

The Studing of Questions to Trying a Database for Senior High School under the New Curriculum Standards

【作者】 廖明芳

【导师】 陈传理;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国,考试历来是教师、学生和家长最为关注的事情,随着课程改革的继续推进,很多地区已经开始了试用新的教材,而在湖北也即将开始新教材的试用,一批批使用新教材的学生将要面临毕业,这样就有一个现实性的问题摆在我们面前:如何命制符合新课程理念的试题以客观的反映和评价学生的数学学习状况,特别是学生达到规定的课程目标的程度,这已经成为亟待解决的问题。而且可以预计的是,这个问题的解决,需要注入大量原创性的工作。本文回顾了传统的命题原则、方法,指出了其中存在的不足,并结合近年来高考数学试题的分析,对这些原则和方法做出了新的解释,提出了一些个人的见解。针对新课程的理念,本文还以具体的实例阐述了如何在命题过程中实现基本原则,命制符合新课程理念的合格试题等。突出理论与实践的结合是本文的特点之一。除了介绍已有的命题方法,本文还提出了自己的看法,在经典测量理论和项目反应理论的基础上,通过尝试对试题难度、区分度等参数的合理整合,提出了试题命制的探索性方法,并以案例的形式详述了设计试题的思路。

【Abstract】 At China examination is always the main concern to teacher, student and parent .With compulsory education mathematics course reforms continuing to push forward, a lot of regions have already started trying out new teaching material, So will soon also start a Protestantism material trying out in Hubei, groups of students who use the Protestantism material will face graduation, so there lies a reality facing to us: how to match a new course principle to the students mathematics study condition of objective reflection and evaluation, especially the student attain the degree with prescriptive course target, this has already become the problem for resolving.And it can be predicted that this problem resolving needs to be infused into great quantities of the work of original.This text looks back to a set of traditional problem-setting principles, methods, pointing out the shortages among them, combines the analysis of the mathematics of college entrance examinations of recent years, makes a new explaination to these principles and methods.and puts forward some individuals views.Aiming at the principle of new course, this text still elaborats with specific examples how to carry out the basic principle during the period of setting questions, and how to set the exam questions that agree with the new course principles etc.Stressing the combinations of theories and practice is one of characteristicses in the text.In addition to the introduction of the previous methods of setting questions.this text also puts forward its own viewpoint, based on the theory of CTT and IRT.Trying to the reasonable exploring of the exam questions difficulty, distinction degree etc.it puts forward to question-set method and gives a detail problem-setting design by the form of case.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】315

