

C-E Translation of Business News: A Translation Variation Approach

【作者】 王双桐

【导师】 何洪亮;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 变译理论是由中国学者黄忠廉创立并发展的一个翻译理论体系。目的旨在探讨科技翻译,尤其是如何从国外海量的科技文献中选择我国急需的信息,并经过加工、整合、翻译为我国科技工作者所用。作为其理论本身,研究领域主要集中于科技翻译,研究方向也是单向的外汉翻译。虽然黄忠廉教授在其著作中也表示“变译理论”同样适用于其他领域的翻译工作,但并未详细说明。笔者经过仔细阅读黄教授的著作和相关文章,结合自己日常的翻译实践和心得体会,试将“变译理论”结合汉英财经新闻翻译实践一同探讨。本文在承袭前人研究的基础上,针对财经新闻这一文本类型,借助变译理论和相关西方翻译理论中的核心概念,如功能理论中的翻译要求,以及译者主体性研究,并结合对英语财经新闻文本的语言和结构分析,以建立一个用于指导对外财经新闻翻译实践的变译模型。本文试图通过理论框架的建立和分析步骤的展开,以回答本文所提出的研究问题。为此,以大量真实新闻材料作为语料,通过对比分析,从而建立一个对外财经新闻翻译的变译模型,在译前和译中两个阶段提出不同的翻译策略和技巧,并在现实的翻译实践中进行检验。本文通过建立变译模型并经过实际新闻编译语料的验证,得出初步结论,即汉英财经新闻的变译模型能在对原文语篇和语言层面的处理上给予译者指导,能在一定程度上提高目前财经新闻翻译的质量和效率,为中国的经济发展营造一个良好的国际舆论环境。

【Abstract】 Translation variation theory is put forward and developed by Chinese scholar Huang Zhonglian, with an aim to explore translation activities in technical translation, i.e. translating foreign languages into Chinese to boost China’s technological progress and economic development. The theory is a one-way system which only studies translations from foreign languages to Chinese; and its application area mainly covers technical translation. The author, after a careful reading and study of the theory, combined with some experience in news editing and translating, tries to apply translation variation theory to the practice of C-E translation of business news.The study, drawing upon previous studies, aims to build a translation variation model for C-E translation of business news. This model is based on translation variation theory and a detailed analysis of the conventions of English business news both in language and structure. To consolidate the theoretical framework, it also borrows some key concepts from relevant western translation theories such as translation brief from functional theories and translator’s subjectivity.The thesis, from setting up the theoretical framework to carrying out analytical steps, strives to work out the specific research questions for this study, i.e. how to overcome the difficulties and solve the problems before/during the translation action under the guidance of translation variation theory? A number of genuine English news and their original in Chinese are put under the translation variation model for comparison and analysis. Through a comparative analysis of these examples, the author proposes comprehensive variation strategies at the stages of translation preparation and translation action, or in simple words, before the translation and during the translation.The thesis concludes with suggested answers to the research questions, i.e. the translation variation model and corresponding strategies and techniques in the process of translation preparation and translation action. This research intends to be of some guiding significance in practical or pedagogical sense, and the model will help to improve translation quality and efficiency so as to meet the needs of foreign readers and create a friendly and favorable international public opinion for China’s economic development.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】968

