

Studies on the Processing Technology and Preservation of Convenient Food-Fried Batter Lotus Root Stuffed with Pork

【作者】 宋艳玲

【导师】 夏文水;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 食品科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 藕夹又称藕合(Batter lotus root stuffed with meat),是中国传统裹面油炸食品,因其外表金黄酥脆,内部柔嫩多汁而深受人们喜爱,但藕夹制作过程繁琐复杂,耗时耗力。藕夹方便食品的开发既是传统食品工业化的需求,也是莲藕深加工的迫切需求。本研究对针藕夹肉馅、面拖进行改良,对其生产工艺进行调整和优化,并综合多种保藏方法,以期开发出适合工业化生产藕夹方便食品。本研究提出了采用熟制肉馅取代生肉馅的藕夹加工工艺,提高藕夹方便食品的安全性。经过加热后肉馅黏结性下降,为了解决这一问题,分析比较不同食品胶对藕夹黏结性和口感的影响,筛选出魔芋胶与壳聚糖复合胶添加到肉馅配方中,提高肉馅黏结性,优化的肉馅配方为:魔芋胶1.0%、壳聚糖0.2%、水20%、肥肉30%。探讨了几种添加剂对面拖品质的影响,研制出全新的、具有多功能的面拖配方,缓解或解决藕夹面拖保藏中失脆、淀粉老化、口感油腻的问题。结果表明,面拖配方添加玉米粉30%小苏打0.8%,糊精6%可以增加脆性;添加MC2%可降低面拖含油量19.81%;添加单甘酯0.6%延缓面拖在冷藏过程中老化。系统研究了藕夹加工工艺,采用蒸熟肉馅,优化藕片护色、肉馅熟制和油炸的工艺环节,并优化工艺参数,结果表明,蒸熟藕夹肉馅品质最好,正交试验优化藕夹中藕片的护色保脆剂的配方为:0.25%抗坏血酸钠+0.2%EDTA-2Na+0.4%氯化钙+0.5%柠檬酸,在此护色保脆剂中浸泡过的藕片可冷藏6天;优化油炸条件为180℃2min。制定出一套可供工业化生产的工艺流程及操作要点,为工业化生产提供理论依据。开发出三种藕夹方便食品:速冻调理藕夹,微波复热藕夹和开袋即食藕夹。探讨了不同包装和化学保藏对微波复热藕夹和开袋即食藕夹藕夹保藏过程中的pH、Aw、油脂氧化酸败和腐败变质的影响。结果表明,氮气包装可以有效抑制微生物生长和优质氧化酸败,添加0.3‰尼铂金酯抑制藕夹微生物生长。确定三种藕夹的保质期分别为:速冻藕夹-25℃保藏12个月-18℃6个月,开袋即食藕夹和微波藕夹均采用充氮包装4℃可保藏3个月。

【Abstract】 Oujia also called Batter lotus root stuffed with meat, which is a kind of traditional fried food with batter. People are fond of it, because both of its golden crispy outside and tender flavor inside. But it takes long time and more vigor for the dull and boring processing to make Oujia. To developt some kinds of convenient food of Oujia is required by both trational food development and further procession from lotus root. This paper studied on pork stuffing, batter and processing craft of Oujia, in order to developt some kinds of convenient food adapt to industrial manufacture.In this paper, the cooked pork stuffing in Oujia was proposed to replace of the raw one before frying, in order to enhance the safety of product by stuffing. The cohesiveness of pork stuffing was reduced after cooking. To increase the cohesiveness of cooked pork stuffing, the effects of different gums on the cohesiveness of cooked pork stuffing were determined by texture profile analysis (TPA) and sensory test. The optimization of formulation of cooked pork stuffing is—fat 30%,konjac gum 1.0%,chitosan 0.2%,water 20%.This paper discussed the effects of several ingredients on properties of batter. A new and multi-functional formulation of batter is studied with certain ingredients to solve the problem of greasiness crispness lost and starch retrogradation. In the formulation of batter,corn flour 30%,saleratus 0.8%,dextrin 6% to keep crispness;methyl cellulose 2% to reduce oil absorption by 25%; mono-glyceride 0.6% to delay starch retrogradation。Processing craft of Oujia, such as cooking method for the stuffing, color fixative for sliced lotus root and frying craft has been studied systematically by determing the properties texture and sensor of Oujia. The result showed that the optimal color fixative was ascorbate sodium, EDTA-2Na, calcium chloridecitric acid, and the rates in the group were 0.25%,0.2%,0.4%,0.5% , respectively. Steam cooking was chose to cook the pork stuffing, and then frying them in oil bath 180℃2min. A set of processing craft for convenient Oujia was designed, Finally, for these three kinds of Oujia—freezing pre-cooked Oujia instant and microwavable one, wich we satisfied the taste and convenience of consumer.The effects of different kinds of packages and antiseptics on TEP values, pH and total bacteria number of the products during storage was determined. As a result, Nitrogen packaging combined with 0.3‰Nipagin Ester to extend their shelf lives. Finally three kinds of convenient Oujia products shelf lives as follows—freezing pre-cooked Oujia stored under -18℃for 12 months, instant and microwavable one stored under 4℃for 3months.

【关键词】 藕夹熟肉馅面拖加工工艺保藏
【Key words】 Oujiaconvenient foodcooked pork stuffingbatterprocesspreservation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

