

The Study on the Characteristics of Wuxi Food Against the Background of Wu Cultrue

【作者】 陈翔燕

【导师】 肖向东;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 食品贸易与文化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中国文化博大精深,饮食文化独显其色。吴文化作为中国重要的区域文化,在历史的发展中曾闪耀出独特的文化魅力。无锡是吴文化的发祥地,在整体的吴文化中有着特殊的文化地位。本文以吴文化为视角,结合文献资料和论者所作210份问卷调查,总结和归纳出无锡饮食特色,即:“饭稻羹鱼”的结构特色;“嗜甜尝辣”的口味特色;“秀美精细、富于变化”的加工制作特色。以此作为观察吴文化的一个视角。无锡饮食特色的形成并非一朝一夕之事,它集中展现了吴地的经济、文化以及社会历史和生活的面貌。究其原因,一是吴地早熟的农业奠定了无锡饮食的物质基础。其次,吴地成熟的商品经济是无锡饮食发展的生命之泉。再,无锡发达的交通及其枢纽地位是无锡饮食海纳百川的重要保障。而历史上数次大规模的人口迁移与文化交流则为无锡饮食兼收并蓄提供了良好契机。显性文化的存在和发展往往受制于隐性文化之强大的精神支持,无锡饮食发展的内在生命力在于吴文化本身。吴文化的开放性和包容性是无锡饮食善于兼容的内在因素。自太伯奔吴带来中原的先进文明,吴地在与不同区域文化的交流中始终保持着开放与包容的文化态势,并逐渐在发掘本土资源的基础上日显丰富,成就了无锡今日的繁华。吴文化的和谐性与无锡饮食相互辉映。无锡人“饭稻羹鱼”的饮食结构和“嗜甜”的饮食口味表达了人与自然的和谐,海纳百川的饮食现象亦是吴文化与各地区文化和谐共存的重要体现。基于吴文化的开放、包容与和谐,无锡饮食必在未来的发展中继续兼收并蓄,吸纳各地饮食文化的精髓,并且将逐步向时尚、理性、审美等方向发展。注重品牌发展、保护传统技艺当是无锡饮食发展的文化对策。

【Abstract】 Chinese culture is extensive and profound, among which food culture is special and valuable. Wu culture is an important area culture of China showing the charm in the long history of the country. As Wuxi is the birthplace of WU culture and it’s cultural position is peculiar, my thesis attempts to focus on the characteristics of Wuxi food as well as the background of WU culture. I made a survey and finally summed up the characteristics to support my point. Wuxi food culture has such features: 1. Rice and fish are the main food. 2. People in Wuxi like sweet and now are trying to accept hot food. 3The food is cooked fine, beautiful and changeable.These characteristics are the exhibits of Wuxi’s economy, traffic, culture, history etc. Firstly the precocious of agriculture in Wu place is the material basis. Secondly the matured commercial economy is the support of Wuxi food. Thirdly Wuxi’s geographic and traffic position is important to keep the development of Wuxi food. Finally the migration of people in the history helped the food communication of different areas.All these phenomena have their strong culture supporting. The development of Wuxi food comes from its culture root. On the one hand Wu culture is open and comprehensive which is the intrinsic factor of food phenomenon. From Taibo’s coming, Wu area started to exchange different culture with its neighbors and ultimately becomes the advanced culture of China. On the other hand the inclusion of Wuxi food shows the harmonious of Wu culture. The eating structure of Wuxi people’s and the preference of sweet food embodies the characters of Wuxi people. In the future, Wuxi food culture will continure absorbing the distillation of other food culture and build closer relationship with fashion, sense and taste. And the culture strategy to keep the Wuxi Food is to pay attention to the development of famous brand and protect the traditional skills.

【关键词】 无锡饮食吴文化
【Key words】 Wuxifoodculture
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

