

The Research on the Relationship of the Development of Distribution Industry and the Process of Urbanization in Guangzhou

【作者】 顾曦

【导师】 陈海权;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 广州作为珠江三角洲经济区域的中心城市,良好的区位优势使其从古至今一直承担着对外媒介商品流通,对内组织区域物资生产和交换、协调社会劳动分工的重要作用。改革开放以来,随着广州城市化进程的推进,经济坏境不断地优化,流通产业取得了长足发展。但由于对流通产业的重要性缺乏认识,对推进城市化进程也只简单的认为是扩大城市范围,没能将两者协调起来发展,从而使得流通产业和城市化的发展都受到制约。因此,探明广州流通产业发展与城市化进程之间的关系成为了促进广州流通产业和城市共同发展的关键。本文以此展开研究,首先在收集和梳理国内外学者对流通产业发展与城市化水平之间关系的研究成果的基础上,从理论分析角度总结了流通产业与城市化之间的内在联系。其次,结合广州市1978-2006年的年度统计数据,分五个阶段回顾了广州市流通产业、城市化的发展历程,然后建立VAR向量自回归模型,采用协整分析和格兰杰因果关系检验的方法,定量得出广州市流通产业的发展与城市化进程之间的关系。研究表明,广州市流通产业的发展是城市化水平提高的重要原因,但城市化水平的提高却不能成为流通产业的发展的影响因素。最后,在重新认识这一问题基础上对广州市流通产业、城市化发展提出一些政策建议。

【Abstract】 Guangzhou is the central city of Pearl River Delta economic region. Benefit for its excellence location, Guangzhou plays an important role of foreign trade, the domestic regional production and material exchange, as well as coordinating social division of labor in all ages. With the development of reform and opening policy, Guangzhou has been made a rapid progress in urbanization and constant optimizing of economic environment; meanwhile the distribution industry has made considerable development. However, due to lack of awareness of the importance of distribution industry, only a simple expansion of urban areas promotes the urbanization process, rather than coordinating the development of them, so that the development of distribution industry and urbanization are subject to constraints. On top of this, make sure the relationship of the development of distribution industry and urbanization of Guangzhou is the key is to promote the common development in distribution industry and urbanization.On the basis of collecting and integrating the domestic and foreign scholars’ research results on the relationship of the development of distribution industry and urbanization, this paper summed up the intrinsic link between distribution industry and urbanization firstly. Secondly, by analyzing the 1978-2006 annual statistical data of Guangzhou, this paper reviewed the development process of distribution industry and urbanization respectively on the stage of five phases. Since then, this paper established the VAR (Vector Autoregression) model, then used Johansen co-integration test and Granger causality test method to educe the relationship of the development of distribution industry and the process of urbanization. Research showed that the development of distribution industry is an important reason to improve the level of urbanization in Guangzhou, but the urbanization can not have effect on the development of distribution industry. Finally, on the basis of a new awareness on this issue, this paper put forward some policy recommendations about promoting the development of distribution industry and urbanization of Guangzhou.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F727;F299.27
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】506

