

【作者】 王娜

【导师】 夏良田;

【作者基本信息】 四川省社会科学院 , 经济法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 1999年11月美国废止了《格拉斯—斯蒂尔法》,通过了《金融服务现代化法》。该法案的确立不仅是美国金融业发展过程中的重大历史性变革,而且是世界金融发展过程中划时代的变革。除美国之外,英国、日本等国家以及我国台湾地区都先后放弃了分业经营的制度,实行金融控股公司这一混业经营模式。在此背景下,特别是我国加入WTO以后,选择混业经营是大势所趋,而金融控股公司又是我国从分业经营到混业经营最优的选择。实际生活中我国已存在金融控股公司,但是对金融控股公司的监管却缺乏一套完整系统的理论。本论文希望通过对金融控股公司监管问题的研究,对我国金融控股公司的监管做出一定的努力。本论文采用比较法和历史分析的方法来展开研究。第一章金融控股公司基本理论分析。这章不仅分析了金融控股公司的定义和种类,以及绩效和存在的风险,还对金融控股公司监管的必要性进行了阐述,并诠释了金融控股公司监管的理论基础;第二章国外(地区)金融控股公司监管法制的比较与借鉴。介绍了主要国家和地区(美国、英国、日本和我国台湾)金融控股公司的法律监管制度。另外,说明了这些主要国家和地区的金融控股公司监管法律制度的特点,以及对我国的启发;第三章描述了我国金融控股公司的发展以及监管的实证分析。这章阐述了我国金融控股公司的现状,对我国金融控股公司监管的问题进行了分析。第四章为本文的重点,阐述了对金融控股公司监管的原则,提出一些符合我国实际情况的金融控股公司监管的制度设计。包括我国金融控股公司的法律框架和完善,对市场进入和退出的监管,对金融控股公司的资本充足率监管,对金融控股公司关联交易的监管,对金融控股公司风险集中的监管,完善金融控股公司治理结构,以及加强监管的国际合作等。

【Abstract】 The passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Modernization Act in the United States in November 1999 repealed the Glass-Stea-gall Act of 1933. The Act not only reflects a historic change in the US financial sector, but is also a milestone in the financial development of the world. In addition to the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries, and China’s Taiwan region have abandoned the separation of the operating system with the financial holding company model. In this context, especially after China has entered the WTO, to select the integrated operation is a general trend. The financial holding company is China’s operators from sub-optimal choices to the operation mode. Relative to other forms, financial holding company is the best choice for China’s financial industry in the transition from separated operation to integrated operation. At present, financial holding companies have emerged in China, but the supervision of financial holding company is the lack of a complete set of theories. I hope on make certain regulatory efforts by studying the supervision of FHC.Through the Comparative analysis methodology and historical analysis methodology, these are four chapters in the paper. The first part is an overview of the financial holding company. It not only elaborates the definition and the species of financial holding company, and analyses its advantage and possible risk, but also sets forth the importance and the theoretical basis about the supervision of financial holding company. In the second chapter I compare the supervision of financial holding company in foreign countries (regions). I introduce the legal system of supervision of FHC in the major countries and regions (The United States, Britain, Japan and Taiwan). In addition, I analyze its characteristics and reveal its universal significance with great inspirations; The third Chapter I describe the development of financial holding companies and regulatory analysis of the supervision of financial holding company. I describe the status of the financial holding companies, discloses the current situation of the supervision of FHC and existing problems; The fourth chapter is a key chapter. It sets forth the principle of the supervision of FHC and puts forward some legal designs on supervision of FHC which suits our country’s conditions, including designing the legal system, the supervision on market access and exit, capital adequacy requirement, the supervision on interaction transaction, the supervision on risk control, improving the financial Holding company management structure, and strengthening supervision of international cooperation.

【关键词】 金融控股公司监管法律制度
【Key words】 Financial Holding CompanySupervisionLegal system

