

An Analysis of the Diabolic Imagery in Othello

【作者】 徐稳根

【导师】 王虹;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 从以往对奥赛罗剧本的意象功能分析来看,评论家们主要关注的是意象在剧中起何作用的问题,而很少探讨、论述如何起作用的问题,也就是说意象起作用的过程缺少应有的关注和探索。本文在前人的研究基础上深入探讨了奥赛罗剧中的恶魔意象是如何起作用的问题。与以往的评论主要关注剧中意象的静态内容不同,本文在充分挖掘剧中恶魔意象的动态性或动力性特征的基础上详细论述了这一特征在剧中所起的作用。具体地说,恶魔意象在剧中起到推动戏剧动作的发展、引起并加剧戏剧冲突达到高潮的作用。它的作用模式主要表现在依阿哥作为恶魔意象的主体使用恶魔意象作用于布罗班修、卡西欧和奥赛罗,并引起他们的心理变化以及外部行为的变化。这种作用模式推动整个戏剧动作的发展。另外,本文还探讨了恶魔意象的人物刻画功能。着重论述了恶魔意象是如何将依阿哥刻画成一位投毒手、捕猎者和毁灭者的形象的,同时还利用了结构主义中的二元对立思想论述了恶魔意象及它的对立面是如何刻画出奥赛罗高贵和低劣并存的人物性格。

【Abstract】 In the history of Imagery criticism of Othello, critics have paid much of their attention to what functions imagery performs, while neglecting how imagery functions in various ways. The present study mainly focuses on the latter, and explores the various ways in which the diabolic imagery functions in the play.Previous researches focus their attention on the symbolic meaning and static contents of imagery, whereas the present research attempts to explore how the diabolic imagery as a dynamic force performs the function of driving forward the movement of dramatic action of the play. The diabolic imagery functions in a specific mode that Iago uses the diabolic imagery to affect Barabantio, Cassio and Othello, to arouse their psychological action and even cause them to take physical action, thus driving forward the dramatic action towards its climax.The thesis also explores how the diabolic imagery serves the function of characterization. The diabolic imagery has successfully portrayed Iago as poisoner, hunter and trapper, and destroyer. The diabolic imagery and its opposite coordinately construct a binary opposition which characterizes Othello as the dramatis personae of dualistic character.

  • 【分类号】I712.073
  • 【下载频次】542

