

Study on the Training of Chinese Research-Oriented Teachers of Junior High Schools in Yanbian District

【作者】 蹇波

【导师】 俞爱宗;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 研究型教师是当前国内外教师专业发展过程中一致追求的目标,培养研究型教师也成为教师专业发展的一条必经之路。关于研究型教师的成长特点、研究型教师成长的影响因素、研究型教师的培养规律研究极少,特别是延边地区初中研究型语文教师的分布、成长和培养规律还没有人开展研究。本文以延边地区初中语文教师为研究对象,采用文献法、调查法、比较法,以延边地区8个县(市)35所初中281名语文教师为研究样本,分析探讨延边地区初中语文教师教育科研素质的总体情况;初中语文教师的类型及特征;初中研究型语文教师与其他类型教师的差异;影响初中研究型语文教师形成的因素;初中研究型语文教师的成长特点;初中研究型语文教师的培养策略。通过研究,结论如下:1、延边地区初中语文教师教育科研素质总体水平偏低。2、按教育科研素质特征,将延边地区初中语文教师划分为五种类型:(1)新手型:无科研意识、无科研能力、无科研活动、无科研成果;(2)萌动型:略有科研意识、科研能力较差、无科研活动、无科研成果:(3)尝试型:科研意识较差、科研能力略差、偶有科研活动及成果;(4)参与型:科研意识较好、科研能力一般、有科研活动及成果,但活动及成果不连续;(5)研究型:科研意识高、科研能力较强、有连续的科研活动及成果,科研成果水平较高。3、五种类型教师的教育科研素质均存在显著性差异(P<0.01)。在五种类型教师中,研究型教师所占比例非常小,仅占研究样本的10%左右;参与型教师所占比例最大,接近40%。虽然延边地区初中研究型语文教师数量较少,但有许多教育科研素质较好的参与型教师做培养梯队,培养前景比较乐观。4、影响延边地区初中研究型语文教师形成的因素有八个:教育科研意识;教育科研价值取向;教育理论、科研知识与科研能力;职前教育与职后培训;教龄;学校所在地;学校氛围;政策支持。5、初中研究型语文教师的成长特点:(1)初中研究型语文教师的成长是一个渐进的过程;(2)积极的态度、情感与正确的价值观是初中研究型语文教师产生的先导;(3)扎实的专业理论知识、实践能力和教育科研素质是初中研究型语文教师产生的基础;(4)教育改革是初中研究型语文教师产生的外部动力;(5)不断地取得成功是初中研究型语文教师产生的内部动力;(6)政策支持、领导重视和条件保障是初中研究型语文教师产生的“催化剂”;(7)良好的校园文化是初中研究型语文教师产生的“沃土”。6、针对不同类型教师的特征,采用分层培养策略。(1)新手型教师的培养:以专业知识与教育经验的积累为主。(2)萌动型教师的培养:以学习教育科研理论为主。(3)尝试型教师的培养:以学习教育科研理论和技能为主,挖掘自身内部资源,培养反思能力。(4)参与型教师的培养:通过具体的教育科学研究,提高教育科研素质,促使其完成飞跃,成长为研究型教师。(5)研究型教师的培养:创造良好的研究环境,保证政策支持、经费供给、研究条件和研究时间,促进其教育科研素质不断提高。

【Abstract】 Currently to be a research-oriented teacher is the unanimous goal teachers at home and abroad trying to achieve. Training research-oriented teachers also becomes a route that one must take in the process of teaching career development. There is little study concerning the growth characteristics of research-oriented teachers, the elements that influence the growth of research-oriented teachers, the training patterns of research-oriented teachers, especially in Yanbian district there is no one who has conducted any research about the distribution, growth and training patterns of research-oriented Chinese teachers in junior high schools. This article takes Chinese teachers of junior high school in Yanbian district as research objects, adopting such methods as documentation, questionnaire, comparison, taking 281 Chinese teachers in 35 junior high schools of 8 counties (cities) in Yanbian district. It aims at analyzing and discussing (1)the general condition of educational and scientific research quality of Chinese teachers in junior high schools in Yanbian district; (2)the types and characteristics of Chinese teachers of junior high school; (3)the differences between Chinese research-oriented teachers of junior high school and other teachers; (4)the influential elements in the formation of Chinese research-oriented teachers of junior high school; (5)the growth characteristics Chinese research-oriented teachers of junior high school; (6)training strategies of Chinese research-oriented teachers of junior high school.After research, we can draw the following conclusions:1. The general level of educational and scientific research qualities of Chinese teachers in junior high schools in Yanbian district is very low.2. We divide Chinese teachers of junior high schools in Yanbian district into five types according to their educational and scientific research qualities.(1)The novice. They have neither scientific research consciousness nor ability, nor activities, nor achievements.(2)The germinating. They have little scientific research consciousness, poor ability and they have neither activities nor achievements.(3)The attempting. They have weak scientific research consciousness and ability. Occasionally they have activities and achievements. (4)The participant. They have better scientific research consciousness, common ability. They have but discontinuous scientific research activities and achievements.(5)The research-oriented. They have strong consciousness, better ability, successive and better activities and achievements.3. The educational and scientific research qualities of the above types of teachers are remarkably different.(P<0.01). Among them, reseach-oriented teacher has a very small percentage, only 10% of the research sample while participant teachers are the most, nearly 40%.The number of Chinese research-oriented teachers of junior high school in Yanbian district is small, but many participant teachers who have better educational and scientific research qualities can serve as the training echelon, that means the training prospect is optimistic.4. There are 8 elements which influence the formation of Chinese research-oriented teachers of junior high school: (1)educational and scientific research consciousness (2)value orientation of educational and scientific research (3)educational theories, scientific research knowledge and ability (4)education before jobs and training after jobs (5)length of teaching (6)location of school (7)school atmosphere (8)policy supporting5. The growth characteristics of Chinese research-oriented teachers of junior school: (1)The growth is a gradual process. (2)Positive attitude, emotion and correct values are its prerequisite. (3)Solid theoretic knowledge in special field of study, practical ability and educational and scientific research qualities are its foundation. (4)Educational reform is its exterior dynamics. (5)Continuous success is its interior impetus. (6)Policy supporting, the attention of the leaders and requirement guarantee are its"catalyst". (7)A fine school culture is its "fertile soil".6. The training strategy of delamination is adopted according to different characteristics of different teachers.(1)To those novices, knowledge in special field of study should be imparted and educational experiences should be accumulated.(2)The germinating teachers are mainly trained to learn educational and scientific research theories.(3)The attempting teachers should be mainly trained to learn educational and scientific research theories and techniques, exploiting their own innate resources, developing their abilities to introspect.(4) Participant teachers’ educational and scientific research qualities should be improved through concrete educational and scientific research, urging them to leap forward and become research-oriented teachers.(5)Here are what we should do in order to train research-oriented teachers: creating a good research environment; ensuring policy supporting, financial supply, research condition and time; enhancing their educational and scientific research qualities unceasingly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 03期
  • 【分类号】G634.3;G635.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】137
  • 攻读期成果

