

【作者】 周晴

【导师】 王建革;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 明清时期嘉湖地区蚕桑业空前发达,桑树种植作为蚕桑经济的基础,桑叶是饲蚕的唯一食料,桑叶的质量直接影响到蚕体的发育、成长及产丝的质量。为使桑树产叶更多,叶质更好,更利于劳作,嘉湖地区的农名创造和发明了桑树种植的一系列技术,对于这种传统农业技术的研究,本身就是一个十分有趣的课题。另外,根据明清农书的记载,桑农通常是每隔两到三年把稻田耕作层的部分肥土堆叠到桑园地,从河塘中挖到的河泥、塘泥也不断地堆叠到桑地,这样,就使桑园越叠越高,形成了特殊的堆叠土层,与稻田高低可相差2—3米,形成了凹凸不平的微型地貌景观。在传统农业时代,桑园的施肥都是有机肥,嘉湖地区的农民用禽畜粪肥,塘泥、菜饼来壅肥种桑,比如秋冬后饲蚕所剩下的桑叶,可用来饲养“湖羊”,湖羊粪又是上好的桑园肥料。但现代,化肥的普及使用,这些传统的农技逐渐消失,直接最严重的后果就是导致了桑园土壤酸度的增加。所以,如何吸取现代农业的经验,重新学习古老的农业技术,恢复粮、桑、鱼、畜一体化传统生态结构,使农业生态的良性循环之中,有着十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 On the research of the history of mulberry cultivation in Jiaxing and Huchou plain, the relationship between mulberry Husang type training and environment is analyzed in this article, Farmers named the mulberry species by the branch colour, the leaf shape, the condition of bud bursting and the training of the mulberry. Different varieties is varied according to the tree types and environment. Farmers controlled the height of the stems and branchs by the techniques of shoot tropping and root pruning etc, they also developed other tree types training by the different environment. The process of training mulberry type was varied to the soil and hydrological environment of low-lying paddy fields in Jiaxing and Huchou plain. The techniques came into being on the base of the prosperity of silk economy in the Ming ang the Qing dynasty, and connected with the special agricultural ecology of the Jiaxing and Huchou region. This article attempts to inquire into the technique points, the history and the agricultural ecology of "Husang" .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】S888
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】132

