

【作者】 王丹

【导师】 赵志立;

【作者基本信息】 四川省社会科学院 , 新闻传播学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 “媒介融合”是近来新闻传媒界的一个炙手可热的话题,然而对于大多数受众来说,他们更多的是实际的感受,例如用手机就可以听广播,报纸也走上了电视,网站上可以看到数量庞大的各类视频节目,甚至家里的数字电视都可以用来收发邮件与远方的朋友进行视频聊天,在现实中各种媒介的界限就这样被悄然的打破,各自不同的功能都汇聚在某一种或某几种功能强大的终端上,媒介融合就这样不可抗拒地融入了我们的生活。作为一种新的媒介现象,媒介融合的出现改变了传统媒体广播的生存环境,再加上近年来我国社会、经济突飞猛进的发展,受众文化需求的个性释放,国家政策的开放和调整,新兴媒体的迅猛崛起,新旧媒体之间的激烈竞争,必将挤压广播广告本来就很小的市场份额。尽管国内外广播广告还没有明显的下降趋势,但新媒体抢占市场的势头已经初露锋芒。这些都给广播带来了前所未有的冲击和影响,广播人应该将采取什么样的策略来应对这种挑战?基于此,本文将从媒介融合的大背景下,结合媒介生态环境的生存规律,从一个更广阔的视觉来探讨广播发展的问题并展望未来。本文分为五个部分。第一章在总结前人对媒介融合这一现象的研究成果上,概括了媒介融合的内涵,介绍了媒介融合的发展历程和特征,分析了媒介融合产生的原因。对于媒介融合的充分认识和详细了解是本文研究的基础。第二章在梳理前人对媒介融合理论与实践的研究成果上,结合传播学、生态环境系统学的相关理论,从政策环境、社会环境、经济环境、技术环境、全球化背景等5个方面,探索了广播媒介所面临的宏观环境的新特点。对于媒介环境的认识和了解都是本文研究得以进行的重要前提,也是广播业制定战略、应对变化的必要过程。第三章深入的分析了媒介融合对于广播产业各个方面的具体影响,从传播平台的变化新媒介终端的出现,到产业价值链条的改变,以及受众身份和需求的变化,较为全面地展示了媒介融合对广播产业的影响,为新环境下广播业发展策略的制定提供了依据。第四章对媒介融合背景下广播的发展条件进行分析,客观的阐明了当下我国广播业所面临的挑战以及新环境带来的新机遇,清晰的认识自身所具备的条件是为了更好的发展。第五章立足于现实的操作层面,针对于前面章节讨论的广播业在新环境的下所遇到的挑战和自身存在的问题,探讨了媒介融合时代我国广播业发展的策略规划,从与新技术的融合、内容创新、品牌塑造、经营模式、瓶颈解决等五个方面阐述了媒介融合环境下的广播发展之道。

【Abstract】 "Media convergence" is a hot topic in media circle recently, but for the majority of the audience, they are more real feelings, For instance, using a mobile phone can be listening to the radio and newspapers have also appear on a television, and On the Internet you can see a huge number of various types of video programs, and even at home you can send and receive messages in digital television and chat friends with remote video .In reality, the limits of the various media that were quietly breaking ,their different functions are gathered in one or a few powerful terminal, it is so irresistible media convergence into our lives.As a new kind of media phenomenon, the emergence of media convergence has changed the environment of traditional media broadcasting, coupled with our social and economic development in recent years by leaps and bounds, the cultural needs of the individual released, the opening up of national policies and adjustments, The rapid rise of new media, old and new media between the fierce competition, these will squeeze radio advertising which is already a small market. Despite domestic and international radio advertisement also no clear downward trend, but obviously, the new media have begun to seize the traditional media market. All of these has brought an unprecedented impact and influence to broadcast。Broadcaster should be taken what kind of strategy to deal with this challenge? Based on this, this paper as the background of the media convergence, with the survival of the media law of the ecological environment, a broader vision to explore the development of the broadcast and look to the future.This paper is divided into five parts. In concluding the first chapter on the basis of media convergence in previous studies summarized the content of the media convergence, on the media convergence of the development process and features convergence of the causes for the media. For the full convergence of media awareness and detailed understanding about is the basis of this paper. Carding predecessors in the second chapter of the convergence of theory and practice of media research results, combined with communications, and the ecological environment of the systems theory, the policy environment, social environment, economic environment, technological environment, the context of globalization, such as five areas, and explore the broadcast media macroeconomic environment faced by the new features. The media environment awareness and understanding of this paper is to study the important prerequisite for the broadcasting industry is to develop strategies to cope with the necessary process of change. Chapter III-depth analysis of the media convergence for all aspects of the broadcasting industry specific impact from the dissemination of the platform change the emergence of new media terminal, to change the industry value chain, as well as the audience capacity and demand changes, a more comprehensive display of the media fusion the impact on the broadcasting industry to a new environment strategy for the convergence of the broadcasting industry to provide a basis for the formulation. The fourth chapter of the broadcast media integration background conditions for the development of analysis, the stated objective of the present China’s broadcasting industry and the challenges faced by the new environment brought about by new opportunities, clearer understanding of themselves to the conditions better development. Part V based on realistic operational level, in view of the discussion at the front section of the broadcasting industry in the new environment under the challenges encountered, and their own problems on the media convergence times on the development of China’s broadcasting strategy planning. And from the integration of new technologies, innovative content, branding, business model, the solution of the bottleneck on the five aspects of the media integration environment, the development of broadcasting.

【关键词】 融合媒介广播传播策略研究
【Key words】 Media convergenceBroadcastingStrategy Study

