

【作者】 李克武

【导师】 赵锋;

【作者基本信息】 中国工程物理研究院 , 工程力学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 JOB-9003是塑料粘结炸药的一种,在工程上有着重要的应用。在外界作用刺激下,JOB-9003炸药的化爆安全性引起了有关方面的关注。化爆安全性机理的因素分析必然牵涉到材料的本构关系。因此研究JOB-9003的力学性能具有重要意义。本文采用分离式霍普金森压杆(SHPB)作为加载装置,来研究中低应变率下JOB-9003的力学响应特性。通过改进实验手段,测定了三种不同应变率下较为精确的应力应变曲线。通过对这组应力应变曲线的分析,发现在中低应变率范围内,J-C热塑性本构模型与实验有较大偏差。当将本构模型修改为σ=E0·(ε-b·εn).(1+c·((?)-(?)))后,计算结果与实验较为符合。采用电炮装置驱动飞片撞击JOB-9003,使试件处于在高应变率下,用VISAR记录下JOB-9003与LiF窗口界面粒子速度,获得了在相同撞击速度下在试件不同厚度处的速度波剖面。通过对波剖面的分析,发现随着传播距离的增加,波的幅值下降不明显,但波的脉宽有明显下降,以此为基础计算了随着传播距离的波能量沉积率。在逆向Taylor实验中,使用高速相机来拍下了在极短时间内药柱受到撞击后的一系列变形照片。从对照片的分析中,我们发现在实验过程中在靠近砧板的位置实验试件发生了破碎,并且随着时间的推移,破坏行为加剧。这表明材料力学性能和结构力学性能都受到破碎的影响,变形的趋势也越来越强。

【Abstract】 JOB-9003 is one kind of Plastic Bonded Explosive (PBX), which is of important applications in industries. Under external stimulations, safety of chemical explosions is determined by the hot spot formation mechanisms, and when probe into the mechanisms of hot spot formation; it has to refer to the constitutive relations of the material. Therefore the study on mechanical behavior of JOB-9003 is very important.We use SHPB to make the JOB-9003 sample be loaded. Through this SHPB experiment, we study the mechanical response characteristics of JOB-9003 in the middle/low strain-rate. By improving the means in the experiment, we achieve three stress-strain curves in three kinds of strain-rate. After analyzing this serial of stress-strain curves in different strain-rates, we found that the liner relationship between no only compression strength and strain-rate was satisfactory but also the elastic modulus. Usingσ= E0·(ε-b·ε″)·(1+c·((?)-(?)0)) as constitutive model, the computational result is more accord with the experimental result.We use electried gun to fire the fly-plate. The fly-plate is at the so high speed that the sample which is knocked by the fly-plate is definitely in high strain-rate. We use VISAR to record the JOB-9003/LiF interface particle velocity. We achieve a serials of velocity wave profiles in different distance at the same impact velocity. According to the wave profiles which we achieved from the experiment, we calculated the energy-deposit rate with the distance.In the Reverse Taylor Test, we use high speed camera to get the tube grain deformation process. Bass on the analysis of the photos, we found that the part of specimens near to the anvil has destruction behavior in the experiments. And with time passing, this behavior get exacerbated, therefore structural strength and material strength get decreased, and the deformation get exacerbated.

  • 【分类号】TQ560
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】170

