

The Study of Light Fitting Image of Tang Dynasty

【作者】 谭伟华

【导师】 张海沙;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 意象的研究一直以来都是唐诗研究的热点,本文研究的具体内容是对灯的意象进行深入的分析并对其中的深层意蕴进行阐释。全文分为四章。第一章,具体阐述唐代灯具的概况及其渊源,通过对唐诗中灯物象的追溯和分析,为下文研究灯意象提供依据。第二章,分析唐诗中灯意象在唐代节俗和民间习俗上的文化意蕴,本章具体分析了节庆(元宵节,清明节,除夕等)以及婚丧习俗中灯意象的作用以及意蕴。第三章,文人作为社会文化生活的主体成员,他们和灯的关系比其他社会阶层人士更为密切,所以本文单独以一章来讨论唐诗中灯意象在唐代文人生活中的作用和意蕴。第四章,从诗人内心情感、生活态度和宗教意蕴等方面阐述唐诗中灯意象的不同象征意义。笔者以为,对唐诗中灯意象的研究,一方面有利于全面理解灯意象在唐诗中的重要价值和意义,及其与唐代文人生活、心态的互动关系,另一方面也有利于更全面地理解我国古典诗歌的文学价值和文化意蕴。

【Abstract】 The light fittings image of poetry has always been the heated discussion in the poetic study of Tang Dynasty. The content of this article mainly focus on the study of light fittings image, to further analyze the meaning behind it.This article falls into four chapters. Chasing back the history, and by providing the evidence of analysis for light fittings of Tang poetry, the first chapter describes the general idea and the resource of light fittings in Tang Dynasty. The second chapter, with the cases studies, I will analyze the deep meanings behind the light fittings image in the poetry, including the festivals and folk customs of Tang Dynasty. To be more specific, hereby analyze the festivals that include the Lantern Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day, Lunar New Year’s Eve, etc. Apart from these, I will depict the functioning and meaning of light fittings image in the weddings and funerals. In the third chapter, we will talk about the influence of light fittings image in the poets’ life, since the literals, as the dominated part of the social and cultural life at that time, are more closely related with the light fittings than other social classes. The fourth chapter, we will further study the different symbols of light fittings image of Tang poetry, ranging from the inner emotional feelings, attitudes of life, to religious understandings, etc. Therefore, I believe, on one hand, the study of light fitting image of Tang Dynasty will help us to fully comprehend the important value and meaning of poetry in Tang Dynasty, which includes the relation between the poets’ life and their thoughts. On the other hand, it will help us to better understand the literal value and meaning of our country’s ancient poetry.

【关键词】 唐诗民俗文人生活象征
【Key words】 Poetry of Tang dynastylight fittingfolk customsCivilian lifesymbol
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1116

