

Study of Jinjiang Shoes Corporate Brand Strategy

【作者】 吴艺丁

【导师】 张福昌;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 设计艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济体制的改革,市场经济得到发展,社会经济文化日益进步,经济运作方式也发生了质的变化。与之相适应,企业必须依照内外部经营环境发生的深刻变化,重新调整企业经营的指导思想、品牌战略。本文致力于对品牌战略在鞋业领域应用研究。从品牌战略的概念研究开始,结合当代研究品牌战略在鞋业应用的研究成果,总结出前人的研究理念,并根据本人在晋江鞋业具体企业中的调查资料,阐述了品牌战略在鞋业领域应用中的重要性和必然性,从品牌战略角度详细论述了我国品牌崛起之路开始铺就的必要条件。多年来,晋江积极实施“质量兴市”和“造牌运动”,引导企业加强质量管理和争创名牌,寻找民族工业的发展之路,取得了令人瞩目的成就。目前,晋江鞋业牌子林立,企业众多,“央视+明星代言”的普遍模式带给了行业短暂的繁荣,也带给晋江鞋业严重的同质化后遗症——品牌竞争无序、市场销售量无法提升、利润越来越薄而投入越来越大,晋江鞋业的品牌营销进程中遇到发展的瓶颈。同时,本文论述了品牌的含义、品牌战略的作用、品牌战略过程所必需的阶段;对晋江鞋业品牌竞争力、晋江鞋业品牌战略对策进行了深入全面的延伸研究。品牌战略乃企业的核心竞争力的外在表现;品牌战略的基础是品牌的核心价值与定位:品牌战略的重点是品牌个性与差异;如何维持品牌的长治久安——品牌维护与发展;本研究尝试从晋江鞋业的品牌战略成功因素和失败原因进行分析切入,通过研究晋江鞋业发展历史,对晋江鞋业中的品牌战略进行统计和分析,力图具体地就品牌战略方面总结成功的应用规律及其对我国企业品牌战略的影响和社会意义。本研究还尝试对我国企业品牌战略的意义进行探讨,总结出适用于中国企业品牌战略及其被企业普遍接受的模式,为以后的品牌战略研究提供一些启示和思路。品牌战略需要长期的研究与实践,随着时代的变迁,品牌战略的重点也有所侧重,但是结合国情特色而发展是具有历史必然性的,本文在最后简单地探讨了今后品牌战略在中国鞋业领域应用中的发展趋势和发展的方向。从品牌范畴总结晋江鞋业发展特点,能够建立一个正确的品牌意识。在国际上创出中国的品牌,就要全面的了解品牌战略,并将之运用到企业扩展过程中。

【Abstract】 Along with the reform of the economic system of our country, market economic development and socioeconomic cultural advance, economic running also occurs change. Enterprise must manage environmental change according to internal and external department, adjusts enterprise again to manage thought and Brand Strategy. This paper works for as Brand Strategy applies research in the field of Shoes corporate. From the concept research of Brand Strategy, combination is present to study accomplishment, summarize forefathers, and according to my investigation information in specific corporate of Jinjiang shoes corporate elaborate Brand Strategy certainty and the importance in the field application of Shoes corporate, from the angle of Brand Strategy have discussed Chinese Brand in detail the necessary condition of rising abruptly.For many years Jinjiang positive enforcement " quality mood city " with " make brand sport", guide enterprise reinforced quality to manage and compete wound famous brand, have gotten the achievement that makes one focus attention. Now, Jinjiang brand to stand in great numbers, " CCTV + Sport star " have brought the prosperity with momentary profession, also bring to enter the same quality of serious river shoes trade melt after-effect -- Brand competition out of order, market sales volume can not promote, profit more and more thin put in more and more big。At the same time, this paper has discussed the role of Brand Strategy and the meaning of Brand , Brand Strategy course the stage with necessary place; For entering river shoes trade trademark competition ability , Jinjiang Brand Strategy countermeasure go deep into overall extend research. Trademark strategy is the external expression of the key competition ability of enterprise; The foundation of trademark strategy is location and the key value of trademark; The focal point of trademark strategy is trademark character and discrepancy; It is installed for a long time that how to maintain the length of trademark treat - - trademark maintenance and development;At the same time, this paper has discussed the role of trademark strategy and the meaning of trademark , Brand Strategy course the stage with necessary place; For Jinjiang shoes trade trademark competition ability , Jinjiang Brand Strategy countermeasure go deep into overall extend research. The focal point of trademark strategy is trademark character and discrepancy; It is installed for a long time that how to maintain the length of trademark treat -- trademark maintenance and development;Brand Strategy will study and practice for a long period, along with the changes of times, the key also different, however combination development of national conditions of Brand Strategy is historical and inevitable, this paper in have discussed Brand Strategy in the future finally the direction in Chinese shoes trade field application that develops tendency and development. From Brand category summary Jinjiang shoes corporate, develop characteristic, can establishment a correct trademark consciousness. In the world, the trademark of Chinese wound will be overall to know Brand Strategy, utilize enterprise.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

