

Translating the Body in Chinese Context

【作者】 李佳畅

【导师】 穆雷;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 自从20世纪80年代女性主义翻译理论在加拿大初步建立以来,全球范围内掀起了一股研究女性主义翻译的热潮。然而,由于中国和西方国家在政治、社会、文化等方面都存在着诸多差异,因此女性主义翻译在中国仍是一个备受争议的研究领域。不过,随着性别研究近年来在中国的兴起与发展,女性主义翻译研究在中国具有广阔的发展空间和重要的研究价值。我国国内性别视角下的翻译研究目前仍处于介绍与梳理阶段。在这些为数不多的学术论文里仅有少数文章将女性主义翻译理论运用到中国语境当中,性别视角对于中国译者翻译实践的影响还有诸多问题亟待研究和探讨,其中就包括对西方的“女性书写”被译为中文时的翻译实践研究。本文试图从“身体翻译”的角度切入,以美国女性主义剧作家伊芙·恩斯勒的《阴道独白》两个中译本为例,探讨西方女性主义批评理论中的“女性书写”对中国语境下的翻译实践有何影响与启示。笔者首先回顾女性主义与女性主义翻译理论在西方和中国的总体发展状况。随后,笔者探讨了发源于20世纪70年代法国的“女性书写”,以及“女性书写”与“身体翻译”的关系,着重研究女性主义翻译理论中的“身体翻译”,并尝试以《阴道独白》的两个中译本为个案分析,以期借鉴“女性书写”理论来探讨中国语境下的“身体翻译”。

【Abstract】 Recent years have witnessed a surge of interest in the field of feminist translation studies on a global scale, ever since feminist translation theory was first established in Canada in the 1980s. Feminist translation remains a controversial issue in China due to the various political, social and cultural differences between China and Western countries. Nevertheless in recent years, as gender studies has risen and developed in China, feminist translation studies is of great research significance, and will continue to grow in China.At present, the feminist approach in translation studies in China is still in its introduction stage. There have only been a small number of academic papers dealing with feminist work in translation practice and criticism, some of which have examined applications of feminist translation theory in Chinese context. Various questions concerning translation practice by Chinese translators in light of feminism still remain to be addressed, including the study of translating ’écriture feminine’ (feminine writing) into Chinese. This paper, therefore, is intended to explore the issue of ’translating the body’ and study the impact and enlightenment of feminine writing on translation practice in Chinese context, with two Chinese translations of American feminist playwright Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues as a case study.In this paper, the author first reviews the overall development of feminism and feminist translation theory both in the West and in China. Then, with an investigation of ’écriture féminine’ which originated in France in the 1970s, the author studies the relationship between feminine writing and translating the body. Furthermore, the author will highlight the issue of ’translating the body’ in view of feminine writing, with a case study of two Chinese translations of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues. It is hoped that this study will shed new light on gender and translation studies in Chinese context.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】576

