

Wu Xi Tan Kuang Limited Company Quality Information Management System

【作者】 施晓斌

【导师】 陈进;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,快速发展的国民经济给传统产业带来了新的机遇和挑战,为了适应这种状况,国家提出了“用信息技术改造传统产业”的发展战略。同时随着计算机技术蓬勃发展,越来越多的制造型企业利用计算机来辅助企业的生产和管理,来适应日趋激烈的市场竞争。本课题就是在这样的环境下,以无锡探矿机械厂为例,为中小制造型企业开发质量信息管理系统。本文首先对质量管理理论的相关知识做了简单的介绍,通过对论文的研究对象无锡探矿机械厂的实地调研,研究了企业目前存在的主要问题,探讨了开发质量信息管理系统的现实意义。其次,认真分析了企业质量管理中存在的主要问题:由于企业是典型的组装型企业,其零部件大多是采购件,外协件和外包加工的零部件,而其供应商大多是企业素质不高,制度不完善的乡镇企业,致使零部件的质量难以保证,需要企业花大量的人力资源于零部件的进货检验;由于检验员凭借图纸和经验进行检验,故检验规程没有规律可循;月底统计的质量报表只能简单统计出不合格数和不合率,并带有滞后性和不准确性;领导层也无法根据质量的报表进行科学的规划和决策。针对企业中质量管理的主要问题,开发的无锡探矿机械厂质量信息管理系统实现物料从入库→检验→审核→统计在同一系统里实现;系统具有产生月度报表,不合格品评审单,单项不合格率比较和控制图等功能;系统提供了对外包加工零件跟踪的发料单和接受单的功能;根据批量的大小,提供各种抽样方案;最后按照关联原则数据挖掘实现分析供应商和物料不合格率的关系,供决策层参考。最后,用实例来说明系统操作的简易和方便。为该企业提供了切实可行的质量信息管理系统。

【Abstract】 The rapid progress of economics brings forth great opportunities and challenges to traditional industry. So the strategy of "upgrading traditional industry with information technologies" is put forward. Meanwhile, with the great progress in computer technologies, more and more manufacturing enterprises are using administrative software to assist management and manufacturing. This paper is based on it and makes a quality information management system for mediate and small enterprises, taking Wuxi Mineral Exploration Machinery Co. Ltd as example.Related knowledge on management theory is introduced at first.then according to the current problems of Wuxi Mineral Exploration Machinery Co.Ltd that we got through execution, the practical purpose of quality information management system is discussed later. Also, a detailed analysis of problems existed in the company is further studied: Wuxi Mineral Exploration Machinery Co.Ltd is a typical assembly plant whose parts are mainly supplied by other factories, which are most village factories of poor quality system. Much effort has to be paid on checking. Besides, the check work is done according to drawings or experience, no regulation. Monthly quality reports only include the number and proportion of inferiors, and because of its lagging, managers can’t make up a scientific plan.So it’s necessary to develop a quality information management system. In the system, the instock, checking, auditing and analyzing can be realized. It can generate various tables such as monthly reports, Auditing, report of comparing two materials and the control drawing. Besides, it is functional in the sending and accepting forms on outsourcing parts and providing different sampling plans according to the size. Further more, the system can analyze the relationship of suppliers and material according to the association rules.At last, we take an example to narrate the manual.it is very easy and helpful for us.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

