被列入国家“九五”计划和“十五”计划,但太湖水污染恶化的趋势并没有得到有效遏制。为此,本文着重从太湖水环境管理体制的角度展开研究。分析现行太湖水环境管理体制的不足,借鉴国外水环境管理体制的成功经验,提出完善太湖水环境管理体制的建议。本文通过考察太湖水环境管理体制的现状,对当前太湖水环境管理体制存在的问题和政府在其中应扮演的角色进行了探讨,试图对现代公共管理背景下政府创新水环境管理体制的框架进行初步设想,以有效改善太湖水环境质量,促进人与自然和谐,维护社会稳定。全文共分5章,第一章为导论部分,提出问题原由,给出相关概念界定;第2章为理论基础及相关文献,对环境管理思想、可持续发展理论和环境管理理论进行综述,并分析国外主要水环境管理体制,作为完善我国水环境管理体制的借鉴;第3章对中国水环境管理体制进行了分析研究,着重从组织结构、职权配置和职权运行机制三个方面全面分析中国水环境管理体制的现状。第4章重点研究太湖水环境管理体制的现状,并从太湖水环境的长期演变得出目前太湖水环境管理体制并没有取得满意的效果。第5章考察现行太湖水环境管理体制存在的问题与不足,从健全机构、明确职责、完善机制等方面探讨新型体制的建立。

【Abstract】 Water pollution has become one of the focus points worldwide. As one of the five largest freshwater lakes in China, Taihu Lake is also facing with serious water pollution problem. Though much attention has been paid by the Chinese government and the cure of water pollution of the Taihu Lake has been included in the 9th Five-Year Plan and the 10th Five-Year Plan of China, the worsened trend of Taihu Lake water is still out of effective control. Therefore, this dissertation is unfolded from the perspective of Taihu Lake water environmental management system. After the analysis of the deficiencies of the existing water environmental management system, and the absorption of the successful experiences of foreign countries, the proposals about how to improve the water environmental management system of Taihu Lake are put forward.Through the inspection of the current situation of Taihu Lake environmental management system, the existing problems and the roles that the government should play are thoroughly investigated, and the innovative water environmental management system under the background of modern public management is preliminarily conceived, so as to improve the water quality of Taihu Lake, to promote harmony between man and nature, and to maintain social stability. This dissertation consists of 5 chapters. The first chapter is the preface which introduces the research background and correlative concepts. The second chapter examines the theory foundation of the whole dissertation and related literature, in which the ideology of environmental management, the theory of sustainable development, the theory of environmental management are summarized, and the environmental management systems aboard are investigated in order to serve our country. The third chapter analyses china’s current water environmental management system and three aspects including organizational structure, authority allocation and authority operation mechanism are thoroughly analyzed. The fourth chapter mainly studies the current water environmental management system of Taihu Lake, and a conclusion that no satisfying result achieved from current management system is drawn from the inspection of the long-term evolution of Taihu Lake water environment. The fifth chapter reviews the existing problems and shortcomings, and the construction of a new system is discussed from the aspects of consummating institution, clearing responsibilities, improving mechanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】X321
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】813

