

The Researches on Competency Structure Model of Transformational Leaders and Relevant Variables

【作者】 韩春燕

【导师】 刘耀中;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在企业管理实践领域,变革型领导正成为当今社会心理学、人力资源管理和组织行为学的热门话题,对变革型领导的研究正是顺应时代发展的需要应运而生。变革型领导是指领导者注意自身的操行,勇于承担责任和风险;通过改变员工的价值观、态度和信念,让员工意识到所承担任务的重要意义;关心员工,激励员工超目标工作,满足他们自我实现的需求,而不是为了纯粹的交换关系工作;通过把员工个人利益和集体利益联合起来,实现组织的进一步发展。变革型领导具有自己独特的优势,那么具备什么样的素质才能成为一名出色的变革型领导人,是对变革型领导的研究中不可回避的重要问题。胜任特征是指与有效的或出色的工作绩效相关的个人潜在的特征。胜任特征是包含知识、技能、自我概念、社会角色、特性和动机的综合体;胜任特征与特定工作岗位和工作任务相互联系,在很大程度上会受到工作环境、工作条件以及岗位特征的影响;胜任特征与工作绩效紧密联系,能够区分出高绩效者和低绩效者。本研究的目的是以变革型领导者的胜任特征为研究对象,通过心理测量学的实证研究方法,建立变革型领导的胜任特征结构模型,从而为变革型领导的甄别、选拔、培训和职业生涯管理以及企业或组织的发展提供参考依据。本研究通过文献分析、行为事件访谈、开放式问卷等方法,编制变革型领导胜任特征初试问卷,并对问卷进行探索性因素分析,最终得出了23个项目的胜任特征正式问卷,对正式问卷进行探索性和验证性因素分析,结果表明我国变革型领导胜任特征结构包括员工导向、成就驱动动机、魅力统帅、制度制订与执行、知识和技能五个维度。接下来用回归分析的方法探讨了变革型领导胜任特征对两个后果变量:员工组织承诺和员工自我效能感的影响。结果表明,变革型领导胜任特征对员工的组织承诺和自我效能感均有正向影响。最后采用单因素方差分析、多重比较检验和T检验探讨了人口统计学变量、组织变量对变革型领导胜任特征评价的影响,结果表明变革型领导胜任特征在性别、年龄、文化程度、组织性质方面的某些类别上存在显著差异。

【Abstract】 In the enterprise management field, research on transformational leadership has become one of the top topics, especially in the subjects of social psychology, human resource management and organizational behavior. The research on transformational leadership type is following up the development trend. The transformational leader has been characterized as one who articulates a vision of the future that can be shared with peers and subordinates, intellectually stimulates subordinates, and pays high attention to individual differences among people. Transformational leaders do not merely pay attention to exchanging relationship, they also focus on raising or expanding individual needs and inducing a belief in transcending self-interest for the sake of the team or organization.Competency is some potential personal characters relative to effective and excellent job performance, it includes five aspects: knowledge, skill, self-conception, social-role, particularity and motivation. Competency model can help us to distinguish excellent performers from average performers. This research focuses on the competency structure model of Chinese transformational leader and the correlative sequence variable. The model can be applies to the transformational leader recruiting, selection, training and career management.Firstly, build up the theory skyscraper by literature investigation, in order to prepare the theory drive for the research. Secondly, compile the beginning transformational leader competency questionnaire by the method of literature investigation, behavior event interview, and open questionnaire. Through exploratory factor analysis, the competency model of Chinese transformational leader includes five factors: employee orientation, achievement drive incentive, charismatic captain, system formulation and execute, knowledge and skill. According to the validate factor analysis, the result shows that the five factors competency structural model is best.And then discusses the competencies how to affect the two variables: employee organizational commitment, employee self-efficacy by multi-regression analysis. The results show that transformational leader competency has positive affects to employee organizational commitment and employee self-efficacy. At last probes into the effect of population variables on the score of Chinese transformational leader competencies by One-way ANOVA, SNK and T test.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】C933
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】530

