

On the Qu Yuan’s Jiu Ge Chu Wu Cultural Heritage

【作者】 吴玉春

【导师】 张强;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 屈原的《九歌》有着浓郁的楚巫文化特点,楚巫文化的形成与发展受到殷商巫文化、江汉土著文化和“戎”“祀”文化的影响。殷商巫文化是楚巫文化形成的决定性因素,决定了屈原《九歌》的精神面貌和文化特质;江汉土著盛行巫风的文化传统是《九歌》产生的重要土壤,决定了《九歌》与众不同的艺术特点;春秋战国时重祀文化为屈原创作《九歌》提供了生存和发展的依据。通过文献考证可知,起初,《九歌》源于夏启时代娱神和娱人的巫术祭歌。周王朝“制礼作乐”以后,以娱神为主要特征的《九歌》在文化功能上发生了变化,成为劝善教民的政治工具,但在远离中原的楚地《九歌》依旧按照其最初性质生长。屈原创作的《九歌》保存了大量的巫术祭歌的痕迹,其祭祀内容与中原存在着明显的差异。《九歌》集中体现了楚风俗在巫文化影响之下的风貌,其祭祀对象、迎神与娱神的方式与中原有明显的不同。《九歌》的祭祀对象以自然神居多,且祭祀的神祗带有明显的巫覡痕迹。现有的文献中出现了两个《九歌》:一是《左传》中记载的“九德之歌”:另一为《山海经》、《离骚》中所载的带有神异色彩的“神话九歌”。经考查可知,所谓“九德之歌”是儒家为维护周王朝的统治而进行的政治宣传,而“神话九歌”带有原始的祭祀气息,似乎更与《九歌》的原始意思相近。通过对“原始九歌”的祭祀性和娱乐性考证可知,“原始九歌”就是夏启用于自娱和娱神的祭歌,这就奠定了《九歌》浓厚的巫文化色彩。《九歌》中祭祀的天神、地祗为天子祭祀的对象,故《九歌》应为国家祭典。在巫文化的影响下,用于国家祭祀的《九歌》在祭祀内容上不同于中原的国家祭祀。首先,祭祀对象。中原地区以祖先神为主,希望佑其江山社稷;而《九歌》则以自然神为主,表现了原始的宗教信仰。其次,迎神的方式。中原地区以食物来飨神;楚地带有明显的原始性,以花草来飨神,这是因为他们相信花草具有某种神奇的巫术作用;最后,娱神的方式。中原与楚地虽然都以音乐、歌舞做为其娱神手段,但是在表现内容上存在着明显的不同。周王朝的祭祀场面郑重肃穆,以歌颂先祖为其内容,而《九歌》由于受原始宗教的影响,以表达神神或人神之间的爱情为主。

【Abstract】 Qu Yuan’s JiuGe has rich features of Chu witchery culture, the formation and development of Chu witchery culture is impacted by YinShang witchery culture, the aboriginal culture of Jianghan and the sacrifice culture of Spring and Autumn and Warring State Periods. YinShang witchery culture is the decisive factor in the forming of Chu witchery culture, and determines the mental outlook and cultural characteristics of Qu Yuan’s JiuGe. Jianghan cultural traditions of aboriginal witchery is the important soil for the production of JiuGe, and determines the unique artistic characteristics of JiuGe; Spring and Autumn and Warring State Periods’ sacrifice culture provides Qu Yuan’s writing of JiuGe with the basis for survival and development. Literature research tells us that JiuGe originates from sacrifice songs which were used to entertain God and people in the times of XiaQi. After the "Liyue system" is established in Zhou Dynasty, the cultural function of JiuGe, of which the main characteristic was being used to entertain God before, is changed, and becomes a political tool to educate people, but in Chu where is far away from the Central Plains, JiuGe is still growing in accordance with its initial nature. Qu Yuan’s JiuGe saves many traces of the sacrifice songs, its sacrifice content has clear difference with that of the Central Plains. JiuGe reflects the scene of Chu custom impacted by witchery culture, its sacrifice objects and the way to welcome and entertain God are obviously different from those of the Central Plains. The sacrifice objects of JiuGe are more natural Gods, and its sacrifice Gods have obvious traces of the necromancers.The existing literature, there were two JiuGe: First, "Zuo Zhuan" recorded in the "Song of Germany 9"; another for the "Book of Mountains and Seas", "Li Sao" contained in the color with Shenyi "Myth Nine Songs." The test indicates that the so-called "nine German song" Confucianism is to safeguard the rule of Zhou Dynasty and the political propaganda, and the "myth of Nine Songs" with the original festival atmosphere, it seems that more and "Nine Songs" similar to the original meaning. Through right "primitive nine songs" the sacrificial offering and the entertaining research may know, "the primitive nine songs" are the summer begin using in the self-entertainment and the amusement god sacrifice song, this has established "Nine Songs" the thick witch culture color.JiuGe in the worship of gods, and only the object of worship for the emperor, the "Nine Songs" should be for the state ceremonies. The witch under the influence of culture, for the national festival of JiuGe in the content offerings on the central plains of the country different from the offerings. First of all, ritual objects. Central Plains region to the main ancestors of God, their hope-you Jiangshan Sajik and JiuGe while the natural God-based, the performance of the original religion. Secondly, Towards God’s way. Central Plains region to food to satisfy the gods; Chu Strip marked the original, so as to plants to satisfy God, this is because they believe that plants have some magical voodoo; Finally, the entertainment the way of God. Although the Central Plains and Chu to have music, song and dance to entertain God means to do so, but the performance of the content there is a clear difference. Zhou dynasty of the solemn ritual scenes of silence, to glorify their ancestors, JiuGe due to the impact of the original religion, or God to express God’s love between people of God mainly.

【关键词】 巫文化九歌屈原楚辞
【Key words】 witchery cultureJiuGeQu YuanChuCi
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】886

