

【作者】 朱韬

【导师】 段渝;

【作者基本信息】 四川省社会科学院 , 专门史, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 长江流域为中国文明起源地之一。探讨长江流域先秦时期文明之起源,很大程度上需依靠对其时其地相关族群文化面貌之解读。而此种解读之首要进行者,必定是对其族群分布迁徙之考证。本文即以此为主线,探讨长江上、中游族群之分布与迁徙状况。具体分章论述则分取川西平原之蜀人、川东峡江鄂西之巴人、江汉流域之楚人为例,进行重点论述。绪论部分就长江流域上、中游族群分布与迁徙之整体研究背景及意义作一宏观阐述,并说明本文取用之方法论及研究手段;第一章乃考古资料之综述,以期使阅者获得下文论及器物比对之依据,便于检索,于子目下则细分三大区域及相关考古信息;第二章考察夏商之际蜀地之族群面貌,得出蚕丛、鱼凫并存说。而蚕丛氏出于岷江流域,为氐人,鱼凫氏亦为氐人,然混有濮人成分。两者虽长期并存却终未合流,故及杜宇氏兴,各自迁徙。汉中之“弓鱼国”实为北迁鱼凫氏所立;第三章考察夏商周之际巴地之族群面貌,首先对“巴”“巴人”“巴族”“巴地”“巴国”定义一一厘定,继考巴族之族源及流变,得出巴族乃出自百越系统之结论。而后世之板楯蛮、廪君蛮皆分出于巴。又,巴之一部则西入汉中与弓鱼族相合。春秋以降,汉水之巴南迁于峡江及川东地区,并重建巴国,至此“巴人”之定义于此则囊括当地之濮人乃至越人在内。第四章考察夏商周之际楚地之族群面貌,并将其细分为三部:其一为当地土著,主要即为三苗,其本源出自华夏,因长期居南土而蛮化,其后裔发展成为当地之“楚式鬲”文化面貌族群,另有越人广布于楚地,殷卜辞所见“虎方”当与之相关;其二为华夏族在楚地之拓展,先后有商之盘龙城文化与周之“江汉诸姬”;其三为楚族之流变。第二、三、四章,乃本文中心论述部分,分别涉及四川盆地之蜀地族群分布与迁徙、川东峡江之巴地族群分布与迁徙、两湖之楚地族群分布与迁徙。此三部分章论述,各成体系,于整体则互为依托,以地域横向联系予以贯通。行文最末部分乃全文总结,阐述笔者对于先秦时期长江上、中游族群分布与迁徙进行结合比对探讨后之部分想法,亦以此作行文之一小结。本文附有部分相关之图、表,以便阅者更好理解笔者行文意图。

【Abstract】 Yangtze River Basin for the origin of Chinese civilization, Yangtze River Basin is one of the regions for the origin of Chinese civilization,The study of the Yangtze River Basin’s origin of civilization in pre-chin period depends on the relevant geographical and cultural outlook of the group read,to a large extent.. This interpretation of the primary conduct, must be their distribution and migration of ethnic research. In this paper, that is, as the main line, on the Yangtze River, the middle reaches of the distribution of ethnic groups and migration situation. At the chapter on time, it also points from the Chengdu Plain Shuren, Chuandong Xiajiang of the Palestinian people in western Hubei Province, the Jianghan Chu Valley, focus on.On the introduction of the Yangtze River, the middle reaches of ethnic migration and distribution of the overall research background and significance for a macro on, and on this paper, the methodology and research tools.The first chapter of the Archaeological Survey of information, with a view to making available access to objects below proof than the basis for easy retrieval, in the sub-heading are the three major sub-regional and related information on archaeology;Chapter II study of the Xia and Shang Dynasties Shu ethnic groups in the face, and the fish that silkworm Cong said that both Fuzhou and silkworm Cong’s out of the Minjiang River valley, Di, the fish is out of Fuzhou Xiajiang basin, for the Pu people. Although its long-term coexistence is not the end collusion, it was Du Yu’s rise, their movement, Hanzhong "bow fish" that is, and the fish’s movement on Fuzhou.Chapter III of the Palestinian Xiashang Zhou inspected the face of ethnic groups, first of all, "Pakistan", Pakistan, Pakistan, the Pakistani definition set January 1, following the examination of the Palestinian people and the Origin flow, is drawn from the Palestinian people Baiyue system conclusions, and future generations of the board Chun Man, Linjun quite points for the Palestinian and the Palestinians into the West Hanzhong, a bow and fish communities consistency. Spring and Autumn down, the Hanshui River Banan, in the reconstruction of East Sichuan Xiajiang and Pakistan, the Palestinian people in this encompasses the definition of Pu local people, even more.Chapter IV of the study Xiashang Zhou Chu in the face of ethnic groups, will be divided into three inspected, one for the local indigenous, is the third major Miao, also its origin from China, due to long-term soil and quite Habitat of the South , Its descent into the local "Chu Li-style" ethnic cultural characteristics; another more widespread in the Chu people, the so-called "tiger," when associated with the other Huaxia Zu the CHU for the development of ethnic groups, has A location in Panlongcheng culture and weeks "Chiang Han Zhu Ji" Chu family for three of its Evolution.Start to the fourth chapter, is central to this exposition of the Sichuan Basin were involved in the distribution of ethnic groups in Sichuan and movement, Pakistan and East Sichuan Xiajiang the ethnic distribution and migration, Chu’s Hubei and Hunan to ethnic distribution and migration, discussed at the three-part Chapter on, into a system, relying on each other in the overall, cross-cutting from the geographical link to link up.Read the last part is the full text of conclusion, the author described the pre-Qin period of the Yangtze River, the middle reaches of movement and distribution of ethnic groups than to combine the study after some thinking, this is also a language for the summary. A related part of this map, table, to read to better understand the author’s intent language.


