

Study on Legal Issues of Patent Trust

【作者】 胡挺

【导师】 张德瑞;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 民商法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以专利信托为研究主题,综合运用历史分析法、实证法和比较法,介绍了信托的基本理论和专利信托的涵义及法律特征,通过对日、中专利信托的实例考察,分析专利信托的必要性和可行性,并在阐述制度环境对信托产品创新的重要性的基础上,具体分析我国实施专利信托的主要法律障碍,最后针对这些法律障碍提出具体的完善措施。全文分为引言、正文五章、结论三个部分,约4万字。第一章为专利信托的概述。介绍了信托的历史演进和涵义,并指出其具有权利和利益相分离、信托财产的独立性和受益人权益的保障的基本信托法理念,在此基础上阐述了现代信托制度具有财产转移、财产管理、融通资金及培育社会信用的功能,体现了追求自由与效率的价值取向。最后介绍了专利信托的涵义和法律特征。第二章考察了日、中专利信托实例。通过比较,指出了我国武汉专利信托实践中存在的不足,并指出其最大的不足是法律依据的缺失。第三章分析了专利信托的必要性和可行性。专利自身具有的特征不利于权利人自行转化,而传统转化途径又存在不足,充分利用信托的制度功能有助于促进专利技术成果的产业化。在可行性分析中,指出专利具有财产性、可转化性、确定性和为权利人合法所有的属性,符合法律的原则性规定,在法理上可为信托财产。第四章在阐述了制度环境对我国信托产品创新的重要意义后,具体分析了我国实施专利信托在信托财产权利归属、信托财产的独立性、登记公示配套规定和信托受益权证属性不明、流通不畅等方面存在的缺陷。第五章针对上文分析的法律制度上的缺陷,提出了相应的完善对策:信托财产权是一种新型的财产权利形态,委托人、受托人和受益人依法律规定享有相应的权利,从而确保信托财产独立性的真正实现;在主体、内容和程序方面完善专利信托的登记公示配套规定;在立法上明确信托受益权证的“证券”属性和上市流通,为利用专利进行融资创造条件。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is on patent trust. It makes a scrutiny into the following issues by methods as historical research, empirical analysis and comparative analysis: fundamental theory of trust, meaning and legal features of patent trust, the necessity and feasibility of patent trust after investigating the examples in both Japan and China, specific analyses on main legal barriers of patent trust in China and their perfecting measures based on the discussion of the significance of institutional environment for innovation of trust products. This paper consists of 5 chapters besides the introduction and conclusion, about 40,000 words.In chapter one, this paper discusses functions of modern trust system, such as transfer and management of property, accommodating finance and cultivating social credit, reflecting its value orientation in the pursuit of freedom and efficiency, on the basis of a brief introduction of historical evolution and its basic legal ideas including separation of rights and interests, independence of trust property and guarantee of beneficiary interests. Finally, meaning and legal features of patent trust are introduced.In chapter two, shortages of patent trust practice in Wuhan are pointed out, especially in respect of legal system through investigation and comparison about patent trust practices in both Japan and China. In chapter three, this article mainly analyzes the necessity and feasibility of patent trust. Fully application of trust system can promote the industrialization of patent technology production after analyzing features of patent itself and shortages of current transformation approach. Theoretically, patent can be treated as trust property, according to legal principle norm because patent has the attributes of property, conversion, certainty and legal ownership of oblige.In chapter four, system defects are specifically analyzed in respects of right adscription, independence of trust property and supporting stipulation of registration for publication after discussing the significance of institutional environment for innovation of trust products.In the last chapter, corresponding legal countermeasures are put forward for limitations discussed above. Trust property right is a new form of property right and principal, trustee and beneficiary have their own corresponding rights according to legal provisions to ensure that independence of trust property is genuinely realized. Supporting stipulation of registration for publication should be perfected in respects of subject, contents and procedure. Security attribute of letter of beneficial rights and circulation in capital market should be defined clearly in legislation to create conditions for financing based on patent.

【关键词】 信托专利专利信托制度环境
【Key words】 trustpatentpatent trustinstitutional environment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.282;D923.42
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】197

