

Study on Metallugical Property of BF Slag in Jiuquan Iron&Steel Corp

【作者】 刘磊

【导师】 胡宾生;

【作者基本信息】 河北理工大学 , 钢铁冶金, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 以酒钢现场高炉炉渣为基础,对酒钢高炉炉渣矿物组成和冶金性能进行了实验室研究,系统分析了碱度、MgO、Al2O3、MnO、BaO、TiO2和CaF2含量等因素对炉渣冶金性能产生的影响。主要研究内容包括:借助于矿相显微镜和扫描电子显微镜等微观测试工具对酒钢高炉炉渣的矿物组成和微观结构进行研究;炉渣的粘度和熔化性温度的研究以及脱硫能力的研究。通过研究发现:酒钢高炉炉渣以黄长石为主,含有部分硅灰石、硅钙石、硅酸二钙、枪晶石和莹石。酒钢高炉炉渣是一种比较典型的短渣,高温熔融状态下的粘度比较小,都在0.75 Pa·s以下,炉渣的流动性能比较好。但在炉渣的熔化性温度的附近,炉渣的粘度随温度降低而急速升高,炉渣能够自由流动到完全失去流动性能的温度范围只有20℃左右。因此,控制适宜的炉渣温度对于酒钢高炉炉渣维持良好的流动性是至关重要的。综合考虑炉渣的流动性能和脱硫能力以及酒钢高炉硫负荷比较高的实际状况,通过调整烧结矿的碱度和在炉料结构中的配比将酒钢高炉炉渣的CaO/SiO2从目前的1.15左右降低到1.1左右、利用提高烧结矿MgO含量的方法将炉渣MgO含量由目前的6%左右提高到9%左右、Al2O3含量维持在现在的水平、适当提高炉渣中的MnO含量是比较适宜的。出于高炉护炉的目的,通过烧结配矿和高炉直接添加钒钛块矿的方法将高炉炉渣中的TiO2含量控制在1%至2%之间是比较适宜的。当炉渣碱度比较高时,应该采取合理配矿的技术措施来适当降低酒钢高炉炉渣中的BaO含量;当炉渣中BaO含量比较高时,应该适当降低酒钢高炉炉渣的碱度。在特殊的炉况条件下,借助于烧结配矿和高炉直接添加萤石的方法来临时适当提高酒钢高炉炉渣中的CaF2含量是可行的,但炉渣中的CaF2含量以控制在1%至2%之间比较适宜,且不能将添加萤石做为高炉造渣的长期制度。

【Abstract】 Based on furnace slag of Jiugang,the mineral composition and metallurgical properties of jiugang BF slag have been researched in laboratory,the influence of CaO/SiO2 ,MgO,Al2O3,MnO,BaO,TiO2 and CaF2 to metallurgical properties of slag have been studied. The study include the mineral composition and microstructure study by OM,SEM,etc;viscosity and melting temperature study ;desulphurizing capacity study.The results showed as follows :The mineral of slag in Jiugang was made up of melilite mostly,composed of wollastonite ,silicoglaserite,dicalcium silicate,cuspidine and fluorite partly.The slag belong to short slag,which viscosity was lower than 0.75 Pa·s with high temperature and have a good fluidity,but round melting temperature,viscosity of slag become high fastly with temperature fall,and its free flow range is only about 20℃,so it is important to control slag temperature for good fluidity.According to fluidity, desulphurizing ability and hing burthen of sulphur.the CaO/SiO2 should be decrease to 1.10 from 1.15 by adjust vosicity and percentage of sinter,the content of MgO% should be increased from 6% to 9% by increase content of MgO% of sinter,the content of Al2O3% should be maintained immovability,the conten of MnO% should be increased.The content of TiO2% should be kept about 1%-2% using sinter mix and adding navajoite and ilmenite to blast furnace.As viscosity of slag is high, the content of BaO% should be deceased by sinter mix,as content of BaO% is high, the CaO/SiO2 should be decreased.At especial condition the content of CaF2% should be increased by sinter mix and add fluorite to blast furnace,the content of CaF2% of slag should be 1%-2%,and it shouldn’t be a long system for add fluorite to blast furnace.


