

Study on Application of High School Mathematics Teaching

【作者】 徐子龙

【导师】 陈传理;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪下半叶以来,数学与其它学科的联系更加密切,数学应用的巨大发展是数学发展的显著特征之一。培养和提高中学生的数学应用意识,使学生掌握提出、分析和解决具有实际意义的或在相关学科、生产、生活中的数学问题,准确而灵活地运用数学语言研究和表述问题,是中学数学教育教学的迫切要求。本文首先分析了国内外数学应用问题教学的现状及影响高中数学应用问题教学的因素:接着阐明了应用问题的含义和高中数学应用问题的层次以便我们更好地研究高中数学应用问题的教学。在研究高中数学应用问题教学的过程中,认真分析了现行高中数学教材及高考中的应用问题,并就此详细说明了怎样实施应用问题的教学;为了准确地得到应用问题教学的策略,对高中生数学应用问题的喜爱程度及存在的问题进行了调查研究;对高中数学应用问题教学的两个重要方面:数学建模及研究性学习也做了具体全面的阐述。研究高中数学应用问题的教学策略后还强调了数学阅读和计算能力的培养。本文最后根据自己的理论分析及事实研究给出了高中数学应用问题教学的初步研究方案,并通过事实肯定了理论,检验了方案的可靠性。

【Abstract】 Since the second half of 20 century, mathematics and other subjects have been more closely linked. The great development of applied mathematics is one of the notable features in mathematical development. Mathematics has become the need for people to take part in social activities and be engaged in productive labor. Therefore in high school math teaching it is a urgent demand that teachers should cultivate and improve students’ awareness of applied mathematics, in order to get them to master how to ask, analysize and solve the mathematitical problems of practical use or those arising in related subjects, production and daily life; and to get students to apply mathematical language studies and present problems accurately and flexiably.This paper analyzed the domestic and international mathematical application of the status and impact of high school math teaching the causes of the problem. Then clarify the meaning and application of the application of the high school level so that we can better study the application of high school teaching. In studying the problem of teaching high school in the process of careful analysis of the current high school mathematics textbooks and college entrance examination of questions and a detailed description of how the application of the teaching. To be precise application of teaching strategies, the application of high school students on the mathematics of love and the problems were studied. Application of high school teaching of the two important aspects: mathematical modeling and research study has also done a comprehensive set out specific. On the application of high school math teaching strategy also stressed the reading and mathematical ability to calculate the training.Finally, in accordance with their own theories and analysis of the facts presented on the issue of high school math teaching in the initial research programme, and through the fact that certain theories, testing the reliability of the programme.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】474

