

Research on the Exemption of European Community Competition Law

【作者】 吕慧

【导师】 刘世元;

【作者基本信息】 广东外语外贸大学 , 国际法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 豁免制度是一国竞争法体系的重要组成部分。本文以《欧共体条约》第81条为主线,穿插成批豁免条例及指南中的规定,详细介绍欧共体竞争法豁免制度的内容、判断标准及对我国构建反垄断法豁免制度的借鉴意义。全文由四章组成:第一章介绍欧共体竞争法豁免制度的基本情况。从“豁免”的含义入手,并介绍了豁免在欧共体竞争法中的体现。笔者总结了欧共体竞争法豁免制度的特征,从经济学角度分析了欧共体竞争法豁免制度的价值取向。第二章是本文的核心,主要介绍了欧共体竞争法豁免制度的判断标准及适用程序。《欧共体条约》第81条及一系列的成批豁免条例、委员会通告及指南构建了欧共体竞争法豁免制度体系。笔者认为:81条(1)是豁免的管辖权标准,81条(3)是豁免的实体衡量标准。委员会在拥有大量处理豁免案件经验的基础上,颁布了成批豁免条例,简化了豁免标准的判断;各种指南及通告细化了具体问题,如对评价是否给予豁免的四个条件给予详细解释,对成批豁免条例的适用范围给予明确界定,列出哪些行为属于不予豁免的核心限制竞争,分析可以给予企业行为豁免的市场份额门槛等,使豁免标准更具明确性和统一性,也体现了分析豁免包含了更多经济学因素。第三章介绍了在理事会《执行条约第81条和82条竞争规则的1/2003号条例》出台后,欧共体竞争法豁免制度发生重大变化:废除了企业豁免的事前申报制度,实现豁免权力非集权化及委员会事后监督权的加强。第四章是笔者的创新之处。首先通过介绍我国现在的反垄断立法概况,在我国豁免制度很不完善的基础上,笔者提出了应借鉴欧共体竞争法豁免制度来构建我国的豁免制度,具体设想包括:以成文方式立法,豁免程序上不需申报,但仍由我国的反垄断委员会来宣告才可豁免;实体内容中包含不适用豁免的协议、少量的成批豁免条例、判断标准、“核心限制”的协议类型。

【Abstract】 Exemption is an essential part of European Community Competition Law(EC Competition Law) system. This paper is about the exemption of EC Competition Law. From Article 81 of the EC Treaty, some block exemptions and guidelines about the applicability of exemption, some exemption related questions will be introduced, such as the contents, criteria and the experience what we can learn from EC.The first part talks about the general theories of exemption of EC Competition Law, which including the implication of exemption, the sources of exemption on EC Competition Law. Besides this, it also introduces the feature and the value it chases to.The second part is the key of the paper, it gives an detailed introduction to the exemption criteria and the applicable procedures. Article 81 of EC Treaty and a series of block exemptions, Commission Notices and Guidelines on the applicability of Article 81 made the exemption law system. Paragraph 1 of Article 81 decides the jurisdiction and paragraph 3 of Article 81 is the exemption criteria. Taking economics analysis into exemption, on the basis of the exemption sources such as block exemption and Commission Notices, made the exemption criteria more definite and applicable.After the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Article 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty came into force , some fundamental changes have been brought to the exemption system, which including ending of the notification , decentralized the declaration of exemption and strengthened the power of supervise for commission.The Anti-Trust Law of our country has just passed with no any exemption related acts. The advanced EC exemption experience will be a model to the construction of our system. In the last part, some suggestions about our exemption will be proposed .


