

The Study on the International Competitiveness of Chinese White Spirits Industry of China

【作者】 刘杜若

【导师】 章家清;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 国际贸易学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 白酒是我国民族传统产品,历史悠久,文化积淀深厚,是中华民族珍贵的文化传承载体。白酒作为世界四大蒸馏酒名酒种之一,其精湛独特的酿造工艺闻名天下。随着我国综合实力和国际地位的上升,传统饮食文化影响逐渐扩大,我国白酒开始逐步走向国际蒸馏酒市场,出口呈现出扩大态势。同时,随着人民生活水平的日益提高所带来的消费观念转变,以及我国加入WTO后关税减让承诺的逐步实现,我国白酒产业也面临着来自威士忌、白兰地、伏特加等蒸馏酒种以及啤酒、葡萄酒等替代酒种的竞争和挑战。酒类消费替代品的增多、行业内部集中度较低、无序竞争严重、国家政策导向、企业自身营销能力较弱和基础研究进展较缓等诸多因素影响了我国白酒产业的发展和国际竞争力的提高。我国白酒产业的国际竞争力现状如何?诸多国际竞争力影响因素对其造成的效应是什么?在白酒目标出口市场上的竞争对手主要有哪些?我国白酒产业该如何提高自身国际竞争力,拓展国际蒸馏酒市场?这些都成为我国白酒产业发展所关注的热点问题。本文主要以迈克尔·波特的产业国际竞争力理论和国际贸易理论为研究基础,构造中国白酒产业国际竞争力研究的经济分析框架,通过对世界四大蒸馏酒种贸易竞争力指数TC、国际市场占有率MS、出口市场集中程度CI和显示性比较优势指数RCA等国际竞争力相关评价指标的计算比较,以及对国内白酒产业四家集中度CR4和八家集中度CR8的测定,运用“钻石模型”对国际竞争力影响因素进行逐个分析,并利用网络开展国际市场问卷调查,以此确定我国白酒产业的国际竞争力现状及其主要影响因素,做出结论并提出相关对策建议。

【Abstract】 As a traditional product of Chinese nation, Chinese white spirits have a long history and profound culture alongside the precious civilizations of China. Being one of the most famous distilled spirits around the world, Chinese white spirits have achieved the prestige for the unique and excellent producing methods. Along with the promotion of comprehensive developments and international status of China, as well as the far-reaching effects of Chinese traditional culture, Chinese white spirits have gradually entered into the global market of distilled spirits. For years, the export of Chinese white spirits has stably increased.Meanwhile, in light of the improvement of living conditions and consuming concepts for the general public, as well as the realization of commitments by China’s Entry to the WTO, the white spirits industry is faced with fierce competitions and challenges by other distilled spirits and alcohol beverages, namely whisky, brandy, vodka, as well as beers and wines. A series of causes, such as the raising of challengers, the relatively low industrial concentration ratio, vicious competition around markets, the direction of state policies, relatively weak abilities of sales and slow progress of fundamental research have exerted serious influence on the development of Chinese white spirits and the promotion of international competitiveness.What is the present situation of international competitiveness for Chinese white spirits industry? What are the results caused by a variety of factors effecting international competitiveness? What are the main challengers in the target market of Chinese white spirits? What kinds of measures could this industry carry out in order to heighten international competitiveness and expand its international market? These questions attracted great attention for the development of Chinese white spirits industry.Based on the theories of Michael E·Porter’s industrial international competitiveness and international trade researches, this article established the economy-analyzing framework for the study of Chinese white spirits. Through evaluation and comparison of relevant indexes of international competitiveness such as TC, MS, CI and RCA, this article analyzed the present situation of international competitiveness of Chinese white spirits, concluded major causes in this regard, integrated online questionnaire for international markets, and consequently raised conclusion as well as strategies and suggestions in this regard.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期

